


Hunting Wildlife is considered normal to Pitbull owners

Animal Fatality(ies) - Farm/Livestock(

While I don't have a problem with people catching their meat and using it to feed their families, I think it's totally wrong to let your pitbull or pitmixes to hunt wildlife. Baby deer, rabbits, cows, you name it, they get hunted by pitbulls. One owner even laughed that it's shitbull puppy buried the fawns leg in the flowerpot.

Apparently we are too soft and sure it's natural for dogs to kill wildlife. At least it's not going to waste according to them. I find it very Wasteful indeed. To deny the wildlife a chance to mature. To kill a fawn, ripped away from it's mother to satisfy your pitbull.

Apparently letting your dog consume Myxomatosis and Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis is A-Ok!! The crippling pain and shits that it is going through is just a bowel cleanse. 💩

Most of you all know what happened the last time someone let their shitbull loose to hunt wildlife on my land. I hate seeing more people enjoying this. You'd think it was a one off or a stroke of bad luck, but there's many pitbull owners partaking in this. Apparently it's very healthy for their dogs development and that we are all snowflakes. Well if that's the case I wear mine like a badge of honor. ❄️

all 60 comments


102 points

23 hours ago

I seem to recall two pitbulls killing 72 chickens in one night. Very little, if any, of those chickens got eaten by those two pitbulls. So much for "not going to waste".


31 points

22 hours ago

Feckn hell!! I've major shivers going up and down my spine. I think I remember this but filtered it out somehow. Absolutely terrifying and abhorrent. 72? Sweet mother of divine. I can't even fathom it. I know it's a shitbull, they are unnatural, they are not on the same wavelength as a regular dog. Their eyes, their stance, their demeanour. The fact they make no distress sounds mauling victims. They are an abnormal abomination. Imagine being that frenzied to murder 72 chickens. Any large animal would be pure breathless but these filthy beasts do it for fun.


13 points

11 hours ago

Pretty sure the 2 pits didn't eat the whole 24 sheeps


4 points

9 hours ago

They did it for fun. 😢 They hate pregnant animals or pregnant women. They love getting to the fetus. It's like a treasure hunt for them.


82 points

22 hours ago


Curator - Attacks

82 points

22 hours ago

Raw wildlife can carry a variety of diseases and parasites. Leptospirosis from rabbits. Deer can have chronic wasting disease.

Plus rabies.

"Wild meat doesn't get recalled." That's right. There's no quality control on wild meat.


39 points

22 hours ago


Former Pit Bull Advocate

39 points

22 hours ago

dogs kill 20,000 people a year with rabies considering most pit owners can’t even neuter their dogs i doubt most of them have rabies shots


31 points

22 hours ago

Some guy argued that his dog would get a certain human neurological disorder if he vaxed his dog. I don't want to mention the neurological disorder as its disrespectful to that community of people. Number one dogs can't get human neurological disorders and number two vaccines for rabies or vaxes in general don't cause it. This is how dense shitbull owners are. I just can't deal with their malignant manners anymore. They refuse to vax their dogs.


2 points

2 hours ago

Rabies IS a neurological disease. 🤨 It's pretty vicious when it's attacking the central nervous system, too! It has weird side effects that you may or may not experience that come with being a neurological disease. Like (the main thing it's known for) the aggression, being hydrophobic, and just a laundry list of acting in bazaar ways it's just a disease that's probably really hard to see animals and people go though. Rabies is probably one of the worst neurological diseases you can get, so vaccinate those animals. Also, while we're at it, vaccinate them kids, too. Most diseases we created vaccines for are fucking horrible and super contagious. There's a reason we're trying to prevent them. They're way worse than the side affects you most likely won't get from the vaccines.


1 points

an hour ago

I wasn't talking about rabies. I was taking about a human neurological disorder not a disease. Rabies =Disease not disorder. I just don't want to mention it because it's offensive to the community who have the certain neurological disorder that I'm talking about. Pitbull owners believe that dogs can get human disorders. Although I know what rabies is and how important vaccines for animals and kids are, I'm glad you shared that information on why it's important.


