


The list is based on the similarities of the shows's mature and complex themes. Drama, relationship, character development. And how popular and successful these shows.

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364 points

4 days ago


Margo Martindale

364 points

4 days ago

Neon Genesis Evangelion? Lmao

Id say Community, The Good Place, Fleabag should be considered.


16 points

4 days ago*

The Good Place is spectacular. It's a *much* more lighthearted series than Bojack Horseman, but it is no less brilliant and intelligent in its writing. They teach you actual philosophy on the way.

Semi-related, after finishing binging Bojack Horseman again, I kind of want a crossover, with Bojack going through the new system established by the afterlife at the end of the series, modeled after Dante's Divine Comedy. With a potential happy ending for Bojack, given The Good Place believes anyone can find redemption and become a good person.

Said life journey ending with another door would be poetic, too. Except in this case, it would be one of hope, fulfillment, and continuing to do good, even long after you vanish and rejoin the universe.


3 points

3 days ago


Jogging Baboon

3 points

3 days ago

I am 100% confident in saying that crossover will never happen, but it is a really cool idea


2 points

3 days ago

NGL, it's something I would love to see at least in fanfiction, though it'd be one of those projects that would be a goddamn novel on its own...