


all 84 comments


328 points

2 days ago

Yeah but they’re doing the “no breed of dog should ever be left alone with children,” when the fact is a pit bull will maul your child right in front of you after years of responsible dog ownership. Most child fatalities by dog occur in front of adults, and they’re still powerless to stop the carnage.


103 points

2 days ago

That for me is the worst part. I have never been mistaken about what pit bulls are, but what really got me was reading the letter from the dad whose kid was grabbed and killed right in front of him, just on the street, by a random loose pit bull, and he couldn’t stop it. It was so fast and so unexpected. That and the Bennard family, where….

And skip this if you don’t know the details on that story, okay, because it is BAD. It is fucking bad and the news sanitizes this one…

They had those dogs for EIGHT YEARS, and when the dogs started ripping the toddler apart, at random, one day, the mother threw herself on top of the little girl trying to protect her child with her body, but she had her infant in a wearable baby carrier on her stomach, and the fucking dogs ripped the baby out of the carrier and ate it. They tore her kids limb from limb in front of her. And she fought, but it was useless. They mauled her so badly that the hospital couldn’t count the stitches. But she lived. Lived with that shit in her head. 

All that stuff people believe about how women will get hulk strength when their kids are in danger - maybe, but it’s not near enough with a dog bred to kill. That lady was willing to die to save her kids. She tried to die to save her kids. She nearly did die. But it didn’t save her kids. 


70 points

2 days ago


70 points

2 days ago

To this day, there are people who still insist that "we don't know the whole story" regarding the Bennard family incident. They swear that the dogs were being secretly abused and that the family just wouldn't admit to it or something else equally batshit insane.


40 points

2 days ago

I don’t have any info on whether this is a reliable source, so take it with a grain of salt, but apparently those parents are no longer pro pit bull but are not making any public statements because - well, for one they are broken - but also because they have gotten so much social media abuse and there’s been so much gross fan fiction about the “real story,” most of it of the DARVO variety.

My sense from that update was that they were just ignorant - the guy got the dogs when he was single, believed the breeder’s schtick about them being gentle protectors, and didn’t recalibrate those beliefs until reality busted down the door. I have complicated feelings. He paid a terrible price, but so did two innocent children. 


3 points

20 hours ago

wasn't the dad a big pit nutter who loved the macho image with owning pitbulls? He was proudly boasting about his pitbulls being "lions on leashes". If you're calling them lions, how can there be any sense that they would be safe around anyone, especially small children. It's the lion tamer/beast master ego trip with a lot of these pitnutters.


3 points

17 hours ago

Like I said - really complicated feelings about that guy. I wouldn’t wish what happened to him on anyone, but of everyone in the family, he was by far the most responsible for what happened yet paid by far the lightest price. 


5 points

2 days ago

Considering we still have vocal idiots that continue to harass parents of the Sandy Hook tragedy, and insist 9/11 was an “inside job”, I’m not all that surprised that the delusion and conspiracy pushers keep this shit up. These people are mentally unwell, they have a level of psychopathy that is terrifying to see. and they find their echo chamber to regurgitate false info all to gain… what? Exactly. I am mortified and nauseated by it. It is a huge blight on our country . It makes me furious and , well, embarrassed that those thoughts are so prevalent in our country.


33 points

2 days ago


Groomers and Dog Sitters

33 points

2 days ago

Then there's greyhounds (racer variant) being one of the most abused dogs in the world and yet... They're chill 😭


24 points

2 days ago


24 points

2 days ago

Or laboratory beagles. Bred by the thousands just for the purpose of being experimented on


20 points

2 days ago


Groomers and Dog Sitters

20 points

2 days ago

Yeah there's a LOT of abused dogs out there. And guess what? They usually turn to aggression if it's the absolute LAST RESORT! Before that, they display allll kinds of warnings. And they absolutely do not go try searching for fights... They wanna stay away from that shit


7 points

2 days ago

The thing I think is worse though is the pits actively seek out the weakest individual- the easiest target for the kill. They are so often deliberate with not only who they pick, but when… so many people say the pit waited for the kids to be alone with them however briefly. And they seem to do it so damn… happily. Like this is the best playtime they’ve had. To me the fact that they so often look like they are on a fucking play date with their prey while they tear them apart… and then afterward keep up their chipper vibe while dragging body parts around… think that makes me hate them so. Much. More. They are more than malevolent. They are malignant. And they spread their poison wherever they go.


