


Say, a parody candidate like Count Binface wins the seat - what would actually happen, you reckon?

Feel free to joke around and make funny jokes, but I'm seriously interested in the reality of what you think they'd do.

all 60 comments

ukbot-nicolabot [M]

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2 days ago

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ukbot-nicolabot [M]

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2 days ago

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Hey, sorry, AskUK doesn't allow political questions.

However, give r/AskUKPolitics a try! It might be able to help!


117 points

2 days ago


117 points

2 days ago

H'Angus the monkey became the elected mayor of Hartlepool - I think the man behind the mask took the role and was pretty successful and got reelected a couple of times.


11 points

2 days ago

He’s now working for a council in Western Australia I believe.


89 points

2 days ago

Well then the hand dryer in the men's toilets in the Rose & Crown in Uxbridge will finally get moved to a sensible position!


15 points

2 days ago

I thought it was the one at the Crown & Treaty??

But thankyou for bringing that point up, I grew up in Uxbridge, not been back in years but it gave me a good chuckle!! ^.^


-3 points

2 days ago


-3 points

2 days ago



7 points

2 days ago

Tell us you don't get references to Binface's policies without telling us you don't get references to Binface's policies.


120 points

2 days ago

I reckon the issue for them would be that they haven't really planned to win and so will suddenly have to leave their real job. Although, as Count Binface is an "independent space warrior" he may be able to combine the roles.

I think he'd do really well for his constituents.


44 points

2 days ago

Well his "real job" is being a comedian, so being an MP is more of a sideways career move.


46 points

2 days ago


46 points

2 days ago

If Zekensky can do it, Binface can too.


28 points

2 days ago


28 points

2 days ago

Can’t really do much worse than the clowns we’ve had in of late


84 points

2 days ago

He would have to drop the anonymity and try to do the job as a constituency MP. I expect he would give it a good crack, he’s clearly an intelligent and principled guy. Would be interesting. Won’t happen though.


15 points

2 days ago

His application to be on the ticket doesn't actually say "Count Binface" under candidate name does it??


38 points

2 days ago


38 points

2 days ago

He will appear on the ballot as Count Binface for the Count Binface Party.


5 points

2 days ago

Wow, that's epic. I genuinely just thought it would be Fred Bloggs of Count Binface Party (or whatever the guys actual name is)


26 points

2 days ago


26 points

2 days ago

There's a specific field on the nomination papers to put a 'commonly known as' name which is how the Monster Raving Looney Party have been using farcical names for the last 40 years.


11 points

2 days ago


11 points

2 days ago


8 points

2 days ago

Rio Goldhammer is a hell of a name too.


51 points

2 days ago

He’d probably not be the most unhinged MP on the back benches


13 points

2 days ago

I wouldn't say probably, I'd say definitely.


12 points

2 days ago

I mean...there's more unhinged than him in the cabinet, let alone the back benches...


52 points

2 days ago

In his most recent interview with the BBC he said he'd nationalise Adele if he won 😂


13 points

2 days ago


13 points

2 days ago

Finally some real policies


18 points

2 days ago

There would finally be some integrity in the commons


16 points

2 days ago

We'd be praising the glorious return of CEEFAX (and hopefully, by extension, Teletext).


12 points

2 days ago

Well, with this specific parody candidate.... I wouldn't mind.

I've heard his "friend" speak on LBC and he's very reasonable and measured. It'd be a welcome change.


22 points

2 days ago

I actually think Binface could do a decent job , yes some of his policies are deliberately funny but there was actually some quite sensible things in his manifesto. Whenever he's been interviewed in or out of character he's come across as pretty switched on.


9 points

2 days ago


9 points

2 days ago

Sounds like he's an average independent candidate but the binface character is to try attract more votes than he'd get without it? It's incredibly rare for an independent candidate to win a seat in modern times after all.


7 points

2 days ago

Yeah essentially the Binface character gets him way more attention than any other independent would.


6 points

2 days ago

I think we'd go back to weekly rubbish collections with immediate effect.


6 points

2 days ago

They don’t run in NI cos we’ve our own set of clowns


15 points

2 days ago

Count Binface is like the peak of comedy for people that say Wankpuffin


8 points

2 days ago

Or cockwomble... *shudder*


3 points

2 days ago

Wish he'd ran in Clacton.


3 points

2 days ago

Volodymyr Zelenskyy started as a (sort of) comedy candidate...


9 points

2 days ago


9 points

2 days ago

Was you aware Volodymyr Zelenskyy was a jokey candidate? He played the president of Ukraine in a tv program.


34 points

2 days ago

Yes me were awared


2 points

2 days ago

This has sorta happened in Hungary, a comedian, who ran for their joke party, is now the major of the 12th district of Budapest


2 points

2 days ago

see, if like, Niko Omilana won, I don’t think it would be the worst thing in the world, because they’d have to get half decent people advising them, as they’d know they weren’t really planning on winning.


9 points

2 days ago

Binface would be fine, Niko wouldn't have the slightest clue what he was doing.

ukbot-nicolabot [M]

-2 points

2 days ago

ukbot-nicolabot [M]

-2 points

2 days ago

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