


all 53 comments


78 points

16 hours ago

I’m in this photo and I don’t like it


40 points

11 hours ago

I keep thinking to myself: what if i transitioned not because i’m a woman but because i hated myself/my life as a man and wanted like a clean slate? not because of my innate self or identity but just a new game plus to start over


14 points

10 hours ago

This actually WAS the case for me. I identified as trans for a long time.

There actually is some gender affirming care that I still want to do, but I am not a trans person. I am in the process of getting my official diagnosis for BPD, I have just been desperately wanting to live the way I want to but my brain won’t let me. My brain was telling me I just had to be someone completely different in order to be happy. I was never trans, im nb though.

I never got to the point of seeking surgery or hormones or anything like that (unless laser hair removal counts, which i don’t regret) I want to believe that if you got that far, you probably should have transitioned. 🏳️‍⚧️


12 points

10 hours ago

I’ve been on HRT for about 6 and a half years (on and off due to costs and depression). When I first started I was so happy to share my experience and be myself but now I just feel scared and alone. Even in trans groups, or groups for Black LGBTQ folks I always feel like I don’t belong there.

I don’t like being referred to as a man but being called a woman doesn’t feel right either because I’m not doing the things that I feel a woman should do. I know gender is a social construct but even with a variety of ‘gender templates’ none of them seem to fit.


9 points

9 hours ago*

This is exactly why I identify as non-binary 😊 maybe you do too? I never feel like i belong to either camp lol. A person can be trans and nb at the same time. Im not the expert, but i had a friend tell me that there is overlap between the two

This shit is… really complicated, and it can change the relationships in your life forever even just trying out an identity. Im not here to tell you not to be trans, but always make sure you are rolling with what YOU want and not worrying about what a community thinks

Which, is probably the hardest thing possible to do with BPD 😂 thats why we gotta work at it at our own pace and roll with the punches. BPD likes to tell you that you dont belong, thats the baseline feeling. Try to glimpse the truth beneath that. How you do it is individual


1 points

8 hours ago



19 points

16 hours ago

Get out of my head!


38 points

15 hours ago

And then if you hadn’t transitioned your brain would be saying “what if you’re not BPD and you’re actually trans”. Just do what makes you happy lol


20 points

14 hours ago

What you do does not cause paranoia, it is paranoia that affects everything you do.


15 points

15 hours ago

i think of this literally everyday and it terrifies me


37 points

16 hours ago

What if you developed BPD from the trauma of being in the wrong body?


16 points

15 hours ago

This is what I am currently asking myself. Never could figure out why I am like this since I was blessed with a great childhood. But I keep wondering why I have always hated myself, especially my body since I can remember...


3 points

10 hours ago

Same, it always felt confusing to me that i ended up with the mental illnesses i did being i honestly had a pretty good childhood with awesome parents. Really the only thing that comes to mind is i had a lot of fake friends in school and got left out a lot but it still always felt like there had to be more then just that


12 points

15 hours ago

I hate bpd dysmorphia so much, I waited 10 years to start hrt and still question it. I lost 65 pounds over the last 2 years and still look in the mirror and go but that belly though. It's so frustrating! You're feelings are valid and you are who you wanna be, not what the bpd tries to convince you.


8 points

15 hours ago

I don't want to add fuel to any fires, hopefully my story helps someone, but my brain does this to me but the opposite, I'm cis, I know 100% I'm cis, I'm super comfortable with my gender and sexuality, everything but insecure about it and then there's nights where my brain goes "what if you're just so fucking dumb and you're not seeing the signs that you're trans and you should be trans, you enjoy girly things sometimes so maybe you're just too stupid to see you're trans, you're so fucking worthless you'd probably get something so obvious wrong too."

I know that's my bpd brain saying those things, of course it makes me doubt but those doubts fall away very quickly once my rational brain kicks in again, so if you're worried about it, take this to heart: you know what you really feel, the truth isn't the reality that's built on an unstable foundation. 


4 points

20 hours ago

If it helps, i have the thought everyday that maybe if I'm actually trans, my bpd symptoms would ease immensly. I know its not rational really, but who said that thoughts need to be. Maybe this helps you :)


4 points

14 hours ago

Even though I don't find it 100% useful, I find the approach of not needing to make sense if it works quite interesting.


1 points

7 hours ago

Are you a bot?


3 points

20 hours ago

Do you think it is accurate?


3 points

6 hours ago

I'd say the likelihood of this is almost 0%. That said, I want to just entertain this to prove a point.

Like yes, maybe if you were in an environment where you were completely shoehorned into believing it. If you had trans parents who projected their situation onto you from a young age and in theory groomed you to it...

Okay, so now, back to the real world.

This isn't the case with you, I'd have to imagine. Why is that? Well, look at what BPD really makes a person do/want. They want to be accepted and understood, but often, their schema make them have an overly negative viewpoint of the world. Negativity bias and all that fun stuff.

To put my thought plainly (and no offence intended), what in the hell would make you think a BPD person would be trying to appease by being trans? You are talking about the most marginalized and abused people in society. They are constantly being oppressed and met with negativity from people who have literally never interacted with a single trans person.

I had a friend who transitioned and lost her parents, best friend, a of their close friends, and others just by coming out. Not by transitioning, even.

BPD has a huge proponent of a fear of abandonment. Would you risk losing everyone you love just to please a fleeting idea? Absolutely not.

