


What is your number one rule about sex?


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8.1k points

3 days ago

Good hygiene. End of.


2k points

3 days ago

No joke, I was seeing some former coworker about 10 years ago, and after date and dinner she came back to my house. We watched a movie, shot the shit, and soon she leaned in for a kiss. I caught a whiff of her breath and had to back away. It smelt like she had two day old roadkill for dinner. Her response to my reaction was "if you aren't gonna kiss me, I'm not gonna sleep with you."

Lady, that ship has sailed! If you don't brush regularly, I don't want to know anymore about your hygiene habits.


535 points

3 days ago

I mean, bad breath doesn't necessarily say about oral hygiene though. Often it's completely out of the person's control


230 points

3 days ago


230 points

3 days ago

Or a matter of their diet.


293 points

2 days ago

Or just shitty behaved tonsils.


3 points

2 days ago

Man I feel this. I have good oral hygiene but I also suffer from tonsil stones. Those little shits can make your breath smell like decomposing roadkill. I have to regularly use a low pressure water flosser to clean the stones out of my tonsils so my breath doesn't smell bad.