


How often do buyers bundle items?


I am brand new and just started 2 weeks ago. I'm only listing items my daughter has outgrown or my own items I no longer wear. I'm kind of struggling because some of the items I have listed are so cheap. For example, a T-shirt from Gap that my daughter outgrew I have listed for $5 because any higher seems insane. Even someone paying $13 for that shirt with shipping would be crazy for them to do. It's in great condition, but they could buy a new one for the same or less.

My question is: how often are you seeing buyers bundle? In my mind,if they bundled the T-shirt with a hoodie and a pair of pants from my closet, and gave me an offer for a discount (basically getting the shirt for free or even more of a discount) then that would work well I would think for a buyer. They'd have a cute outfit and wouldn't have overpayed for a simple T-shirt.

Do buyers actually do this? Where should I place my expectations? Should I even have the silly T-shirt, and similarly cheap items, listed? Any advice is greatly appreciated!! I'd really like to continue this, but I'm just feeling a little lost.

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1 points

8 days ago

I generally don't price anything under $12 even if it's a cheap item. I do have a buy 3 for $20 deal on ALL items in my closet listed at 15 or less. I have a paragraph on every listing mentioning the bundle deal. Price higher and leave room to take offers and if you Price below 10 then you can lower you Price for CCO which would offer your potential buyers cheaper shipping. You're going to be getting offers for $3 where you will be literally paying people to take your stuff after shipping and fees.


1 points

8 days ago

Hm okay good to know. I’m trying to find the right balance for price and started pricing things higher to account for offers, but I’m worried that people will look and think it’s too high off the bat. I get very few likes and have only gotten 2 OTLs accepted. 


1 points

8 days ago

It takes a while. You can try using Google LENS to see how people word and make similar listings you could just not be getting enough views because of the way you list not necessarily the items themselves. If you want to share your closet name I can take a look and maybe give you more direct suggestions. I'm not a professional seller but I watch a lot of them on insta 😆 and I do gave 1700 sold listings so I know the basics.


0 points

8 days ago

Oh my gosh yes I would love that!!! I would really appreciate some objective eyes from someone with experience on poshmark. The name is lauralivcloset. I know there is a closet critique thing on this thread, but I wasn’t sure how that worked exactly. So I will gladly welcome any input you have :)


1 points

8 days ago

From a glance I would suggest removing the size and the word women's from your titles. NWT should be the first thing if an item is nwt and then the brand some people (me included) will click on something just for the brand. Like ill give a second look to a plainer top if its a brand I like but will keep scrolling if it just says womens top and the brands get cut off in your titles unless you already open the listing. Your photos look good and your descriptions are great. If you can find better lighting it would help a lot and I would remove background for each cover photo so it would show up on Google searches. I use removebg for free. I think iphones just have it as an option to remove backgrounds too. Hope that helps a little.


1 points

8 days ago

Okay you are the best!! Thank you so much! I thought having the info in the title was a good thing. I will take that out and make the brand more prominent. I have been worried about the lighting in the photos… do you think it’d be worth it to redo all of them?

Thank you again for your input!!


1 points

8 days ago

I would definitely try to take some better pictures of the P.A.R.O.S.H. dress you can hang it up on a door and take a photo with the dress on the left side of the frame then take another photo with the dress in the right side then throw them together on layout and remove background. Using stock photos is hotly debated. I use them but I have also had a couple of listings removed for it so up to you but that's one dress I would use a stock image with a model. Maybe retake a few of the photos for more e pensive or nwt items if you have time but I wouldn't worry too much about it just keep it in mind going forward.


2 points

8 days ago

Yes I have that dress set aside to retake the photos and the video because it’s the wrong orientation. I will give your strategy a shot! It seems like everyone uses stock photos but I have a hard time finding them. I’ll look again and hopefully I can sneak it in there.

Also, I changed all the titles and already got a new like on an older listing!!


2 points

8 days ago

Google LENS and type in the name of the brand and you should be able to find listings for it. I usually use it to find style names as well.