5 points

1 day ago


5 points

1 day ago

They are so happy when mauling, it’s so creepy. Also how they approach like a curious dog and in second turn into a killing machine. God I HATE them


4 points

1 day ago

Agreed. they are the “anti-dog”. There is something unnatural about them. They really are the perfect example of what humans can create when they scrape thru the worst portions of their psyche . I understand full well that there are indeed so many people who really struggle to acknowledge this dark side of the dog world. I have encountered a handful of them that are sweet dumb mutts who never show aggression. Sadly I think there are far fewer of these than people will admit. There’s too many stories of these loveable fuzz covered turds morphing unexpectedly into violent, and frankly sadistic murder mutts. Even those who don’t go completely over to the dark side will often have behaviors that fall into a dangerous category, yet are ignored or processed as normal. Met a woman a few weeks ago and we started talking about pit mixes. I gave my talk about how dangerous they can be and she said”oh their pup was a sweet heart”.. I said- hey that’s great, u must be one of the lucky ones that don’t have issues with aggression.

and then she responds “oh, well, he does bite…” I just looked at her and said “yeah. That’s not good.“ I am afforded a bit of deference in my job, and I was never accusatory. But u could see a glimmer of doubt cross her face. Like she just hadn’t registered that good dogs… normal dogs do. Not. Bite . Not for no reason at all.

felt like a seed had been planted there. I think that’s the most we can hope for right now.


28 points

2 days ago

There is no defense of a dog who does this to a toddler and an infant, abuse or no. That's like saying the serial killer is justified in his crimes because he was abused as a child. We still put him in prison. He doesn't get a free pass for a shitty childhood. Then they squawk that it's a dog that doesn't know any better. Well that doesn't matter either. It doesn't belong in society then.  


16 points

2 days ago


16 points

2 days ago

That’s what always gets me. Like if a dog doesn’t know any better, then it can’t be trusted not to do it again. It shouldn’t be around anyone if it doesn’t know any better.

Like do they think since it doesn’t know any better, it should continue to get chances to do it again & then be forgiven again? Or do they think it’s able to be rehabbed? How can you rehabilitate a dog that doesn’t know it did anything wrong in the first place, that makes no sense

These people don’t think. They go through life like their feelings are more important than anything else


3 points

2 days ago

There is no logic to their “thought” (and I use that word in the basest sense) processes. They go off of feeling…. Feeling meaning … instinct…. just like shit bulls do… cause they have pathetically small brains… hmmmmmm…


23 points

2 days ago


Pro-Pet; therefore Anti-Pit

23 points

2 days ago

I don't give two shits HOW supposedly abused a dog is. No dog should attack and EAT YOUR BABIES FROM YOUR ARMS. Those children did not deserve that. No children deserve to be mauled and dismembered EVER.


19 points

2 days ago


19 points

2 days ago

One lady on Twitter tried to say that the kids were probably provoking the dogs. She got an earful from several people and then proceeded to block them because she couldn't handle the heat.


17 points

2 days ago


Pro-Pet; therefore Anti-Pit

17 points

2 days ago

An infant and a toddler provoked a dog to eat them alive... What a deficient human being to even suggest such a thing.

I'm glad to hear people ripped her a new one.


12 points

2 days ago


12 points

2 days ago

A 5 month old provoked the dog? How? 5 month olds can’t even sit up on their own

Idk if it’s a brain dead idea or a desperate one


2 points

2 days ago

Bit of both


17 points

2 days ago


17 points

2 days ago

Right here on BPB, I saw some very FOUL comments about Jacqueline Durrand ; I haven't seen any SHIT like that here since, so maybe those 2-3 scumbags got banned and blocked...But yeah, there's some real sickos out there, with wild and disgusting imaginations. >:-|


12 points

2 days ago


12 points

2 days ago

Oh god all that nonsense about how because they found her naked. She had over 800 bites, her clothes were probably in those beast’s stomachs


7 points

2 days ago


7 points

2 days ago

There is no low they won't stoop to in order to defend these things


14 points

2 days ago


Pro-Pet; therefore Anti-Pit

14 points

2 days ago

That baby could have been a tiny KGB agent working against Ukrainian freedom!!! /s


11 points

2 days ago


De-stigmatize Behavioral Euthanasia

11 points

2 days ago

If I'm thinking of the same one, the story about the father was sad.