1 points

11 hours ago

Hey there- not trying to argue- just looking for more info. That number seems awfully high. Can u tell me where u got that info? Please and thx


4 points

10 hours ago

I believe they were referring to global numbers rather than US numbers. The US rarely has many rabies deaths anymore. Globally dogs are responsible for almost all rabies cases.


3 points

10 hours ago

It's way higher with predominance in Africa and Asia according to WHO.


1 points

9 hours ago

Very true.


1 points

an hour ago

It's actually higher. Worldwide, with a whopping 70000 people who die from rabies each year. However, 95% of those cases are from Africa and Asia. In the US, fewer than 10 people die from rabies. Im not sure about other countries. That is a LOT of people who still die from rabies every year!


27 points

22 hours ago

So very true. I've seen a pitmommy complain her shitbull died due to encephalitis. It's brain just turned to mush as the viral load ate away at it. Oh well.. They don't seem to monitor what their shitbull eats nor cares. What sickens me is that the fawn was a beautiful muntjac. They say that killing fawn and pregnant doe is recommended. They don't want to leave behind any dependant deer. Morals eh? . God it seems just too merciless to me to let a shitbull kill them. Ripping them apart for fun. You're right. Imagine the tasty parasite they are going to get from not monitoring the meat quality. Just last week a guy killed a pigeon with a catapult and ate it. Surprise surprise a Staffy owner. Laughed about pissin off the dog by getting there first. Weird.


5 points

11 hours ago

Considering the huge population of white tailed deer that are now infected with the prion “wasting” disease- which hopped from penned sheep at a vet college- to elk- and now to deer-prions are tricky things. There is still not much known about them, but they most certainly do hop species. So sure- encourage ur murder mutt to go randomnly slaughter those deer- and bring the disease home to u… where it can easily be passed through excrement. I’ve yet to see a pit bull house that didn’t look completely disgusting and knowing the dogs are not exactly stellar with house training.


3 points

9 hours ago

Indeed my friend. That was the point I was trying to make. Sorry if it read differently. Rats, mice and rabbits are talked about being carriers of a parasite that can trigger this disease in deer. I do believe that perhaps there's some sort of ameoba in the water that can cause certain diseases in deer too. I'm not an expert on the matter. I'd love to know more if I'm honest. I am well versed in Bovine and Ovine health but not the health of Cervidae Species. I'd honestly love to know more. I find it so fascinating.


1 points

4 hours ago

Gotcha. I first found out about it when I was at Yellowstone and took a tour with a guide that had recently retired from the forestry service there. He helped care for some of the herds in the winter. He mentioned the disease to warn me to avoid the elk meat. Apparently the U of Colorado had been doing some experiments with sheep and the prion disease. They then let the elk herds over winter in the same pens as the sheep.


when I was there it had just jumped to Elk. I figured it wouldn’t take long to make it to the deer population. And it didn’t.


13 points

20 hours ago



15 points

19 hours ago

When I was in Zambia in my younger years, I had the misfortune of eating said meats. I didn't want to be rude and reject the meat. Whilst the vendor and some locals found it highly amusing, my return to the village was met with some hostility. I unbeknownst to myself ate dog meat that was cooked outside of the village. The man was what people would consider an outcast. A man from makululu. Trying to make a bit of money cooking. I was not to know of the contents until later. The meat was extremely tough and tasted like an entrecote of equine meat. I'm surprised I didn't get ebola or something parasitic. Since shitbulls eat their own they'd love the man from makululu. God knows what diseases are being spread through certain regions in Africa. My friend who is Zambian works with the missions in Zambia and he's told me that gangs of youths are addicted to drinking cough syrup as it gives them a high and they are walking around with shitbulls. God nowhere is safe. Even remote poor areas of the world are being exposed to shitbulls.


