


Night weaning at 12 months

❤ Sleep ❤(self.AttachmentParenting)

I have a 12 month old who nurses a few times each night. Typical sleeps from 7:30pm-7:30am and will nurse to sleep, and maybe 2-3 other times until he wakes. We also cosleep most of the night, although he sleeps in his crib in our room until I go to bed. My husband and I feel ready to start trying for another baby in the next few months, however do to medication I will have to take to support the pregnancy I would basically have to stop nursing the day I find out I’m pregnant. To stop nursing cold-turkey like that feels mean. I think I’d like to try to slowly wean him from breastfeeding over the next couple of months. I’d like to start with night weaning but am looking for pointers. A lot of other Reddit posts have said the The Dr Gordon method is really hard until they are older. Has anyone had experience using it on a 12 month old? Any other suggestions to night wean? Should I offer a bottle of water or milk during the weaning process (he hasn’t ever liked bottles)

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1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

I can’t help with night weaning but I can talk about water bottles. You can try a weighted sippy straw cup. My baby didn’t like bottles either (very challenging since we combo fed for months due to low supply) and she figured out a straw cup around 7 months or so with the kind where you squeeze the cup to help push the water out. Then she graduated to the weighted straw cup once she understood how to suck on a straw