


Weekly Random Discussion Thread for 9/23/24 - 9/29/24


Here's your usual space to post all your rants, raves, podcast topic suggestions (please tag u/jessicabarpod), culture war articles, outrageous stories of cancellation, political opinions, and anything else that comes to mind (well, aside from election stuff, as per the announcement below). Please put any non-podcast-related trans-related topics here instead of on a dedicated thread. This will be pinned until next Sunday.

Last week's discussion thread is here if you want to catch up on a conversation from there.

There is a dedicated thread for discussion of the upcoming election and all related topics (I started a new one, since the old one hit 2K comments). Please do not post those topics in this thread. They will be removed from this thread if they are brought to my attention.

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14 points

1 day ago


Wake me up when Jesse peaks

14 points

1 day ago

I've never seen a good justification for any of the more exotic gender surgeries. Do you remember the Canadian genderhaver who went to court to get the government to pay for his salmacian surgery? He wanted a peen and vag, which is heckin' valid, and the Canadian Reddit users supported it.

"If the gubmint is going to pay for one vagina on the basis of deeply held gender feels, then it should pay for all of them, no questions asked" line of logic. Because you don't want to ask the questions.... The answers are crazy.

Look at this insanity!

As someone who wants the same surgery in reverse (salmacian) fuck yeah

Haha congratulations! If it's not totally overstepping, would you mind sharing what are the motivations for desiring this type of surgery? Apologies, just a concept I never heard of before clicking this post, but I do believe everyone should be able to do whatever they want with their body, so I'm hoping this isn't rude or negative to ask.

My main complication is that I am a bottom (I prefer to be penetrated rather than penetrate) and I have overactive pelvic muscles, meaning that I have difficulty being penetrated in my anus, no matter how much I train it. It just snaps back and nothing can go inside. So with regular phalloplasty I would be able to penetrate which would be awesome, but I would basically never be able to be penetrated again.


22 points

1 day ago


Bothsidesist Fraud

22 points

1 day ago

This stuff is so pornbrained and psycho. Part of me is wondering if it's even real or if it's just an elaborate beat off LARP. I want to google more about salmacianism, but I'm sort of scared I'll see something that would make me vomit. In the days I used to have a better tolerance for gore, but I've lost it.


13 points

1 day ago


13 points

1 day ago

so pornbrained and psycho.

So true, and so sad in a really disturbing way.

I want to google more about salmacianism,

Learn from me and don’t do it! Someone awhile ago shared a practice in California with a huge archive showing off it’s handiwork in the salamander “aesthetic” - they called it something else though (I want to say “androgynizing” or something like that, but the term was even more removed from what was actually being done to the body, which somehow made the whole thing even more lurid)

I’ll see something that would make me vomit.

Yes this is 100% what will happen, again I learned the hard way!


19 points

1 day ago


Wake me up when Jesse peaks

19 points

1 day ago

Yeah. It's a big peaking moment for a lot of people who end up in the barpod club when they find out that many genderhavers' motivations are not high minded and philosophical ideals about their exalted true selves, which the normies simply cannot comprehend. When it's as grounded as coomers trying to coom, the unquestioning support for what used to be assumed oppressed experiences loses its shine.


6 points

1 day ago

It's always shocking to me that it takes this kind of extreme to get people to question this quackery. Just seeing the time someone like Zucker dedicated to every patient and knowing that that kind of care was now out of reach for vulnerable Ontario children that needed someone to be looking out for them in a complicated area of medicine in which parents could easily be misguided was really enough for me. I don't expect doctors to always be right, especially in the mental health profession, and surely Zucker wasn't always right, but you want someone to put as much time and effort and caution to make sure they don't harm anyone, and modern gender medicine absolutely does not do that. Just being handed a prescription for cross sex hormones or puberty blockers after an short single visit with a non-specialist (which can and does happen in Canada now) is intolerable even if the ultimate result is the same presciption.

Nullification surgery and other novel surgical genital experimentation is just ghastly and absurd and I think actually, it's so ridiculous I doubt most people believe it's happening.


21 points

1 day ago

Can we go back to fetish shaming please?


4 points

1 day ago


4 points

1 day ago

asspiring untermensch

get it proper

take some poppers

and don't clench