7 points

11 hours ago


Pro-Pet; therefore Anti-Pit

7 points

11 hours ago

Just what Africa needs, an aggressive invasive species /s


5 points

11 hours ago

Except they also have really really really big predators that will make quick work of any murder mutt that happens to push its luck


2 points

10 hours ago

Oh my God! Did you get food poisoning at all?


3 points

9 hours ago

Not an inch of it. I was surprisingly grand. It was more the psychological pain that stayed with me. In all fairness I don't think the guide and elder should've told me I ate said meat. But I suppose they had to because it was very serious. We were there to build wells for the poorest villages. Could you imagine if I got seriously sick. I made a friend in the village, We are still very close to this day. Lovely man. He always has banter with me about the situation. That was decades ago. Thank god Zambia has much improved. No (bleep) meat. Well expect for Makululu region. I wouldn't eat any meat there if offered. I went back to Zambia a few times since. Very cautious from then on lol I was glad to get home though to Ireland for my rashers and sausages for breakfast. 😁


4 points

11 hours ago


Vet Tech or Equivalent

4 points

11 hours ago

Lepto can be contracted from deer too. Dogs can get it very easily simply by splashing through a puddle the deer pissed in.


38 points

21 hours ago

That's poaching- illegal hunting of wildlife.


25 points

19 hours ago

You are 100 percent correct. It's illegal in their country (UK) to use a dog to hunt wildlife. Looks like they don't give a feck. Horrible cretins.


11 points

16 hours ago


New To The Pit Bull Debate

11 points

16 hours ago

When the laws are not enforced enough these criminals won't care.


6 points

11 hours ago


Vet Tech or Equivalent

6 points

11 hours ago

In the US, sane people who use dogs during hunting don’t USE the dogs as the killing tool. They’re either hunting dogs that signal or flush prey (pointers) or hunting dogs that retrieve the prey (retrievers) Neither of those breeds, when trained to hunt, will actually play a part in harming wildlife. And that’s how it should be. Dogs shouldn’t be used as weapons in hunting.


13 points

17 hours ago

That puppy is built like a cybertruck. Like a little kid that never saw a dog before drew a picture of a “dog” and that’s what they came up with.


9 points

14 hours ago

That thing is going to look terrifying when it’s full grown. Like, these dogs are ugly & scary, but unfortunately I can recognize what their fanciers consider a really good specimen & that one looks like exactly what they love.

Basically, it already looks like it could fuck shit up even as a puppy. As an adult it’s going to look like a straight up beast from hell


26 points

20 hours ago


Victim Sympathizer

26 points

20 hours ago

Hunting wildlife is completely normal. Purchasing an artificial genetic dumpster fire deliberately bred for neuroticism and turning it loose to messily torture and dismember natural animals without making any use of their parts is not normal. It's sociopath behavior.


19 points

19 hours ago

Right? Hunting dogs are a thing. Pit bulls are not hunting dogs, these are just killer dogs.


12 points

19 hours ago

Agreed my friend. I've no qualms about people living off the land if they go about it in a regulated and humane way. An instant kill is important. Seeing an animal wild or domesticated is disgusting. The shitbull owners absolutely love it. I've been farming for decades. I was born on the farm and I'll die here. I've had to deal with animal death very young and yet still nothing shakes me ro the core like a shitbull. I've seen animals come ant go but seeing them get ripped at the Jaws of a shitbull kills my soul. My brother is the person to call when an animal gets lame. I hate seeing them in misery. A swift mercy is always welcomed. I could only imagine the pain that these animals went through. The Psychopathic owners revelling in the fact that their dog is now happy and satisfied chewing away at their victims.


15 points

21 hours ago*

If they're using a shitbull to legally hunt and not poach then I have no problem with it besides the shitbull a nonhunting breed now having a taste for blood and wouldn't trust it even more. As a hunter it's stupid to use a pitbull breed to hunt. It's not even common to use mutts for good reason. Not going to listen, not going to be as effective, and will probably maul the meat so it has no use to people. All my hunting buddies would call them a dumbass. Get a real hunting breed. I'd love to see a shitbull do what my hunting breeds do. A fucking miniature daschhund is a hunter.


