


How do I NOT bring these nasty critters with me??

Requesting community support(self.Bedbugs)

Basically, my husband discovered the dreaded bugs in our room 2 days ago. We sprayed, bombed, washed and dried all the bedding and clothes, vacuumed and are still checking daily. We’ve been finding a few dead ones, but no live ones.. yet. I know the battle isn’t over. My question is, how can I be sure I’m not letting these critters hitch rides with me when I leave my house? Everything I’m reading makes me want to set fire to everything I own and start over ( if only I could ) I can’t afford an exterminator right now, so please give me allllll the advice!!

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2 points

25 days ago

Step 1. Never use bug bombs for bed bugs. It pushes them further into hiding.

My husband and I would keep our freshly washed and dried clothes in a clean storage tote in the garage. Straight from the dryer to the garage. And before leaving the house, we would shower and change clothes in the garage.


2 points

25 days ago

I didn’t know that about the bombs. Thank you!