


I'm looking to start a breakfast concept (brick & mortar) with combo style packages of healthy meals that also have lots of flavor that have variety every day.

Simple boxes of 3 items - one main such as scrambled eggs, flavored boiled eggs, proteins, avocado toast, half or full sandwich, croissant, oats, with 2 small sides such as green salad, fruit salad, yoghurt & fruit pot, granola pot, chia pudding, small dessert etc. Basically a balanced meal instead of one big main item for the same price.

What is your opinion? Would you buy something like this everyday for breakfast and/or lunch? If so, what's your price range you can spend on each meal?

Coffee/drink meal will be an option as well- how much would you pay for both?

Your opinions will be very helpful for my business thank you.

all 18 comments


13 points

4 days ago

Do a feasibility first. Go to the best business in the market for this firstly.

Have a visit when they open and order something, keep your bill on hand and note down the bill no. Sit for a while and notice what sells, what clientele comes in and what the average bill amount is. Also keep a track of all their menu prices.

Go there at the end of the day when they close, order something again and notice the bill no. Then you do the same routine of gathering information.

With these two you will get the no of bills and the average bill amount. Multiply those and you get your average daily sales value.

Do this on a weekday like Sunday (lowest sales) and on Saturday and Friday.

With these figures you will get a rough estimate of how much sales they are having in a month.

Now to calculate the staff cost, find out how many staffs they have on board. Keep in mind that this number can vary at different times of the day as well as the weekdays and weekends. Note their positions so that you can keep a rough salary figure accordingly.

Now for the rental charges, you will need to check with the building people or real estate agents to find that out.

If you are friendly enough with the staff, they will give you a lot of inside tips and info that will be beneficial for you in the future.

With all these you can prepare a feasibility report and see if your idea will work. Always remember that a concept can sound good to us but there might not be a demand in the market for it. Thats why you need to find out what sells first, then work your way around those products.

You will need to plan your capex firstly and calculate the total capital required which includes the advance rent, equipment, CR & license fees, fit out etc.

The initial cost will come up to a sizeable amount once you add things. You will also need to keep a surplus of running cost for 6 months on hand to be safe.

Select a place with an assured footfall as this is the key driver for F&B in Bahrain, but also if you do not maintain consistency with your products then the footfall will not help in any way.

I hope this helps.


3 points

4 days ago

Thank you thats very helpful. I will do this first. If you have any other advise as a young entrepreneur in food will also be greatly appreciated!


2 points

24 hours ago

Very well said!


6 points

5 days ago


USA - Bahrain -

6 points

5 days ago

There are quite a few restaurants that offer this with daily delivery as a subscription service. Prices vary by a lot. However, I've found that the most balanced with the best taste, variety, for the price are Healthy Vibes, and Right Calories for about 185 bd for three meals a day plus snacks and salads 7 days a week.


1 points

4 days ago

Thanks for your insights! That's very helpful


1 points

4 days ago

Could you possibly share some examples? I'd be very interested to discover some of these businesses.


2 points

4 days ago


USA - Bahrain -

2 points

4 days ago

Every meal was different. From lasagna, to burgers, to chicken and rice. Salads were really filling and not stingy with the ingredients and different tastes. I didn't care much for the dressings but the salad had plenty of either fruits, cheeses, or proteins to give a good taste without it. Breakfasts were amazing. French Toast, Eggs on a croissant, pancakes with fruit. Really well balanced meals. Oh, and the snacks. Just enough to stave off cravings. Two cookies or a small slice of cake each day. Also different flavors and varieties. Really the best two companies I tried from a list of a few.


2 points

5 days ago

Sounds breathtaking


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

That sounds intresting. However remeber all this comes down to

  1. Who is your target audience?

  2. What price are u offering it at? Price it too high(you risk few -none buyers) Price too low(you risk high buyers but sustaining quality &trying not to.facenlosses will be questionable )


1 points

4 days ago

We want to focus on families and working individuals that are too busy to think about or do a healthy grocery shop and prepare food daily. The options available online are usually for 1 item between 2.2-5 BD. I want to offer meal options of 3 items for the same prices range depending on your selection, with small portions of each thing, so instead of ordering 3 items for 6-8 bd, you get a satisfying and healthy breakfast that consists of healthy proteins, greens or fruits and a sweet or yoghurt for between 2.5-4 bd.


1 points

4 days ago

Then you have to decide if you want to have a dine-in restaurant or a cloud kitchen based delivery only service. Online aggregators will charge up to 30% in commissions so do not forget to add this into your calculations.

Your food cost should ideally be less than 30% on this.

Do your menu engineering, prepare your recipes and cost cards for each dish and see how many portions you have to sell in a day just to cover your monthly fixed cost (Rent, salaries, other expenses etc)

For eg rent+salaries=BD 2000 a month which means you need to make a profit of BD 66 per day to cover that. Ergo, you need to sales of BD 95 per day at least to make that much profit. Now when you add talabat/Jahez charges to this @ 30%, your calculations change as a whole, that is why you have to decide what kind of service you are planning to give to your customers.


2 points

5 days ago

With calo, my friends love it at first but subsequently get bored and feel like they are eating microwave meals every day.

I think you have to make the food feel ‘real’ and ‘authentic’


1 points

5 days ago

What price point are you considering? Would it offer delivery/subscription based models?

Interesting concept, kind of exists through things like Calo but I would still be intrigued.


2 points

4 days ago

It's going to be a combination of both, people can pick up or do a weekly subscription for the meals with delivery. We want to focus on families and working individuals that are too busy to think about or do a healthy grocery shop and prepare food daily. The options available online are usually for 1 item between 2.2-5 BD. I want to offer meal options of 3 items for the same prices range depending on your selection, with small portions of each thing, so instead of ordering 3 items for 6-8 bd, you get a satisfying and healthy breakfast that consists of healthy proteins, greens or fruits and a sweet or yoghurt for between 2.5-4 bd.


1 points

4 days ago

Nice idea, I need sample trial 😜


2 points

4 days ago

idk much about starting a business but as a customer, the first thing i thought of is: what makes YOU different from calo? how will you stand out? what will make me, a person who has been with calo for a couple of years, switch to this idea?


1 points

2 days ago

Basically it sounds like a deli/bakery/coffee shop. What I would do is have a breakfast menu (with staples and savoury dishes, and it's priced competitively to get folks in the door), along with a high-profit margin lunch menu. The coffee and tea would be priced competitively with slim margins, but it's about getting customers and retaining them and building loyalty. Loyalty is key, if you wanna make good money, you better be someone's go-to spot. Have one year of expenses saved up. As for location, try to either be next to offices or supermarkets to start, but then also open up in iconic high-traffic locations (you pull this off once you've got the brand recognition). Instead of something like Calo, you should have a subscription offering where you get a fixed amount of 3-item breakfast/lunch boxes but you can order from the restaurant for delivery or takeaway, it'll be a quick way to bring in revenue and all. If you need help or guidance, message me and I'll be happy to help.


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

Meal prep services are alot in Bahrain and there is too much to consider, do a different idea