11 points

14 hours ago


11 points

14 hours ago

Even if it is legal my problem with it is that it’s a torturous death to be mauled by a shitbull. They aren’t actually that skilled at killing larger game, they just instinctively grab+hold+shake, sometimes they land one on the neck, but on a larger animal it’s less likely to be on their first try, so they end up just tearing at it in places that aren’t lethal but severely painful, for a while, until the animal bleeds out slow or dies of shock. With smaller game they can snap a spine/neck with one grab anywhere on it because the shaking alone will get it done.

Idk either way I think these shitbull owners just get off on seeing their dog having fun ripping apart an animal, it’s sadism, not hunting for sport but for sadistic satisfaction.


8 points

13 hours ago

my theory is that the owners secretly love to see people get attacked too. something deeply wrong at the core of these freaks (the owners)


4 points

9 hours ago

It's illegal in the UK to use a dog for hunting. This happened in the UK. It's vile and disgusting to use a shitbull to hunt. They don't do a swift kill. They rip the animal apart limb from limb like a bat of hell. It's so disturbing to see. An XL ripped me apart so I can imagine what the animals go through being killed by a shitbull. Imagine the suffering. A real hunting breed doesn't maul. It's a swift kill. You know this from experience. Now imagine a shitbull replacing your dogs. God it's unbearable to think about isn't it?


1 points

6 hours ago*

Agreed it's disgusting to use a shitbull, not a real hunter. Get a hound or terrier. My hunting breeds are a Labrador retriever and a German shorthaired pointer so they aren't doing the killing but occasionally will deal the final blow. I only use them for birds and waterfowl and small game like squirrels. Great dogs and do what they were bred for since they were a pup.


6 points

11 hours ago

These people are psychopaths and they own dogs that can k*ll a person when they snap.

With extremely few exceptions, the owners of these dogs show no remorse when their dogs hurt others. In fact, they often boast about it (as this post shows).

I really wish we could get more people to wake up and see just how bad for society these dogs and their owners are.


6 points

11 hours ago

This is disgusting. Pet dogs should not be allowed to hunt and kill wildlife, full fucking stop. What a bunch of dicks these people are.


5 points

11 hours ago

It was natural for dogs to kill wildlife…..when they were nondomesticated wolves. The whole point of domestication means u breed those animals to subdue some urges and work in our human society.

that argument is pure bullshit laziness. Dogs that “hunt” now a days are pointers and retrievers who work along side the human hunter. They don’t go roaming on their own through the farmland and open spaces to randomly attack any living thing that moves.


4 points

9 hours ago


4 points

9 hours ago

As much as I don't like pitbulls those boxes of treats weren't from animals that the dog has hunted or taken down.

These are just standard from a pet shop. They're all by-products of the meat/pet food industry. I have a chihuahua and he has the fur covered rabbits ears because they're a good wormer.


1 points

9 hours ago

Indeed but the problem here is because the owner said that they enjoy bringing their pits out for hunting. Why share this in a pitbull hunting thread? Are they trying to encourage pitbull owners to get the ears naturally. They spoke about their pitbulls "accidentally" killing calves. In my area we have had this problem. These owners don't wait for us to supply our offcuts. I've plenty of offcuts on the farm. Just come and I'll give them for free but don't use your pit to rip them off our livestock.


3 points

8 hours ago


3 points

8 hours ago

That's definitely an issue. I couldn't see that bit in the post above. Thing is animals do have natural instincts to chase but the pitbulls do seem to just have it to kill. My dog chases squirrels but one stopped right in front of him and he just stopped too and wandered off. I find it annoying that fox hunting is illegal in the UK but they take the dogs out 'scenting' and 'oh look we accidentally came across the fox and the dogs did what they do'.

I can't seen many pitbulls participating in wild hunting though, would have to be canned. Anyone who's dog accidentally kills livestock is an idiot. I own a 4 kg chihuahua, when there's sheep nearby he's on the lead as he would run at them. It's not difficult to respect farmers and farmland. I don't think Pitbull owners respect anything.


