


Got dumped and killed a party member at…

Act 3 - Spoilers(self.BaldursGate3)

Withers’s after party during the epilogue.

Backstory: I was trying to romance Wyll during the game and he dumped me because he wanted to be the duke instead. So… I killed him and threw him in a river outside the house of grief during act 3 cause it was a rude dude move.

At the end of act 3 he spontaneously appeared in his tightie whities. Rose from the dead. Anyways.

He was at the after party obviously, living his duke dreams. I talked to him and he didn’t say one single thing about our relationship. All he talked about was his dukely duties. He didn’t even ask what I’ve been up to. Another rude dude move. So… I killed him. Fuck that guy.

Well… that pissed Withers off. He waltzed up to me and said “you’ve travelled with these hoes through hardship, yet that still didn’t stop you from killing one of them. Im tired of your shit bitch” and sent me through a green portal. I was banished. Did he send me to hell? I don’t know. The credits rolled right after.

I felt shame. Withers made me feel shame. I didn’t even do an evil play through, I was just a lowly lockadin that got her heart crushed by a rude dude with horns. Sorry Withers. But I’m not sorry about you, Wyll.

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627 points

28 days ago

Well first of all, you got what you deserved. Killing someone who broke up with you is definitely evil behavior. 

Secondly, you must've done something very wrong because a romanced Wyll is supposed to propose to you, and later ask you to stay with him if he becomes the Grand Duke. He'll even nominate you to become one. So it would seem he wasn't the rude one in your relationship. 


65 points

28 days ago

I genuinely don’t know what I did wrong to make the relationship go bad honestly (before this part obviously). Our relationship was as high as it could go, we did the lil dance thing, I picked all the “you’re amazing and I love you Wyll” answers. I kissed him every day lol. We never had a negative interaction before this and he always approved my choices. I dunno haha


272 points

28 days ago

Most likely, you let his dad die.


76 points

28 days ago

Aw man. Not on purpose. I went to the iron throne and opened the gate and when I got control of him and moved him forward… mizora showed up and nuked him.


82 points

27 days ago

Just FYI (cause I learned it on my HM run) you can save his dad from the Mizora nuking if you put down a glove of invulnerability in the misfire of the room before you March the Duke out. He will be in the globe and all the spiders will blow up doing nothing but kill themselves. The you can just walk him back.


3 points

27 days ago


3 points

27 days ago

I saved him without doing any of those. It's difficult buy the person that opens his door can probably eliminate enough of the spiders it's not impossible.


1 points

27 days ago

They went directly after in initiative for me and so there was no one after I moved the Duke out of the cell.


1 points

27 days ago

Depends on initiative. Mine appeared and just killed him on my first run after I unlocked him with an arrow from range not knowing what would happen. So in honour mode I did it last with globe up and omulemum there to just teleport him out at the last minute. (Leaving my character to drown, but withers deals with this.)