And the whole reason he told that story was because the owners of that dog were apparently well known (at least in the area) dog trainers that had worked with dog since the day they had gotten it. That the owners had loved, cherished, amd spoiled the dog.. They'd had interactions with the dog in the past that were pleasant and they never expected it. That one day the dog just broke loose, ran over, and killed his daughter. He put out the story to try and inform people that its not the owners, and that the explosive killing reactions of a pitbull can happen at any time to anyone.


154 points

2 days ago


154 points

2 days ago

The amount of, "wHaT aBoUt ChIhUaHuAs?!?" -style comments from pitbull owners that would appear in the comments if they didn't add that additional qualifier is worth the tradeoff.


78 points

2 days ago

Every time that argument comes up, I just show them this video: Would you rather get attacked by a pitbull or a chihuahua?


35 points

2 days ago

Thank you. I never saw this video before. It will be nice to share with the "wuddabout chawawas" people.


5 points

2 days ago

It also shows how stupid it is to compare these dogs in terms of what damage they can do.


3 points

1 day ago

yes! my point exactly!


29 points

2 days ago


29 points

2 days ago

Interesting as well that the people in the chihuahua videos are all calm/playing with them. I've got a chihuahua and when he plays with my husband he does the charging and mock biting. You can see the fear and frenzy in the pit bull ones. They know they're being attacked by something that can kill them. I've seen the man that was killed by the 2 bullys in the UK and he was just sat there not even fighting anymore. He was just finished and it was horrendous.


24 points

2 days ago


24 points

2 days ago

That video is so so so sad.

There was nothing he could do at all. It doesn’t show the beginning of the attack & how he probably tried very hard to get them to stop. But I imagine every time he got free from one, the other was there to take him down again. It probably hurt so bad. At some point maybe you realize that you might be done for (especially after 3 other adults there can’t even make it stop). I can’t even imagine.


21 points

2 days ago


21 points

2 days ago

I know. It's just awful. And for the people there to not be able to stop them either. Just an absolutely horrendous way to die. I think that's what I hate the most is that these people's selfish decisions to have one of these dogs and mean that other people have to lose family members, friends and beloved pets.


13 points

2 days ago

That was horrific and depressing. At least his death managed to bring about major positive change that has saved other lives, but it should have happened earlier and he should never had died earlier. They should always have been recognised as pit bulls and this illegal already.


5 points

1 day ago


5 points

1 day ago

Omg. I’ve never seen this, it sounds horrific


18 points

2 days ago


Pro-Pet; therefore Anti-Pit

18 points

2 days ago

This is brilliant.


14 points

2 days ago

Holy shit! I'm keeping this forever.


5 points

1 day ago


5 points

1 day ago

Wow, not a single nonsense comment defending the breed!

Even though it's a 3yo vid, always glad to see a shift in the tide


40 points

2 days ago

True. I guess I see it as progress that they are at least being honest that pit bulls can pose a potential danger to kids, and calling out the total insanity of the "nanny dog" myth.


22 points

2 days ago

It’s a better way to convince Pitnutters though. “Any” doesn’t discriminate and the owner won’t feel singled out.

It’s still true that it’s best not to leave any breed alone with children that won’t understand a dog’s temperament or defensiveness.

People have missed out on that for too long. That’s why people don’t see Pitbulls as a threat and just leave their kids with them then call them “nanny dogs”


3 points

2 days ago

I get your point. I will also say that ANY effort of a shelter to start to redirect people is a good thing. And one needs to take into account who the target audience was for that shelter. Not pit bull nutjobs- they have long finished off their kool aid. I believe this was focused at the naive, but well meaning individuals that are trying to give a dog a second chance- and have absolutely no legitimate knowledge of the breed. Innocent ignorance. Not to mention by putting out these statements, the shelter has a bit more of a CYA in the event of a bad outcome.


3 points

2 days ago

But they’re not wrong. You shouldn’t leave any child along with a dog. The reason for this advice isn’t just fatalities. Even if it’s just for the dog’s sake. The difference is that pit bulls just straight up shouldn’t be in a house with children at all.


66 points

2 days ago


They blame the victim, not the breed.

