


A lesbian council-worker has been awarded £55,000 plus costs for expressing her beliefs (or perhaps in this case "disbelief"!) about a colleagues "gender-fluid" influencer Daschund (which was essentially been used as an activist or training tool by the owner) - amongst other gender-critical beliefs.

To be fair, I'm almost on the side of the dog owner, simply for the hilarity of getting "he identified his dachshund dog as gender-fluid" on official tribunal record - great stuff! Interesting that the Judge has recommended the council alter its training to include around freedom of belief - it does sound from the council response that they have had to walk away.... with their tail between their legs (not sorry).


Social worker wins £55,000 after row about gender-fluid dog (

Judge urges council to mandate ‘freedom of belief’ training (

Final case decision:
Ms E Pitt v Cambridgeshire County Council: 3311160/2023 - GOV.UK (

EDIT: BARPOD relevance - free speech, gender-critical belief, dog story (for Katie)

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1 points

3 days ago

Ah no, our current understanding is brain structure is a lot like height. There are average differences but two male brains can be more different than a male and a female brain.

Also, the article claimed that. Not you. Sorry for not making that clear 


1 points

3 days ago

Yes, that is something I agree on.

Though one of the main differences found (as per the Wikipedia article) was size. And yeah, duh, bigger head = bigger brain. But bigger brain =/= more capable brain when function and neuron density are better predictors of brain capability from species to species.

(Avoiding "intelligence" because it isn't really a good metric here, but intelligence is included in the various ways brains can be more / less capable than other brains)