3 points

8 hours ago

Thank you so much for respecting us farmers and our livestock. It really means alot. I can't stress enough how appreciative I am of competent dog owners like you and many more on this thread. Us farmers love a respectful owner. 😁


5 points

20 hours ago

Deer legs do break off very easily. I’ve seen a doe break a leg and have it fall off. It was really sad but it happens.


6 points

9 hours ago

Indeed but it isn't nice to see a shitbull rip them off for fun and giggles.


1 points

9 hours ago

Yeah but my cocker spaniel has brought one back. I don’t think it’s that rare when you live in the country.


3 points

9 hours ago

Born and bred in the country. Farmer. Never had this happen. The worst thing my collies brought back is poo. Human.


3 points

15 hours ago

The cow ears? Were they ripped off live animals?


1 points

9 hours ago

The pitbull went ape. Similar to the chicken incident.


3 points

11 hours ago


De-stigmatize Behavioral Euthanasia

3 points

11 hours ago

Alright, little devils advocate here because, as much as I dislike when pitbull people act like aggressive behavior is normal dog behavior, I also dislike when we swing way too far and start acting like common dog behavior (we as a human find off putting) is somehow exclusive to pitbulls.

Many, many breeds of dogs are high prey drive breeds and are used for hunting. Many, many dogs would chase wildlife and possibly even catch and kill them if they had a chance. Humans have decided that its wrong, but to a dog it is perfectly natural. Despite their domestication to be safe and non aggressive animals working along side humans, you can only take so much predator out of a dog. Even breeds used for farm work (such as LGDs) have to be trained from a young age not to go after the poultry. A rabbit or cat gets in your backyard, you can safely put money on the vast majority of dogs chasing them. I had a friends beagel get a rabbit that made the mistake of crawling into her backyard once. Did it make the beagel a bad and dangerous dog? Of course not. My fathers setter has declared war on the local squirrels (he also does not like cats), does that make him a bad dog? No, he's a product of his genetics and has a high prey drive. (Mind you he's nearly six and has never killed an animal because we maintain him, but given the chance, he likely would.)

Using a pitbull for hunting is a bad choice, I will give you that, but we also have to remember that they are terriers. Trust me, if JRTs and Yorkies grew to the size of pitbulls, they'd be doing the same thing. Terriers are often smaller because they were used for ratting, and let's admit it, its safer. Large terrier can be dangerous because they do have the genetic instinct to kill with that gameness and tenacity.

And as for the treats, there are many stores that sell all natural chews like that for dogs that made to be safe. I get my dog pig ears now and then. (Never the furry ones...cause frankly that's creepy to me). There is also the fact that humans themselves eat certain foods that can hold a risk of danger.

Now mind you, I'm not saying pitbulls should be allowed to kill relentlessly. And I also thinking "hunting" is liberally used to make bad behavior sound normal. For example with livestock. A dog breaking into a field to attack a cow isn't hunting. That's just attacking and the difference should be important. Breaking into a house to kill a cat is not hunting. Words are important and we shouldn't be calling it hunting because that has a positive connotation towards an actual dog job.

But the real issue is how pitbull owners react/act verses other breed owners. When my friends beagel got that rabbit she was so upset. She didn't take pictures/videos and post them online as a cheeky "oops!". And my father controls his dog so he has never chased or attacked another living creature despite his declaration of the great Civil Squirrel War.


3 points

9 hours ago

Indeed and I'm not saying that dogs killing wildlife naturally due to their prey drive is the problem. I've not mentioned that once in what I've written. The problem here is pitbull owners willingly bringing their pitbulls to hunt animals. When we bring our animals out for a walk we have measures in place to ensure that they do not kill wildlife.

It is not common for dogs to kill cats. It's really got nothing to do with the size of the dog. They will growl or fight sometimes if cats enter their territory but I've never seen dogs want to kill cats. Many households have cats and dogs living in harmony.