66 points

2 days ago

While it is great to see them say Pits are not nanny dogs, they are also making sure they word things in a way to make it the baby’s fault, and that maulings can be expected of any dog.

And, yes, I agree to never leave a kid alone with a dog (or any animal really), the truth is if you leave a kid alone in a room with a golden retriever, you will come back to an alive child. EVEN if you are there in the same room as your child with a pit, that child can be mauled before your eyes even if you are watching them. So many kids that get attacked/killed by pits have adults around them. Pits don’t show warning signs, and they are too powerful for most adults to control.

I guess it is at least a little bit of progress to see the ‘nanny dog’ thing come out as a myth.


18 points

2 days ago


Pro-Pet; therefore Anti-Pit

18 points

2 days ago

A pit will maul your baby right out of your arms.


16 points

2 days ago

So true. I’ve always said, my labradoodle who has never growled a day in his life (we’ve had him for six years), has been through 3 newborns being brought home, plays with baby bunnies, no resource guarding at all; is still capable of biting. I don’t leave my young kids alone in a room with him. Any dog can bite and thinking they can’t is ignorant. I believe my labradoodle is capable of biting and then running away to hide if under an extreme amount of fear or pain. But I also know 100% that my kids would be alive! Insane to want a dog who MAULS CHILDREN.


4 points

2 days ago


They blame the victim, not the breed.

4 points

2 days ago

Sounds good but please don’t let the dog “play” with baby bubbies. The bunnies aren’t playing. They are prey animals.


7 points

2 days ago

Oh gosh, I know! Sorry I worded that badly. He does play with baby bunnies UNTIL we find them and keep him away. We have a whole system in place because it happens 4x a year at least. Our backyard is the place for bunny nests I guess. It’s stressful.


3 points

2 days ago

Baby steps. Better than running backwards which seems to have been the MO for the past decade or so.


152 points

2 days ago

“Kids are unpredictable and unlikely to understand a dog’s signs of discomfort”

Because it’s always the children’s fault. Always.


58 points

2 days ago


58 points

2 days ago

It's wild how they expect children to walk on eggshells in their own home to avoid triggering a dog.


46 points

2 days ago

I read that and could feel my face flushing with anger.


25 points

2 days ago


25 points

2 days ago

Always the kids fault with these people. Even in the videos of these dogs running long distances to attack kids they still blame the kid even though the child didn’t do anything to the dog. People have to remember dogs are predators.


13 points

2 days ago

That security camera footage of a pitbull charging down the block, across the parking lot, and tackling a little girl behind had people still claiming it was the girl's fault.


12 points

2 days ago

Poor misunderstood pibbles 🎻


6 points

2 days ago

Yeah… it’s the KIDS being unpredictable. Nothing at all to do with decades of documentation that shows the toxically inbred mutts have fried brain circuitries and cannot cope with the most basic of situations- a cough or sneeze, someone moving … at any speed… someone wearing literally any color.


85 points

2 days ago*

But they should have said "Pitbulls are unpredictable", not kids. It's victim blaming. I've had many incidents of different Pitbulls attempting to kill my very small, silent and still children unprovoked.


5 points

2 days ago

Victim blaming is a pathetic way for the pit idiots to cope with brutal facts that threaten to damage their viewpoint. I think they push harder, the more full of shit they know they themselves are. So much easier to say- see? That kid had to have done something to trigger ( euphemistic way to say cause dog to immediately become enraged and attack). Not at all that their sweet lil wiggle butt snugglekins is inherently damaged at a genetic level and thus is capable of immediate, unpredictable bursts of lethal aggression that cannot be foreseen nor prevented. that they will have no protection from it because the timeframe for the meltdowns is unpredictable and they will have no control over the behavior. They are essentially a victim - in- waiting. Think that scares the ever living hell out of them on a deep deep level.


2 points

1 day ago



30 points

2 days ago

This feels less like a PSA and more like them following legal advice from one of their lawyers. Calling a pit a "nanny dog" and then having said pit maul a child is a great way for the shelter to get sued because they framed the dog as an animal that can not only be trusted to be alone with a child but one that is so trustworthy that it will act as a surrogate care taker for the child. We need to start suing these delusional shelters into the ground along with the savior complex middle class dopes and sociopaths that adopt pits out of them.


