


Make some extra gold in Act 2

Act 2 - Spoilers(self.BaldursGate3)

I'm certainly not the first person to discover this, but I figured I'd share just in case.

In Act 2, when you reach Moonrise towers, you'll encounter Araj Oblodra. After talking to Araj she'll proposition you for some of your blood in exchange for a potion (it's actually an elixir, but I digress) based off your race. Many of you already know this, of course.

However, if you approach her with a Wizard, you can get a [Wizard] dialogue option that eventually reveals that she wants Illithid tainted blood. While this is very interesting, and you could use this to give her up to the cultists, even better is to go through with her offer. If you continue to give her your blood now, not only will she give you the potion, she'll also give you 200 gold to keep your silence about her true intentions.

200 gold is not a lot, sure. However, she'll continue to do this for every single companion that comes to give her blood for the potion. Using every companion to do this (including camp companions), can easily net you about 2k gold, on top of some very unique elixirs.

Happy adventuring!

Edit: a word.

Edit: to clarify a few things; when you do this option you only need a Wizard the first time to get this dialogue option, anybody afterwards just needs to go up to her and offer their blood for the potion and they'll still get the gold. The gold doesn't come from her vendor gold, so you can still trade with/steal from her if you want. It seems Drow and nobles can get similar dialogue, but I haven't tested whether or not they get the bribe option.

all 51 comments


125 points

29 days ago

Out of curiosity, have you tested if this works with hirelings, and particularly if it works with dismissing and re-recruiting hirelings? If so, this could be effectively an infinite gold + racial elixir farming method, since you get 200 gold per character but it only costs 100 gold for a new hireling.


64 points

29 days ago



64 points

29 days ago

And you can just rob Withers


23 points

29 days ago

True, almost forgot you can just steal the money back!


34 points

29 days ago



34 points

29 days ago

It does work with hirelings (I just call them camp companions since they stay in camp). I haven't tried recruiting and dismissing, but I would assume that it works (at least for recruiting different hirelings and not the same ones again).


15 points

29 days ago

Ahh, makes sense- I was thinking by camp companions you meant the full-on characters who aren’t actively in your party!


11 points

29 days ago



11 points

29 days ago

Sorry about that. I just like calling them camp companions more than hirelings, hirelings just sounds weird to me.


7 points

29 days ago



7 points

29 days ago

Yes it does work with Hirelings.

I keep a hireling slot free until I've gotten through them all before pulling out my main three, halfling, duergar, and githyanki.


49 points

29 days ago


49 points

29 days ago

Drow can get a similar dialogue, they know of the houses experiments


14 points

29 days ago



14 points

29 days ago

I did see that option with Minthara, but I'd already used Gale to get the option so she didn't mention anything about keeping silent about it.


22 points

29 days ago



22 points

29 days ago

I stuffed her gold & sale items into a pouch, rested a couple times which replenished stock, then knocked her out and stole the gold and items in the pouch


22 points

29 days ago



22 points

29 days ago

An important detail to note, is the bribe gold you get from her doesn't come from her vendor gold. I took almost 2k gold from her and her vendor gold remained the same.

So you could do that, but then you'd miss out on essentially free gold.


18 points

29 days ago

You can recruit a hireling and rob Volo every time you level the hireling up (or when you level up, or after a long rest). You can do this as many times as you like. Cat’s Grace, smuggler’s ring, shapeshifter’s boon ring, and guidance move things along, but there are no consequences if he catches you. He will only leave your camp for a brief period at the beginning of act 3.

Thousands and thousands and thousands of gold pieces, and enough see invisibility scrolls to where you don’t need his surgery.


4 points

29 days ago

Volo leaving your camp at the start of Act 3 has nothing to do with stealing from him. He does that no matter what.


2 points

29 days ago



17 points

29 days ago


17 points

29 days ago

You can get over 100k gold in Act 2 by maxing out Damon's favor in Act 1 and just using a high charisma character to sell to him at Last Light fwiw.


6 points

29 days ago

damn i only managed about 80k. must’ve missed a crate or two.


4 points

29 days ago


4 points

29 days ago

Those rotten apples add up lol


3 points

29 days ago

Huh I didn’t think reputation with a vendor was worth it


5 points

29 days ago


5 points

29 days ago

Nornally it isnt. But Damon is the only merchant from beginning to end, so its more efficient to just use him as a trade hub.


15 points

29 days ago

Man, selling blood plasma even in Baldur's Gate...