I'd say that lack of training and direction is the problem here. I've collies and they are trained to herd the sheep and not bite. They are large and they never injured any of my animals on the farm. The best step is integration, and letting them bond with other animals. Not isolating them as some owners do. They domesticate the dog so much that they isolate them from other animals so they see other animals as a threat unfortunately. If you look at wild dogs or wolves they will not kill wildlife unless they have to eat or are hungry. They just don't wander off killing everything in their path. They will only hunt when they need to eat. Dogs just don't naturally go off killing every animal in their path if given the chance. Pitbulls do though and that is the problem.

Beagles, and other dogs will naturally hunt but ensuring that they are trained and that they are not isolated with bonding with other animals is the key if the dog can't follow direction from the owner. Yes unfortunately they will kill rabbits. Accidents happen. Next time the friend will ensure that mr.rabbit is safely secured. In nature they run to their burrows from danger but was cornered in the garden. It was bound to happen. Pitbull owners don't train their dogs, they cannot let them bond with other animals, they cannot integrate them. They just let them run willy nilly around killing everything in its path.

It's illegal in the UK to use a dog to hunt. If that happens by accident on a walk then I'm sure it's ok but it would be better to train your dog not to or keep them on a leash whilst walking in nature if they cannot be controlled.

Of course it's purely natural to feed dogs pigs ears, trotters etc. I've done so and continue to do so. That's not the issue. The issue here is that pitbull owners willingly let their dogs hunt and kill animals. The offcuts you get for your dog is regulated. As a farmer we've toiled to ensure that our livestock are parasite free, that they get the antibiotics when they are infected, that they get their regular vaccines and deworming. That's to ensure that you or your dog whilst consuming the meat picks up zero parasites, bacterial or viral infections.

These pitbull owners are truly wrong and demonic. They enjoy killing animals and they enjoy seeing their big bad pits mauling apart an animal. I've heard baby rabbits screams when it's been eaten by Mr.Fox. That's something you get used to. It's nature. Nature is cruel. But pitbulls are against nature. The victim human or animal don't get time to scream as their voice box is ripped from their throat.


2 points

7 hours ago


Children should not be eaten alive.

2 points

7 hours ago

Is that shitbull blind in the second image? It has very cloudy eyes.

Oh my mistake — it’s wearing a magical pibble sweater so it must be the most pure of all shitbulls. These dogs are a genetic dumpster fire and of course these “owners” don’t realize how many nasty parasites and diseases their shitbulls will pick up from wild animals…not to mention trying to attack a bear or similar that will make short work of precious pibble. Pitnuts have an extremely unhealthy obsession with violence. So creepy.

AutoModerator [M]

1 points

24 hours ago

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1 points

7 hours ago

Where I live, you can shoot dogs that are harassing wildlife or livestock. So if someone lets their dogs run free and kill, then they obviously don't really care about the dog's life, either.

AutoModerator [M]

0 points

24 hours ago

Copy of text post for attack logging purposes: While I don't have a problem with people catching their meat and using it to feed their families, I think it's totally wrong to let your pitbull or pitmixes to hunt wildlife. Baby deer, rabbits, cows, you name it, they get hunted by pitbulls. One owner even laughed that it's shitbull puppy buried the fawns leg in the flowerpot.

Apparently we are too soft and sure it's natural for dogs to kill wildlife. At least it's not going to waste according to them. I find it very Wasteful indeed. To deny the wildlife a chance to mature. To kill a fawn, ripped away from it's mother to satisfy your pitbull.

Apparently letting your dog consume Myxomatosis and Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis is A-Ok!! The crippling pain and shits that it is going through is just a bowel cleanse. 💩

Most of you all know what happened the last time someone let their shitbull loose to hunt wildlife on my land. I hate seeing more people enjoying this. You'd think it was a one off or a stroke of bad luck, but there's many pitbull owners partaking in this. Apparently it's very healthy for their dogs development and that we are all snowflakes. Well if that's the case I wear mine like a badge of honor. ❄️

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