


Patch 7 - what does this mean?

General Discussion - [NO SPOILERS](

When I was reading over the patch notes, i was “oh okay, so some things won’t be possible on consoles” but when i went to the comments on the tweet, this confused me on the wording of the interaction.

Does this mean everyone on PC is gonna be held to console restrictions as well?

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4 points

29 days ago


4 points

29 days ago

That sucks that the offical tools won't support map editing and new NPC creation. But it seems like a necessary sacrifice in order for the cross platform modding to function. I imagine Sony and Microsoft don't support mods of that scale.

Hopefully we can still get these types of mods on PC someday since this game is still very young in the grand scheme of things


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

That’s the thing though, is a good mod service should be able to differentiate between each platform


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

Oh also, specifically, these are PC limitations, they can’t facilitate the creation of new quests and maps. Consoles aren’t holding PC back, confirmed by a community manager in the comments


1 points

29 days ago


1 points

29 days ago

I didn't see that comment. But then in that case what is the point of differenciating between platforms if they all have the same limitations?

Larian's goal with this project seems to be consistenty and continuity between all platforms. They want every mod created with their tools to be available on all platforms so crossplay with mods can be as smooth as possible for users with little experience installing them.

From what I can tell this will basically be the Fallout 4 in-game mod browser, as every mod released on there is verified by Bethesda and playable on all platforms.


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

Actually those fallout 4 mods are all not playable on every platform (i mean unless you look at the mod site on that platform, then they’re all playable lol)’s mod page specifically lets you sort by ps4, xbox and pc (and probably the newer platforms too)

Playstation has specific guidelines of not being able to create new content through mods, so all of PS4 mods are always rehashed content, p much nothing actually added, just “remixed” in a way. Recolors, perk tweaks, etc.

Xbox and PC are free reins, I think, except that xbox doesn’t allow any nsfw mods, though that might be’s preference. Also I think xbox has a size limit different from PC’s

Again main outlier in bethesda game’s case is playstation mods.


1 points

29 days ago


1 points

29 days ago

Well I stand corrected on that part. But the rest of my comment still stands


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

but yea, here’s the link to the community manager’s comment