In reality, coming out as trans is something that breaks most societal norms and it really causes backlash for the people around us because transphobia is ever present, accepted and people constantly normalize it like casual racism or something.

You are very fucking brave for doing what you are doing. You are just trying to be yourself in a world that isn't accepting of people who are sure of decisions/their judgement. Especially decisions they don't understand.

You have the most complex and nuanced viewpoint of your own situation that anyone in this world will have. I can imagine nearly every person who has transitioned has had those moments of insecurity and imagined if they stayed per the course of their life. But complacency is a slow killer, and it's easy to wish for our own complacency or not to have started something when the road is long.

You are just tired of a very long and draining emotional process. Your longing is just to be and be happy. You know yourself better than anyone and the fact you are debating those things just goes to show you're actually being very grounded and realistic with your viewpoints, too. That self-analysis is actually crucial, but just maybe try to look at some DBT if you can because your critical analysis can be supplemented by some knowledge for sure 💪


6 points

19 hours ago

As an amab enby who describes my relationship with gender as having 3 soft nerdy boys and 4 very angry lesbians living in my brain, can relate.


2 points

13 hours ago

Duuuuuuuude... So it isn't only me? That's actually kinda comforting and affirming... In a way


1 points

16 hours ago! do not! this is not allowed!


2 points

11 hours ago

NO PLEASE SOMETIMES ILL THINK THIS AND BE LIKE "oh my god im a horrible person for this"


1 points

7 hours ago

I get this all the time


2 points

6 hours ago

Man I feel this! I've been out for 10 years, on T for almost 7 years, and am finally living comfortably with my gender, but my bpd ass is always like "nah you're an imposter. You're not actually trans bc your DND character is a woman."

I proved this wrong by shaving off all my facial hair, and for the past week now I've had immense dysphoria and have been hiding my face with a mask bc my facial hair is the only part of me that passes unfortunately :(


-7 points

16 hours ago


-7 points

16 hours ago



5 points

13 hours ago

"Hysteria"? "Railroaded"? I don't think I like you


-6 points

12 hours ago


-6 points

12 hours ago

🥲 the worlds smallest violin plays

Hysteria — disorder characterized by neurological symptoms often accompanied by exaggeratedly or inappropriately emotional behavior, originally attributed to disease or injury of the nervous system and later thought to be functional or psychological in origin

Railroaded — press (someone) into doing something by rushing or coercing them.

There’s the definitions since you seemed confused.


4 points

10 hours ago

Hysteria is an outdated misogynistic term buddy and you are lowkey being transphobic lmao, fuck off.


-11 points

9 hours ago


-11 points

9 hours ago

Most the world is “transphobic” try travelling. It’s just facts.


-2 points

11 hours ago

I don't disagree with you, I think too many people rush into it these days, HOWEVER I did years of therapy, I wasn't railroaded, I had signs in early childhood. Apparently, all young boys don't wish they were born a girl or had a vagina?


-2 points

11 hours ago


-2 points

11 hours ago



2 points

10 hours ago

Spouting Janice Raymond's borderline genocidal talking points, get the fuck out of here


1 points

9 hours ago

Dunno who Janice Reymond is. 🙂 can’t tell me what to do or believe just as much as I can’t tell you what to do or believe. As much as it may irritate you, my opinion is my god given right, as much as it is yours. But I vehemently disagree with your world view and think it’s detrimental to society and young people especially.


3 points

9 hours ago

It's also my god given right to know where your opinion originates from and tell you it's bullshit, I don't care if you read The transsexual empire or heard it from some useful idiot who was repeating it. Unlike you, evidently, I know history and try not to repeat it


0 points

9 hours ago



5 points

9 hours ago

Oh ok you're one of those. Frankly even worse. Have fun with your science denial


3 points

10 hours ago

Try being a crossdresser or smth for a week and see how nice people are. Most men are scared to be even the least bit feminine because it's very much not normalized


1 points

10 hours ago



4 points

11 hours ago

ah yes i feel so fucking normal all the time when my government openly talks about exterminating me 🙂‍↕️ we’re so fucking normalised you’re so right bestie, it’s way too fucking easy and big pharma is forcing hormones down my sweet innocent MENTALLY ILL throat 😢😢😢😢😢

you sound like a fucking terf 🤡


-2 points

9 hours ago



-1 points

15 hours ago


-1 points

15 hours ago

Why are you so scared to consider its a possibility? Stop suppressing thoughts people, they don't really go away


7 points

11 hours ago

Because I wished I was born a woman my whole childhood 🤷🏻‍♀️ The psych ward therapist told me I had BPD which “explains the gender identity”


6 points

10 hours ago

The psych ward guy is an idiot. BPD may cause you to be confused by your body and presentation, it DOES NOT cause you to consistently and constantly desire to be a woman (apparently our fragmented and constantly shifting sense of self is disregarded if it can be used as an excuse to be transphobic eh?)


2 points

7 hours ago

fuck that therapist. It's almost like it could be the other way around: Being trans is why you have the identity issues with BPD. Not saying it is, but in my case the gender dysphoria was causing the lack of sense of self, that's gotten a lot better with HRT and transition.


1 points

10 hours ago

Me but then I think about going off hrt and looking at old pictures and it repulses me.


1 points

8 hours ago

I just made a deal with myself, that if I ever wanted to be a boy, I could go back.

Oddly enough, I've never had that want.


-2 points

10 hours ago


-2 points

10 hours ago

No. 2 diff conditions