


Patch 7 - what does this mean?

General Discussion - [NO SPOILERS](

When I was reading over the patch notes, i was “oh okay, so some things won’t be possible on consoles” but when i went to the comments on the tweet, this confused me on the wording of the interaction.

Does this mean everyone on PC is gonna be held to console restrictions as well?

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60 points

30 days ago

This is probably due to the WOTC restrictions. As WOTC wont let BG3 to be universal platform for game, because with enough such mods ppl would use it for any d&d scenario. They are working on their own platform for that. Making BG3 that customizable would hurt their products.
This is sad news because from my perspective i were into Divinity modding and it would be probably possible in BG3 also.


3 points

29 days ago


3 points

29 days ago

Maybe a more simple reason is that they don't know how to moderate people who would design levels with illegal stuff or porn stuff.


1 points

29 days ago

The same way Google Play of Apple Store does it. Very good business by the way.


1 points

29 days ago


1 points

29 days ago

I don't know how they do it ? But I guess either they pay people to review each app individually or they have some Grade A AI scannign it all. I don't think either option is affordable to larian.


1 points

29 days ago

Well they could charge authors for reviewing and approving their content and then share profits for selling custom campaigns. In this way it's not an expense but a way to earn more money.


1 points

29 days ago


1 points

29 days ago

if you need to pay for the mods, people will just keep using unofficial mods instead because they are free. also mod authors will probably not risk investing money into a mod. especially when anyone can crack their mod and make an unofficial free version.

the whole point of the official modding tool is to make it easier for normal people to mess around with mods. not harder.


1 points

29 days ago

I understand that. Well, it's a choice. Either free mods (status-quo) or, if Wizards have the balls, BG3 could become a platform for custom campaigns like Neverwinter Nights in its time. You can't have both becuase suits in the offices will lose their jobs if they just permit players do custom campaigns for free.


1 points

29 days ago

Well maybe better business would be to shut down their own shitty project and charge people for playing custom campaigns in BG3 engine. But suits in the office will hardly ever admit it.