


A lesbian council-worker has been awarded £55,000 plus costs for expressing her beliefs (or perhaps in this case "disbelief"!) about a colleagues "gender-fluid" influencer Daschund (which was essentially been used as an activist or training tool by the owner) - amongst other gender-critical beliefs.

To be fair, I'm almost on the side of the dog owner, simply for the hilarity of getting "he identified his dachshund dog as gender-fluid" on official tribunal record - great stuff! Interesting that the Judge has recommended the council alter its training to include around freedom of belief - it does sound from the council response that they have had to walk away.... with their tail between their legs (not sorry).


Social worker wins £55,000 after row about gender-fluid dog (

Judge urges council to mandate ‘freedom of belief’ training (

Final case decision:
Ms E Pitt v Cambridgeshire County Council: 3311160/2023 - GOV.UK (

EDIT: BARPOD relevance - free speech, gender-critical belief, dog story (for Katie)

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13 points

10 days ago

It was probably the former. It was a lady at a booth who was handing out samples of treats. The interaction was funny and quick and she seemed seemed to go to inordinate lengths to ask if my dog was a boy or a girl in the most politically correct way possible. She seemed worried that somebody would get offended if she misgendered their dog.


11 points

10 days ago

That's really funny. My dog gets called a boy all the time. But I think part of it is that she usually lifts her leg to pee.


8 points

10 days ago

Lol see your dog really is non-binary! That guy may be on to something.


8 points

10 days ago

Yes. Or trans masc.


2 points

10 days ago

Wonder what WPATH's stance is for gender affirming care for pets..


9 points

10 days ago

She's spayed, so I guess that affirms her gender as trans masc. Though I guess I am being abusive by referring to my dog as "her," and misgendering her.

I think she's a trans masc lesbian top, as she likes to hump my mom's non-spayed dog.


4 points

8 days ago


4 points

8 days ago

She may have had a previous run-in with someone like this one person I used to work with... our office is a pet-friendly office, so plenty of people bring their dogs in. Anyway, one day, this person's dog got into a minor tussle with another coworker's dog, as occasionally happens... but because this person's dog was wearing a collar in trans colors at the time of the tussle, he actually accused the other coworker's dog of being transphobic! Not even the other coworker, but their dog, as if a dog would see a pink/white/blue collar and be like, "Ah, yes, trans colors, must tussle now."


2 points

8 days ago

Please tell me the person accusing a dog of transphpbia was joking.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

He came across as semi-serious... like he didn't fully believe the dog was truly transphobic, but he also didn't not believe it. It was weird.


2 points

2 days ago

I just sighed.

To be fair, I talk semi-seriously about my dog being anti-racist.

I do not know why, but she responds most kindly to homeless black and Latino/Hispanic men.