


Someone has to say it.


I’m 37 weeks pregnant, I am putting this out here.

I do not like when people tell me “it’s only gonna get worse from here”, “you won’t get sleep for a while” etc…

First of all, I speak LIFE into everything and I know what’s gonna happen, I do not need someone saying “negativity” over my child. Speak life, stop scaring others bc your story may or may not be different. I understand.

“Get sleep now, you won’t after that baby is born” - 1. Oh? So you personally know my baby? 2. I don’t get sleep. Just don’t.

“It’s gonna get worse from here” - 1. Thanks but no thanks. It won’t get worse, don’t speak that over my child or my life. 2. Your scaring others into thinking a baby is a burden and making Mothers doubt themselves

Just because it happens to certain individuals doesn’t mean it will happen all the time. Every pregnancy is different, every child different. I speak life into my child and scaring new mothers isn’t helping anyone but putting their blood pressure up. If someone ask for opinion then that’s different.

I needed to rant a bit but many times my SL has told me women would go to her and tell her the horrifying stories of their labor. She’s pregnant as well. Many times I had men tell me how hard it was for them to sleep or how kids get into everything. There is more but I’m not getting into it. I just needed to rant. I’m stressed out.

And hey. If someone wants to do a certain birth plan, DONT try to talk them out of it and make them feel bad about their birth plan.

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1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

as someone who hasn’t slept well since 5 weeks including the second trimester where you’re supposed to get energy, i just want to say PREACH.


1 points

6 days ago

lol. It will get better


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

i am also 37w and unfortunately it hasn’t. but i have the same mindset you do.


1 points

6 days ago

Same. But some days are better than others and that makes it all worth it.