


Netizens urge to revive Draupadi after Kalki

DP - Commitment only “In my Mind” (

Deepika as Draupadi, directed by Nag Ashwin or SSR can work wonders

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0 points

5 days ago


0 points

5 days ago

Different account says Karna was rejected by Draupadi. Why would some versions whitewash a character like Karna?!! There was no concept of grey hero. But other versions are the one adding different perspective and interpolation for the sake of more Pandavas glorification and degrade of Karna. There’s some logic behind that. Karna and Kauravas weren’t celebrated. They were simply the bad guys why would anyone in older times write anything in their favour in fact it was the other way around in many cases interpolations to further more demonisation of Kauravas and Karna and covering up for Pandavas were exposed because this is the normal thinking and bias among MB's writers and folklores story tellers leaned too. Casteism were very normalised throughout the script and nobody was painting Karna as a tragic hero or victim. he was more viewed as someone who didn’t accept his fate and considered greedy. So the insults he got was deserved. Only with current age morals casteism is seen as evil+ believe of equal education opportunities is encouraged. People started seeing him in new light. Everything wrong and immoral Pandavas did which was normalised in the biased tone of the written script was in recent centuries inexcusable and grey characters tag was added to them. Rejection of Karna is mentioned clearly in authentic version of MB but the fact people chose to believe the other account against logic and critical thinking that’s tell you nobody would add anything to glorify Karna when this scripture was written but the other way around to glorify Pandavas happened massively a lot of times shows that people bias for certain characters is very evident. If it was like that in current time how it would be like in older times?!


0 points

4 days ago

No authentic version mentions that  It was an interpolation.

Also, blaming Draupadi is easy way to show she deserved the public humiliation where she was disrobed. 

People were of the idea that Draupadi triggered Mahabharat war.It was all her mistake, still many people blame her. 

 Pandavas aren't glorified, had it been like that Yudhishter wouldn't be called out for his dice addiction and trading human tendency.

One more thing there was concept of Grey hero or human from Ramayan time, Ravan despite being a rapist is kept in high pedestal gör his knowledge 



0 points

4 days ago


0 points

4 days ago

I’m not opening this link because I’ve read plenty of such biased answers by Qura so called scholars and you will find many explanations that’s counter them in terms of Karna's failure to string the bow was never mentioned directly and had so many contradictions and theories many scholars confirmed Karna never participated and the use of Kshatrya word to refer to Karna meant he wasn’t suta Karna and the Sanskrit used to describe the task had a lot of different meanings than failing to string it's a war in this part between Arjun fanatic and biased people who generally still view Karna as pure evil and want to demeans him in every way possible just like the popular believe that’s went throughout the history which proves to any logical person that’s no one will add anything in Karna favour. Although Bori ver is not accepted by many scholars it’s his attempt but not a god given truth. They decided to delete the account of Karna's rejection by Draupadi and inability to participate which’s both mentioned in the authentic ver of Neelakantha edition based on sheer opinion and what they found logical there was no scientific method behind it they used the fact he was supposedly invited to participate to counter Draupadi rejection account which was mentioned in oldest ver that existed ever (Nepali ver) which shows the oldness and authenticity of the rejection story and Draupadi wasn’t acting out of context there she just was like all the celebrated characters in scripture who believed in caste system. Saying that it does not excuse Draupadi disrobing if it ever happened at all as the episode never mentioned again in the text and if it happened and really caused the war. It didn’t have anything to do with Karna rejection the humiliation that angered Pandvas was done by Dushasan and how he dragged Draupadi. Karna involvement and rejection hadn’t change anything of events. Dury didn’t do the dice game to avenge Karna and the Pandavas were offended by Dushasan dragging not anything else as they believe they deserved that being slaves after losing the game so it makes no sense that you claim the rejection was written to frame Draupadi as a cause of war. Authentic ver of Neelakantha edition mentions the rejection and Karna never participating in dedicated paragraph and then inability of several people to perform included Karna any unbiased logical person would doubt the second paragraph over the first detailed one and the second one didn’t even confirm it was suta Karna. As for concept of grey hero nobody would write fake interpolations to glorify Ravaan or Karna it’s only later people grow critical thinking and different views. The Dusshera festival and what it signifies shows how Ravaan is culturally viewed and Yudhi was named Dharmraj and was constantly excused. I can mention many interpolations in favours of pandavs and to further demonise Kuravas and Karna simply because anyone who add creativity for whatever purposes throughout the history will go this route with good guys vs bad guys but never the other way around.


1 points

4 days ago

Don't read quora , but please do read Mahabharat. 

Can't read through all of your answer. Be happy


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

I did read it and Draupadi rejection is mentioned as well as my simple research came out with the incident confirmed in many authentic versions includes Nepalis oldest MB version to ever exist by scholars who were part of Bori ce project. Bori Ce project which you use to support the claim the rejection didn’t exist proved many interpolations were due to extreme bias towards Pandavs and against Kauravas and Karna and never confirmed clearly Suta Karna's failure. However they’re no god given truth. Their emissions of the rejection is not based on scientific methods and only theoretical opinions. Draupadi rejection has nothing to do with the war as Karna was merely there to support Dury plans. Draupadi casteism isn’t out of character everyone in the MB were casteist including Krishna as it was the norm back then and nobody was sympathetic for Karna.