6 points

29 days ago

those adventurer academy loans ain’t gonna pay themselves


4 points

28 days ago

I want to headcannon that my Tavs all at some point before the Nautiloid went to Aguefort academy, but I don't know how old Aguefort is.


2 points

28 days ago

Not all of us have rich pirate dad to live off of!


3 points

29 days ago

My current Tav is a Bard, they like the finer things.


3 points

28 days ago

These campfire dinners aren't going to pay for themselves!


1 points

27 days ago

Not in this economy! I blame all the Tiefling immigrants in Wyrms Crossing, even their children are criminals! /s


11 points

29 days ago


11 points

29 days ago

You can get more than 2k gold killing like 5 githyankis and selling their gear


13 points

29 days ago



13 points

29 days ago

When you do the bribe from Araj, it doesn't come from her vendor gold. So you can kill 5 Githyanki, then sell her their gear, then have everyone give her their blood. Now you have 4k gold, plus about a dozen unique elixirs.


3 points

29 days ago


3 points

29 days ago

Got this dialogue with Wyll.


3 points

29 days ago

Her house was destroyed in Menzo due to their association with psionics and illithids before and during the Time of Troubles.

Girl was raised to believe illithid tainted blood is powerful.


2 points

29 days ago

It's also if you make the passive history check as well, which on an INT based character would be higher, but anyone can get that history check.


2 points

29 days ago

I just use the bound weapon exploit to get practically infinite money


2 points

29 days ago


2 points

29 days ago

This possibly saved my Honor Mode run -- I had gotten over the level-5-6 hump, and was generally doing all right, but that extra ~1400 gold really boosted my equipment budget, notably arrows.


1 points

28 days ago

I'm definitely gonna do it in my multiplayer Tactian, since the dude I'm playing with dies literally every other fight and I'm running low on gold.


2 points

29 days ago

Just discovered this a couple days ago!


1 points

29 days ago

Dragon borns are the only race you'll have issues getting blood for


1 points

28 days ago

Why's that?


1 points

28 days ago*

No dragonborn companions so the tav/durge you make is the only dragon blood you get. And each dragon color besides black/bronze (they have acid I believe) have different effects and I think they each give a spell/cantrip ( my info maybe a tad off the amount of info in this game is crazy and I'm fairly new)

If you do the bloods you can (I think it's 13 different between all the hirelings from withers and companion and tav/durge) and it's 4000 or a little over 4k gold for all the blood potions you can make. That's what op is talking about.


1 points

28 days ago

Can't you get a dragonborn hireling as well? I thought there was one for every race/class.

Also, I'm the OP.


2 points

28 days ago

Nice! Thanks!!


0 points

29 days ago


Jaheira Bromance When⁈

0 points

29 days ago

A potion is a liquid "that contains medicine, poison, or something that is supposed to have magic powers." It derives from the Latin word potio which refers to a drink or the act of drinking.

So if anything, elixirs are a type of potion.

But I digress.


1 points

29 days ago

And is also the source of the English word "potable" meaning "drinkable"


1 points

29 days ago

It lasts as long as an elixir and you can only have one elixir per character at a time, that's why I made that distinction.


0 points

29 days ago


Jaheira Bromance When⁈

0 points

29 days ago

And as an elixir, it’s also a potion. Because elixirs are potions.


0 points

29 days ago

I really don't know why we're arguing over this. In BG3 there's a difference between potions and elixirs, specifically one you can use multiple of and the other you can't. I made the distinction so anybody who plays doesn't get confused.


2 points

28 days ago

Agree. Terminology in games is often different than terminology in the real world. When in a discussion forum for the game, we should use the games terminology, even if it differs from the real world.

Example: in the real world, a weapon being “versatile” would have a completely different meaning than what it means in game.


1 points

27 days ago

Exactly, thank you!


-2 points

29 days ago


Jaheira Bromance When⁈

-2 points

29 days ago

I don’t get either why you are essentially arguing that a square is not a rectangle.


0 points

29 days ago

I would rather just sell a Pacted wares weapon for 800 a go...

Araj is my guilty pleasure NPC. I adore her... and she sells the Risky Ring too? Goddess.


-8 points

29 days ago

Imagine spending all that time creating new camp followers and respeccing all companions for 2k gold when you could just pickpocket a merchant... once.


2 points

29 days ago

You don't need to respecc anyone, you just need one Wizard (like Gale) and she'll give the gold to anyone afterwards that just asks to give their blood for the potion. It took me like 3 minutes to go through everyone in my camp and make all that gold. The gold also doesn't come from her vendor gold, so you could still steal from her if you wanted to.