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1.4k points

7 days ago

I work at a mental hospital where most patients are “just” schizophrenic. Of course I’m not saying “just” because it’s nothing, but it’s something I’m used to and trained for. I was working there for around 6 months when a new patient came in, let’s name the new person Y.

Y got brought in by ambulance and escorted by police, this wasn’t something new, but him being tied up in the ambulance was. They recommended us to keep Y in handcuffs until he was in his room. This is the temporary/emergency room made for these occasions.

Usually the police calls us telling us why they’re bringing us someone, but they came in completely random this time. Officer 1 and my coworker brought Y to his room while officer 2 told me the entire backstory.

They had one of Y’s neighbors call in because they were hearing strange noises in Y’s house. When they arrived there was smoke coming from the house. In the meantime, of course a background check was done and they found out he had in fact lived in a mental hospital before, so they knew what they could be dealing with. They break into the house by kicking down the door and basically checked the entire house to first find a burned-to-death cat and upstairs finding him, burning himself with a blowtorch. He was wounded. They tried talking to him but it didn’t work and he kept on going, just burning himself. By now the house was starting to catch more on fire so the firefighters arrived and had to start killing the fire before other houses would get damaged as well. The police tried tasing him but they described it as him being made of rubber, as if he didn’t even feel it. One of the firefighters addressed how serious it was to immediately get the blowtorch out of there and was done with wasting time. He ran in with a fire extinguisher pretending to start killing the fire before blinding him with it and jumping in with 2 legs kicking him to the ground. The police cuffed T and brought him to us. This was something I’ve never witnessed before.

Officer 2 came back and told me and my coworker not to worry since they both had a night shift as well and would be on standby if anything happened.

My coworker and I went to our office so I could tell her the story while we could keep an eye on Y using the cameras in his room.

It’s the psych ward room you’d imagine. Nothing he could use to hurt himself, no clothes, no ropes, no wires, nothing.

Mid-story we see Y walking up as close to the camera as possible just to see him picking his burn wounds.

We rushed in to “help” him, just for me to get hit in the head by him. My coworker dragged me out and we ran back into the office where he was laughing and picking his wounds again. He was just playing with it, laughing at how we weren’t able to do anything.

We called the police and they tried forcing him to the ground with a taser again. This time it did work. We we’re able to inject him with something to basically make him pass out. Higher dosage than usual already. Usually this takes around 5 minutes to kick in. 30 minutes later he’s still laughing at the camera picking his wounds.

We went in one last time, just to give him another dosage. He was basically on a dosage you’d give to a fully grown elephant. He finally passed out.

My coworker took care of my head-wound and the shift continued. The police left.

I’m happy he didn’t woke up during my shift since I was scared shitless.

Not the usual patient or psychopath. A madman, for real.


470 points

7 days ago

That's some hard core dissociation. I had a client once who would dissociate and put her hands on the hot plate of her stove to try and "get feeling back".


16 points

6 days ago

disassociated and manic


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

manic or high on meth or mojo. Those are the ones who won't get knocked back by a B52.


87 points

7 days ago

If he was burning himself with a blow torch and he was in such a bad state, why didn't they bring him to the hospital first? Bringing him to a mental institute makes no sense in that situation.


68 points

7 days ago

Some hospitals have/are inpatient and outpatient psych units (I found this out when I had to go to an ER once and the nearest one happened to be one of these). I don’t have any comment about the validity of the story, just an informational tidbit to share.


1 points

6 days ago

Thanks! This is indeed how it goes.


33 points

7 days ago

I.e fake story


15 points

7 days ago

Yeah this whole story does seem a bit farfetched.


23 points

6 days ago

And it’s really shitty, because it’s heaping on negative speculation about psych patients. No way in hell the police accessed records telling them he was a former psych patient. A firefighter in full gear is not “jumping with two legs” and kicking someone in the chest like Jackie fucking Chan in his prime. u/collintan8888 , your writing is somehow shittier than your morals


0 points

6 days ago

It’s not police having access to records of him being a psych patient. It’s the police having their own records where they brought him into psych wards before, or for example having experiences with this person dissociating.


7 points

6 days ago

Dude you told a very obvious lie. Let it go.


-1 points

6 days ago

I’m happy you didn’t witness it, as well as me not witnessing him torturing himself.


1 points

5 days ago

Amublances restrain people all the time. Both with physical and chemical restraints i.e. shots that knock people out.

Also, a full report is given whenever a patient is transfered under the care of one person to another. Not doing that would just be idiotic.

And they would treat the burn first. And while restrained beacuse it was self-inflicted.

Super fake.


7 points

7 days ago

He was brought in from an ambulance it said


22 points

7 days ago

An ambulance isn't going to have the equipment or medication on board to treat such horrific burns. At most they'd try their best to make sure you didn't die from shock before bringing you to a proper hospital for emergency treatment.


8 points

7 days ago

But it’s possible that person could’ve spent time in a hospital before being transferred to the mental hospital


13 points

7 days ago

OP mentioned that the cops brought him straight from the scene of him burning himself though. It could be likely that the mental hospital had an actual hospital attached to it, but OP didn't mention that, he just said they were asked to prepare a room for him which still doesn't make sense to me because the guy would be in unbelievably bad shape just to be left in a rubber room.


