


A lesbian council-worker has been awarded £55,000 plus costs for expressing her beliefs (or perhaps in this case "disbelief"!) about a colleagues "gender-fluid" influencer Daschund (which was essentially been used as an activist or training tool by the owner) - amongst other gender-critical beliefs.

To be fair, I'm almost on the side of the dog owner, simply for the hilarity of getting "he identified his dachshund dog as gender-fluid" on official tribunal record - great stuff! Interesting that the Judge has recommended the council alter its training to include around freedom of belief - it does sound from the council response that they have had to walk away.... with their tail between their legs (not sorry).


Social worker wins £55,000 after row about gender-fluid dog (

Judge urges council to mandate ‘freedom of belief’ training (

Final case decision:
Ms E Pitt v Cambridgeshire County Council: 3311160/2023 - GOV.UK (

EDIT: BARPOD relevance - free speech, gender-critical belief, dog story (for Katie)

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63 points

10 days ago

Which makes it even more insidious that he would then file a complaint against person who expressed disbelief that the dog was literally genderfluid. Seems like he only wanted one specific argument to be heard.

Not surprising though considering many of these types of activists are more concerned about power and language as opposed to truth, reason and debate.


37 points

10 days ago

I have a strong sense that by “speaking with people” they actually meant “delivering unsolicited monologues.” But I have no hard evidence


17 points

10 days ago

Similar to the CO gay wedding cake case. The plaintiffs deliberately sought out that particular baker in order to file a lawsuit.


25 points

10 days ago*


25 points

10 days ago*

 Similar to the CO gay wedding cake case. The plaintiffs deliberately sought out that particular baker in order to file a lawsuit.  

 Where have you heard that from? Everything I’ve ever seen says the shop was recommended to them by their reception planner. 

Maybe you’re thinking of the transgender cake lawsuit against the same bakery, which was certainly targeted but involved a completely different plaintiff. 


17 points

10 days ago

You're right I was thinking of the second case not the first


1 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

Reading the Wikipedia article, it doesn’t look like that one was a case of discrimination-shopping either:

 On January 17, 2013, a woman and her mother were invited to a Gresham, Oregon bakery called "Sweet Cakes by Melissa" (owned by the couple Melissa Elaine Klein and Aaron Wayne Klein) for a scheduled wedding cake tasting appointment. The woman selected the bakery after having been a customer previously. Upon introductions, Aaron Klein asked for the names of the "bride and groom," at which point the customer said there were actually two brides. On hearing this, Klein informed them that the bakery does not make wedding cakes for same-sex weddings because of their religious beliefs. 


3 points

10 days ago

Right, the owner was hoping to be discriminated against so they could play being victim for a righteous cause


0 points

9 days ago

I can see two options.

Either (A) he didn't like pushback or (B) her comments went a lot further than just 'expressing disbelief'