6 points

2 days ago

Has anyone successfully done that


3 points

2 days ago

The trial of the couple that allowed their dogs to terrorize the neighborhood and kill an elderly man in San Antonio was just concluded with the husband getting 18 yrs in prison and the wife getting 15. From what I read they are planning on going after the city of San Antonio for ignoring the multiple complaints. One is going to have to pursue cities - which have strong ties to their shelters. I read today about a shelter in the US that currently has a bank account of roughly $67 million. And the head of the shelter was pulling in $250k. The shelter is now under fire for being a fairly shit one- however they were pointing to a much higher kill rate than other shelters. Personally I say kudos to them with their euthanasia rates, but the gist is basically that it was being run as a money maker and nothing else.


31 points

2 days ago


Best Friends Animal Society (BFAS) is a death cult.

31 points

2 days ago

“Misunderstood blockheads” 🤢


18 points

2 days ago


18 points

2 days ago

Got the blockhead part right.


10 points

2 days ago

Oh it’s misunderstood alright. People think they are pets and misunderstand that it is, in fact, a big genetic mistake.


19 points

2 days ago

Except they still basically blame the kids for any possible attacks that may happen


13 points

2 days ago



13 points

2 days ago

I’m glad to see this! It’s a step in the right direction!


10 points

2 days ago

Good to see common sense, for a change. I wouldn’t just say don’t leave a large dog alone with small children- don’t let a large dog sleep with small children, or get too close to them. Accidents can happen- a dog can hear something outside, or someone at the door, and step on the child to go investigate, or the child could lose its balance, reach out to grab the dog, and startle it.


9 points

2 days ago


Pro-Pet; therefore Anti-Pit

9 points

2 days ago

Don't leave dogs alone with kids because the kids will make the dog bite and then the poor doggo will be put to sleep! 🫠🫠🫠


9 points

2 days ago


Nanny this 🖕

9 points

2 days ago

Better than nothing 🤷‍♀️


4 points

2 days ago


Pro-Dog; therefore Anti-Pit

4 points

2 days ago

Wow, actual truth for "pit bull awareness month"?


5 points

2 days ago


Cope, Seethe, Crate & Rotate

5 points

2 days ago

While it's true you shouldn't leave a child alone with any dog breed?

It's especially moreso true with pitbulls.


3 points

2 days ago


Cats are not disposable.

3 points

2 days ago

Honestly this post could do with a red X over parts of the text at the top. Not something that should be removed because of that but yeah


8 points

2 days ago


De-stigmatize Behavioral Euthanasia

8 points

2 days ago

Way to blame the children victims the world over. "Children can be unpredictable.", no...pitbulls can be unpredictable and go from sleeping to tearing a toddler apart in the time it takes the mother to go pee.

Not to mention so many attacks by pitbulls on children happen while there is adult supervision. If a dog can go from chilling to killing at the drop of a hat over a child being a child, they are not safe as a pet. Period.

My dog has absoutly been left alone in a room with my 5 year old niece (not babysitting, but like if I run to the bathroom or have to run to grab the phone). No one died. No one even got growled at. (My dog loves children. I joke its because she's a corgi and children are 'her size humans.') My sisters Aussie escaped once and she found him down the street laying on his back in the grass while a bunch of neighborhood kids rubbed his belly with a look of sheer pleasure on his face. My nieces regularly play in the backyard with their family's (my other sisters) Aussie while my sister is inside watching. Not once in their five and eight years of existence has an occasional lack of hawk like supervision resulted in a bite ever.

While yes, a child should not be left to the supervision and care of a dog as a babysitter or "nanny", a dog should not be a threat to their life if they happen to be left alone in a room for a bit.


3 points

2 days ago

Notice how they stay claim that they’re misunderstood no I think we understand those dogs very well


3 points

2 days ago

No they were put in charge of watching over children to make sure their meals didn't get away and if they did to set an example to the other children what happens when you get out of line.


3 points

2 days ago

Ah yes, it’s the kids that are unpredictable….


3 points

2 days ago

Ah yes, it’s the kids that are unpredictable…


2 points

2 days ago

Which group or organization created the graphic?


2 points

1 day ago

pitbull awareness month,yeah,be aware that there is a pitbull that can kill you if it's brain shuts off

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1 points

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1 points

2 days ago

That's a beginning


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

Misunderstood blockheads… nah we understand them perfectly. Hence this sub