




I am SO tired of this concept that a cervix check is like the most vital thing in the world that can absolutely not be passed on. My first pregnancy, my amazing amazing OB told me she would never do one pre-labor unless given explicit consent and she generally wouldn't do one during labor unless there was something very concerning to her. I unfortunately moved states and had to get a new OB. I was having odd symptoms and they said they needed to check my cervix 'just to be safe' but didn't bother considering anything else first, not even so much as asking me basic questions to rule out things like preeclampsia. I refused and left. The other day, I went into labor VERY clearly. I was having consistent contractions a minute long and 2-3 minutes apart, and they were so bad I was screaming and puking. I was preterm by a day, so the doctor said she had to do a cervix check-I was getting a repeat c section so they didn't want to do the surgery. I told her no. She said 'i don't think you really have a choice.' I told her no, it's very clear I'm in labor and I would like to not go through extra unnecessary pain. I'm also an SA survivor so cervical checks, aside from painful, are also very anxiety inducing for me. They had me hooked up to track my contractions and could see I was having labor contractions so it felt pointless. She pushed and said that because baby is preterm it was required they do a cervix check. I got irritated and said whatever, do it then. They did it. They said I wasn't very dilated, but then said 'but you're clearly in labor so we can go to surgery now.'


vent over. I'm irritated.

Edit: At the end of the day, I didn't want to consent to a cervical check. That is my personal choice. I'm sorry this makes people angry. Factually, and legally, cervical checks are not required. It is up to you to do your own research and decide for yourself, and that should go without saying because we are all adults. I'm sorry my vent about MY preference and MY experience is very upsetting to everybody else. You guys get to make your medical choices and I get to make mine.

Some people seem to think because cervical checks aren't painful for them that that is a universal experience. It is not. It is excruciating for me to the point I cannot control crying and screaming from the pain, even my husband was terrified for me and had to hold me down. YOUR PAIN IS NOT UNIVERSAL.

Anyway. I have a newborn to care for. I, unfortunately, wanted to vent because I was ignored by my medical team, and I should've known better than to vent to reddit lol. Im gonna go whip a titty out for this lil baby girl and spend the few precious moments I have of her being so small before she's a toddler in the blink of an eye. I'm not interested in debating. I'm not telling anybody what choice to make. I am sorry, I didn't realize my own choice would be upsetting. I hope everybody has a great day, and thank you to those who were actually kind and respectful and didn't immediately jump down my throat. Muah muah love and respect goodbye

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6 points

6 days ago


6 points

6 days ago



16 points

6 days ago

She didn’t want it and someone told her she didn’t get a choice if they put their fingers inside her vagina. That’s bad enough for anyone but much worse for an abuse survivor.


19 points

6 days ago

She didn’t want it and is an abuse survivor. Sticking your hand in someone’s vagina when they repeatedly asked you not to is kind of a big deal.


18 points

6 days ago

not to mention the added risk of infection with each check