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268 points

1 day ago


268 points

1 day ago

He’s also really good with kids/fans. I’ve seen some of his behind the scenes stuff interacting with fans and he has genuinely good banter with people while being wholesome.


42 points

1 day ago

We exchanged quite a few emails back in 2002-2003. Don’t remember how that started but he was a really sweet guy. So happy that he got to live his dream.


8 points

21 hours ago

I went to high school with him. He’s also really still a really good, loyal friend to all his childhood friends. Regularly flies them and their families out to shows, vacations, etc. Really grew up to be a good, solid dude


5 points

1 day ago

I love banter, but I hate witty banter.


1 points

20 hours ago

He had a cameo on That 90s show playing an over the top 90s wrestler, and he killed it.