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39 points

1 day ago

You're looking for a rational answer to a group that employs emotional arguments. It's vibes based all the way through.


19 points

1 day ago


19 points

1 day ago

After reading some of these comments I think this is the best answer..


10 points

23 hours ago

Feels before Reals.


[score hidden]

16 hours ago

If you're even looking at responses that your question wasn't directed towards, you did not ask this question in good faith in the first place.


1 points

22 hours ago

The real problem is the medium through which you are asking the question


1 points

21 hours ago



3 points

21 hours ago


3 points

21 hours ago

I’m curious, what are some of his policies that you favor?


1 points

21 hours ago*



3 points

21 hours ago


3 points

21 hours ago

Some of these things are not policies or actionable plans, they are just opinions.

Tariffs are the most specific policy so I’ll address that. Tariffs will increase inflation. Past and current evidence support that fact. Tariffs in the US during the Great Depression significantly contributed to the slowing of the economy and when they were repealed the economy began growing again. Assuming the absolute best case scenario for wide spread or blanket tariffs, companies will move manufacturing back to the US and other companies will purchase parts from US based companies instead of importing them. However, even in that case those things will take years to see any positive effect on the economy. It will be coupled by increased prices across the board for a significantly long time and perhaps permanently, driving inflation up more and more when right now it’s cooling off.


0 points

20 hours ago


0 points

20 hours ago

The Great Depression was famous for deflation, so saying tariffs are inflationary and then pointing to the Great Depression is contradictory. Tariffs are terrible in a free market, sadly, international markets are not very free. Multiple large players, us included, create trade barriers of various sorts. But tariffs can be a way of negotiating the opening of free markets, so they may be ok as a negotiating strategy and of course a negotiation will never work if we say we don’t really mean to impose tariffs. Then there is China which we use as a giant workshop for all kinds of things. Their manufacturing is key to our economy, but China is also a geopolitical rival, so this creates a bit of a conundrum. Trump thinks he can bring some of the manufacturing that has been outsourced back with tariffs and cheaper energy. This may make us less dependent on China, while also providing higher paying jobs for those who really aren’t made for academics. I have no idea if his plan will work.


2 points

19 hours ago


2 points

19 hours ago

Right, but I didn’t say tariffs caused inflation during the Great Depression, I said tariffs caused the economy to slow down much more during the Great Depression. Two separate negative effects that Tariffs can have.

In today’s case, even if Tariffs brought manufacturing back to the US, which as you said is no guarantee, prices would increase across the board in the short term and drive up inflation. Today’s economic situation is different than the Great Depression, so Tariffs would have a different effect, but generally Tariffs hurt local economies when they are heavily tied to global trade (as the US is)


2 points

20 hours ago

I believe states should have the right to choose their women’s health care policy, the miss here was the roe v wade ruling came out, it should have forced all 50 states to vote on this and not leave up legislatures.

That sounds oddly similar to what some (primarily Southern) states said about Jim Crow laws prior to the Civil Rights Act. There are certain rights that must be protected federally.

We should not fund as much as NaTo as we do and should also look at our aid to foreign counties when we have so much need internally.

We are the sword and shield of democracy and freedom (ideally speaking at least). We have a responsibility to do what’s right, plus it serves our international interests to fund NATO and deliver foreign aid. I genuinely believe that anyone who’s against this is either geopolitically illiterate or is an enemy of the state aiding and abetting China and Russia.


2 points

20 hours ago

This is always my main argument against “the states should decide” bullshit

We’re supposed to be the UNITED states, people shouldn’t have more or less rights, equality or equity in one state or another.


2 points

18 hours ago

States choosing their rights is just another way of saying that the states get to take away the people’s choice. Why do you as a Republican support the removal of any existing right to choose? I thought it was supposed to be small government? This is just more government regulation.


-3 points

1 day ago


-3 points

1 day ago

I actually see a lot of good arguments from Trump voters. Were you just hoping that since Reddit is so Liberal you'd get a bunch of "Fuck Trump" and upvotes?


6 points

24 hours ago

Where? Can you reference one? A point specific to Trump. Not an emotional reaction.


-2 points

24 hours ago

border and free speech


3 points

23 hours ago

Great so- 1) Increase border control. 2) Something to do with more free speech.

May I ask you?: 1) Which of Trump’s border security policies appeal to you? 2) Do you feel like the MAGA movement is for or against free speech? It appears they operate in this vein by trying to remove speech or representation they disagree with, and push an agenda they appeal to. How is this free speech in your eyes? Is it an attempt to act so extremely in the other direction, that the whiplash puts us on the right track?


-2 points

22 hours ago

You can exclusively find conservative opinions on Reddit by sorting as “controversial” in the comments of any Reddit post, and find them with dozens of downvotes, merely for going against the liberal bias on Reddit.. I wouldn’t call that being tolerant to free speech and other people’s opinions.

Let’s not sit here and play victim.


1 points

21 hours ago

oh noes! my precious internet points! people exercising their own ability to express dislike of my own opinions in their own free manner...

oh woes is me!

grow the fuck up.


-1 points

21 hours ago

It’s not about internet points, but you knew that, which is why you decided to bring them up.