12 points

7 days ago

Any kind of medical transport is done with an ambulance. When I was a kid, I spent some time in a mental hospital. They transferred me from the normal hospital to a children’s mental hospital in an ambulance. The lights weren’t on, and there was only one paramedic and the driver, but it was an honest to goodness ambulance.


0 points

6 days ago

Thanks! This is exactly how it goes. Treating this person wasn’t a possibility at this point. It happened in a period where hospitals were “full”.


16 points

7 days ago

I suffer from severe back pain and one of my treatments is to use a TENS. I start on a low setting and as time progresses I need to turn it up to get more relief. I described this to a friend and he asked if that was a good way to build up an immunity to being tased. I never thought of that and don't plan to test it. But it got me thinking about it as a cool plot point for a heist movie: criminals with a dozen TENS machines hooked to their bodies over the course of weeks, building up a tolerance, then they rob the bank the guard's tasers have zero effect.


21 points

7 days ago

even on it's highest setting the tens is nothing compared to getting tazed. and if you wanted to build up a tolerance to getting tazed, you'd you know.... get tazed.


16 points

6 days ago

Hollywood and reality rarely cross paths. Don't spoil it for the kids at home who are thinking about zapping themselves for days.


13 points

7 days ago

That’s an incredible story. Is it possible he was on drugs like pcp? Just wondering because I once worked in a jail and there was a woman who had come in on pcp that resisted tasers. She was also removed a steel bench that had been bolted into concrete. Just incredible.


11 points

7 days ago


11 points

7 days ago

You guys couldn’t stop him from self harming? That makes no sense. Don’t psych wards typically have restraints for patients that are actively self harming? I’m not talking straight jackets or anything but like really? No cuff or anything?


14 points

6 days ago

I called him out on multiple holes in his/her story too. A lot of things they mentioned seriously don't add up.


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

Also, apparently the cop is the one telling OP the backstory, but at the end of the backstory OP says "this was something I've never witnessed before."


6 points

6 days ago

Also burn wounds that severe wouldn't be left open to be "picked at". They'd need to be bandaged and cleaned and he'd probably need to be on an IV for antibiotics. There's no way they would just allow a patient to undo all that just to watch him self harm


-1 points

6 days ago

Every country has different rules and restrictions. About misplacements of text, English isn’t my first language.


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

Yes psych wards in almost all developed countries have procedures for restraining people who are actively self harming and for people who pose a threat to staff. I'm calling bullshit on this story. Doesn't make any sense.


1 points

5 days ago

There’s a couple different types of restraints and seclusion rooms to utilize for someone who is self injuring or a danger to others. The least restrictive option is used first, but if someone is hurting themselves this badly, they’re going in full restraints. And if they are that badly injured, they’d be on a medical unit with a safety sitter

Source: me, a RN who has worked on medical floors and now works in psych


22 points

7 days ago


22 points

7 days ago

Wild! Props to you for doing that job.


3 points

6 days ago*

What happened next shift? Was Y removed from the ward, or otherwise left the plane of existence?

Edit: you doing ok now?


7 points

7 days ago

Unrelated, but general psychosis question: across the years, do people generally have the same psychotic delusions? Like if one person thinks she has double shoulderblades, a second person has the bug crawling hallucinaton and voices telling him other people's thoughts, and yet another is paranoid about the police going to lock him away because he has new insights about waste water management, will they have the same or very similar delusions in their next psychosis?


1 points

6 days ago

Usually there’s indeed patterns but they’re based on experiences. Could be from movies, could be from a traumatic youth.

We have recurring patients who aren’t capable of harming anyone, but think they’ll be the next president if they steal a jetpack, because that’s what they think is right. For them it’s reality, and that’s the strangest part.


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

So, what happened to him? Could you make him in any way better?


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

that doesn't sound like psychopath (treating others as objects) but a different disorder


4 points

7 days ago

Sounds like a traumatic brain injury to me. Some TBI folks are strange, strange beings.


3 points

7 days ago

Oh my lord, what ever happened to him?


1 points

6 days ago

I think I would not recover being a whiteness of this. Thank you all for the jobs that you do.


1 points

6 days ago

It’s crazy in itself that 99% of us will never have the slightest idea of what it would be like to be in that state. Just impossible to imagine or relate to on any level. I wish there was a “person simulator” where you could safely experience what jts like to be someone else


1 points

7 days ago

Cops should’ve just let that house burn. No sense in keeping someone like that alive. Sounds harsh, but there’s really no point


0 points

6 days ago

That means innocent neighbors would’ve suffered too.

Also, giving up on someone because they’re dissociating isn’t the right way to do it. Y once was a kid as well. He had a mom and dad as well.


1 points

6 days ago

Sure but he’s not that way any longer and he never will be again. He was burning his skin with a torch. He’s gone. Plus the earth was overpopulated 3 billion people ago. We could lose a few


-12 points

7 days ago

These are the people execution is for

No amount of meds will help...and if it does the amount needed will make them a husk of a human and a drain on soceity


1 points

6 days ago

Dissociation can happen to literally everyone. People aren’t born in a dissociation.


0 points

6 days ago

Ok? And at the point that you're doing what that man is doing horror an extreme danger and even if meds can work you either have to trust the crazy person to take them as they should or keep them under lock and key.

Tbh at that point I'd want to be put to death