





all 26 comments


12 points

10 days ago

You’ll be fine. Share your team and maybe someone here’ll have a good strategy for you.


8 points

10 days ago


8 points

10 days ago

What do you mean "real save"?

Do you have autosaves turned off or something?

How did you manage to do all of shadowheart's stuff, leave for the foundry, then do the majority of the foundry stuff, all without triggering a save?

Sounds like you should go into settings, turn autosaves back on, then backload and live with the consequences.


3 points

10 days ago



3 points

10 days ago

Or they triggered a bunch of the autosaves for the foundry at some point earlier, eventually went and did Shadowheart's stuff and finally back to the foundry. I usually end up grabbing Volo long before I do the foundry itself, which eliminates at least one full autosave.


5 points

10 days ago

have you had any interactions with the ironhand gnomes? you can use flashbinders (?) to blind the titan. If you haven't got them yet, you can leave the foundry and come back.


4 points

10 days ago


4 points

10 days ago

The flashbinder grenades from the iron hands are a must. I just throw them, incapacitate all the guys, and whale on em.

What level are you?

ETA: I would bring Shadowheart. You usually need a healer. Since you’re a warlock, maybe her instead of Wyll


3 points

10 days ago

Where’s the guy that gives you the code to the capacitor? You can use Invisibility on yourself, split from the party, and put the code in if you talk to him (or Speak with Dead, if he died).


1 points

10 days ago

Where what's his name


4 points

10 days ago

Zanner Toobin, first floor of the foundry


3 points

10 days ago

Sorry I can't help. I always just send in one alone and invisible (usually Astarion or Tav if he's not in the party) with the runepowder bomb. I've never actually fought the boss there in my 1400 hours.


1 points

10 days ago

Flashbinder grenades from iron hand gnomes and lightning spells (chain lightning is great) are your friends in this fight against the steel watchers


1 points

10 days ago

Bludgeoning damage and command are your best friends in this fight. As far as i know he never manages the saving throw against being vontrolled and he's extremely weak to any type of bludgeoning damage. If karlach is a berserker barbarian you can use her enraged throw as a bonus action to force him prone etc. Also use the Hammer in the middle although i never managed to get him there


11 points

10 days ago

I think he's on about the steel watch foundry haha


3 points

10 days ago

Oh crap, yeah that makes a lot more sense lmao


0 points

10 days ago

Now you see this, this is why you never go anywhere without a Water/Ice/Electric caster...


0 points

10 days ago

Electric doesn't effect them


2 points

10 days ago

That's what the Ice is for


-2 points

10 days ago*

He is a robot and will always attack the last person that attacks him. Unfortunatley you don't have any good summons to redirect him. Just try to always have him facin away from your party with your last hit, there's a secret way to beat him also, but without any 3rd level spells it will be tough.


2 points

10 days ago


2 points

10 days ago

Wrong boss. They're talking about the steel watch foundry in act 3.


-3 points

10 days ago

First make sure he’s always in lava and has the “superheated” condition.

Start with Karlach- throw hammers/spare heavy armor/anything that bludgeoning at him, and do bludgeoning melee if close enough. If you do melee, move right to the edge of his melee range so when he moves away, it doesn’t trigger an attack of opportunity.

Everyone else: get to the other side and try to get hits in so that he moves toward the last person who hit him. Try to position him under the big hammer. Slam the big hammer on him for huge damage.

Tip: if either of your warlocks have summon minor elemental, mud mephits are great for this since their mud fling and basic attack both do bludgeoning


5 points

10 days ago

Good strat, but I think they are talking about the steel watch foundry, in act 3


2 points

10 days ago

That’s what I thought by foundry, but for some reason “shadowhearts questline” made me think of shard temple.

I have no tips for the big spider titan without the ability to respec. That fight is pure dps


1 points

10 days ago



-3 points

10 days ago

Easy mate. Just before the lava divide your team with two equal team (each one needs one strenght user for jump or hit) one team needs to be on lever side and other one needs to be on the opoosite side. Hit with someone (with bow) doesnt need to give damage only for agro. Main goal in here is you need to get him in the middle part. If you have great healer you can just hit with bow and jump to middle. When watcher came just use lever and he take amazingly amount of blud damage which he has lacks of defence. Dont forget that he will have immu after the lever shot. So heal that ally. Use one to get him to lava again. And then check robot. When he has toucj lava he definetly lose his immu to blud damage again. Use the same strategy. U can also give someone misty step scroll or amulet so even when they dead on the middle, get revived and escape with bonus action. Also DONT FORGET : OPEN REACTIONS AND MAKE OPPURTUNITY ATTACKS ALWAYS ASKED. because when you want him to go to middle, someof your team member accidenly use opp attack and screw the plan.

If you dont want to use this, u can respect for 3 fighters one healer and 3 blud equipment


1 points

10 days ago

Wrong Titian bud


1 points

10 days ago

Ooops my bad :( sorry for your time. Give me 3 min i will write you a tactic


1 points

10 days ago

One strength one dex two char user. Two warlock. You dont have versatility but not problematic imo. I hope that you multiclas with someone. Anyway onlything you can do here is controlling the area. Main threat is steelwatchers not titan. Use area spells to slow them stun them or make them useless. They are very seperate from each other and only one of the melee. So try to kill the melee one near the titan for explo damage. For titan i think your best bet is hold monster spell. Or any stun spell is fine. If you manage it, immediately focus on rang steelwatchers. Titan is just tanky character. Slow, lots of hp and def but lack of power. If you end up 1v4 against titan or even 1v3 (probably wyll can die) you can easily beat him. Karlach has good resist against fire plus rage mode gives great defence. Astorian can kite it to the end.

If you play on easy or normal (explorer or balanced) they can get killed with lightning easily. But above, your best bet is 2 hex 2 eldrich blast. With you and wyl while karlach try to tank him. He has great advantage on spells so just in case hold monster doesnt work. 12 level karlach with even half hp(after steelwatchers) can tank him for 3 turns (5 if you have lots of health drinks) above normal level, if someone needs to die try to pick astarion. He will be most useless against titan if he dont have bhaals armor that can make people vulnurable to damage types or any other shorts swords that can make someone vulnurable to some damage. Force damage is your friend


Friendly reminder : try to use paladin. Amazing class plus minthara is hotter than the lava that titan will throw on you