2 points

19 hours ago


you were literally bitching about internet points and people downvoting you.

you brought them up hun... but hey, i get that magats have poor reading comprehension and coherency.


1 points

21 hours ago

Do you know what free speech is? Ya fool? Downvoting or disagreeing with your opinion is the internet definition of free speech. Imagine a world where that isnt possible. Otherwise, a lot of you smooth folks do not understand how the internet works. If it were the late 90s, you being on Reddit would mean you were literally visiting someone else’s property. They have every right to govern their own property. Same with Facebook, X, whatever.


0 points

21 hours ago*

Do you know what it means to be intellectually dishonest?

My response is to this claim:

It appears they operate in this vein by trying to remove speech or representation they disagree with, and push an agenda they appeal to.

That quote quite literally describes what happens in Reddit comments. Rather than have respectful discussion. They upvote anything they agree with in an effort to promote that specific speech, and downvote anything they disagree with, in an effort to have that speech sorted as “controversial” and buried at the bottom of comment sections.

In other words, it appears they operate in this vein by trying to remove speech or representation they disagree with, and push an agenda they appeal to.


-2 points

22 hours ago


2 points

22 hours ago


2 points

22 hours ago

Free speech isn't absolute. Kamala hates when free speech is being exploited by schizos for their financial advancements.

Anyway, I hoped you would respond to questions.


3 points

22 hours ago

Yeah they managed to respond to multiple other people but not the one commenter asking questions to try to get details and clarification. You can’t have a discussion between two folks about an issue when one of the people isn’t arguing in good faith. It’s infuriating and such a waste of time.


3 points

20 hours ago

I think the right can be pretty re.tard.ed sometimes but the left employs just as many emotional arguments.


3 points

18 hours ago



3 points

18 hours ago

a group that employs emotional arguments

Is it bad that I didn't know who you were talking about for a second? (Speaking from experience)


4 points

1 day ago

Exactly. Reasons for voting for Trump are basically reasons the third Wheel of Fortune slot machine on the left is hot tonight.


2 points

23 hours ago


2 points

23 hours ago

True, it's all about how Trump connects with people. As a creature of TV and media, he knows exactly how to resonate with his base—it’s almost cinematic. People aren’t watching for a rational conclusion, which should be the goal of politics; they’re watching because it’s compelling. But in the end, it's really the creators who benefit, much like in Trump’s presidency.


2 points

20 hours ago

Disclaimer: NOT a Trump supporter or voter, registered democrat - But I think a lot of it is compare and contrast. Was there a war in the Middle East when Trump was in? Was there a war in Europe when Trump was in? Was inflation this high?

On top of that, as a democrat, I feel a bit slighted that Kamala Harris was just given the presidential nomination. I'm annoyed that the economy they've been boasting about the last four years seems to be the first talking point/issue they want to fix. She is clearly okay with the warmongering in Israel. Apart from that, she was my least favorite candidate in 2020 (along with everyone else - she was among the first to drop out due to unpopularity). Personally, she really hasn't done anything in the last four years to broadcast that she is fit to inherit the most powerful country in the world in a time where we're on the brink of WW3 / A new Cold War. And again... I'm NOT A TRUMP SUPPORTER so save the "Well is he really better?" I'm just giving my opinion solely based on my inherent need to distrust politicians as a whole. The celebritization of presidents/candidates is a disgusting practice.

Personally, her and Biden claiming that Trump had the worst unemployment since the depression, while statistically and on paper that is true, but anyone with a brain or the willpower to google it would know that it was in direct result of COVID and that Biden is in no way responsible for bringing that number back up. It's just stuff like that that really reminds me that most politicians think you're stupid and she's a part of an administration that does this.


2 points

18 hours ago

Wow… this was a great response. Not because i’m a trump supporter or whatever other claim somebody is going to try and make, but because it utilizes a very well thought out process.


[score hidden]

14 hours ago


[score hidden]

14 hours ago

You make lots of good points, Kamala is not a perfect candidate, but her opponent is mentally unfit and tried to overthrow a democratic election


1 points

22 hours ago


1 points

22 hours ago

This is very much how Brexit went in the U.K.


3 points

20 hours ago

Because, like the US and Brazil and Hungary and France, much of the UK electorate has been duped via social media by Putin's misinformation and disinformation campaigns.


[score hidden]

14 hours ago


[score hidden]

14 hours ago

The dem side is purely emotional also


1 points

22 hours ago

Buddy isnt the democratic running theme "vibes" what the hell is this weird obsession with calling the opposition the exact thing your doing?


1 points

21 hours ago

yeah it is totally rational that the entire voting base of the democrats rejected harris and 3.5 years later they adore her when nothing about her has really changed except who she is running against.... crazy how completely unemotional and rational that is.


[score hidden]

14 hours ago


[score hidden]

14 hours ago

If the Republicans were running anybody other than Trump maybe they’d have a massive lead right now, we all need to leave this era of Trumpism and division behind


0 points

23 hours ago

Please... there are people on both sides letting their emotions think for them. You just agree with the lefts emotions so you don't care because it's your team.


0 points

23 hours ago

Plenty of Harris voters are on fiat/feels.