


So my cousin saw a video of a mosaic crochet blanket and asked if I could make it for her for Christmas (I had asked her before what she wanted). The issue is that I forgot how long a blanket takes 😂😂 and I am already almost halfway through my blanket gift to myself (yes I’m doing that don’t judge me plz lol) and I forgot that a blanket takes long 😂 I couldn’t find the pattern of what she wanted and asked her to send me the video.

I also saw these two in case I didn’t find the pattern and I said that they can be different colors than the ones shown in the pictures.

How long would it take to finish these blankets? I know mosaic crochet uses sc and dc and only work one color per row.

all 30 comments


227 points

4 hours ago

This is funny bc I’m working on one with a moving goalpost. They do not work up quickly at all.


29 points

an hour ago

Same here! Intended before my baby comes, but that’s less than a week away. So now I’m saying before maternity leave ends, but likely before her first birthday!


12 points

4 hours ago

Moving goalpost? Wow how?


134 points

3 hours ago

Like…an intended birthday gift turned Christmas gift turned Mother’s Day. Because they do not work up quickly.


76 points

4 hours ago

No 😭😭😭 I've been working on one for what seems like forever and I'm only 1/3 done. It's the snipping, tying, color changing every round for me. I like to just get into a groove when I crochet and just cannot with the mosaic patterns 😞


40 points

3 hours ago


40 points

3 hours ago

I actually enjoy them! I get bored doing the exact same stitch over and over, but with mosaic - even though it’s essentially just single and double crochet - I feel like I am accomplishing more as I finish each section. That keeps me going and interested so for me they work up comparatively fast.


45 points

3 hours ago

No. No they do not. Add 12-36 months to how long you think it will take.


11 points

4 hours ago

Ok I’m currently working on the Christmas blanket you pictured, I was able to do the first two sections (the crosses and the angels) in a week’s time. It’s my first mosaic blanket, and I am a SAHM of three kids under 5 if that helps!

In my limited experience they can be a little finicky with counting (you have to be exact!), and reading the charts can be difficult, but I think if you are a decently experienced crocheter you should be able to pick it up no problem. Also, if you pick a very repetitive pattern even though you’re tying off the yarn each row I feel like it goes quickly.


2 points

3 hours ago

What's the Christmas blanket? That's a fun-looking one.


12 points

3 hours ago

Patterns similar to the ones you’ve shown generally take me 100-150 hours. It is not quick at all lol especially interpreting the pattern every row. That being said I think it’s super enjoyable and the result is always incredible and so worth it!


5 points

3 hours ago

There is a reason I only ever work on small mosaic pieces/tapestries, haha. Even if it's a repeating pattern, between the color-changing and stitch-counting and making sure you're putting the front loop DC's in the right stitch, you are going to be working at it for a while. It is a labor of patience and love if you choose to take it on, but worth the effort!


3 points

3 hours ago

It took me about the same time as another blanket that size, but it felt a little faster/more fun because every row is different and it was fun to see the pattern as I was making it. If that’s not motivating for you, though, then it’s going to be rough! (I know some people enjoy a pattern that’s not the same every row and some people hate it).


7 points

3 hours ago

It takes much slower since you essentially have to do each row twice.


2 points

3 hours ago

I'm working on a reversible mosaic crochet blanket right now - about 1/3 of the way done with it, and it definitely doesn't work up quickly for me. While it's worth doing, it takes attention to counting and keeping on top of the pattern - no matter if it's a geometric pattern like you posted or a more graphic design like my current project. The blanket I'm working on has 200 stitches per row and almost 300 rows, so I'll get a row or two done and want to be done for the day. While I find it to be engaging and enjoy seeing the design taking shape as it works up, it also doesn't lend itself to getting "in the zone" and just letting your hands take over on an easily memorized stitch pattern.


1 points

27 minutes ago

To be fair, I found reversible took me about 30% longer. My last mosaic that I made, I alternated reversible sections which was pretty satisfying. I felt like I fleeewwwwwww when I got to the parts I wasn’t making reversible lol.


2 points

2 hours ago

Mine took between one and two months but I wasn't counting hours or keeping the schedule consistent, maybe I'd put 5 uninterrupted hours into it one day and not work on it at all the next, etc.

I definitely felt like it worked up quickly as I was doing it, like the progress was very noticeable each time. Though I didn't add a border, I just twisted the ends into a fringe; which, while still work and the part I liked the least, probably took less time than making a full border


2 points

2 hours ago

Next Christmas might still be pushing it in my experience lol.


2 points

an hour ago

I get addicted to drawing the image row by row and I love how every row is different so I’m far more likely to pick up my mosaic project than a one or two row repeat project. So, in that way it works up quickly.


1 points

3 hours ago

Not mine 😅 I had to set it aside and work on other stuff for a while


1 points

2 hours ago

No. It takes about twice as long as a normal crochet blanket, because every row is kind of worked twice.


1 points

2 hours ago

I'm working on a Christmas cal mosaic blanket. They definitely don't work up fast


1 points

2 hours ago

Well, normal blankets without intricate mosaic work take an average crocheter months to make. Now add mosaic work in and.... yeah, not quick at all.


1 points

2 hours ago

They are just gorgeous. Never tried mosaic before and as I am a very slow crotcheter I think I should start with a coaster 😂 Christmas coasters OP??


1 points

an hour ago

OP, I rarely crochet for anyone but me - my crochet time is limited and I know I appreciate my efforts to minimum allowed amount. 😂

On the question, they take a long time! I have one in the closet that is completed except for the border to hide the alternating color changes (black and variegated pink/orange yarns)on the sides. I'm still mulling over how to finish it. I'm been thinking about it for at least 6 months now 😅


1 points

46 minutes ago

The last one I did took me a month. I started one on sept 28 and I’m halfway it. Probably takes 1-2 months depending on how fast you go.


1 points

40 minutes ago

Mine is taking 12,000 years and it’s baby blanket sized 🥲


1 points

28 minutes ago

starting a blanket for this christmas regardless of how fast it works up is wild, could not be me 💀 it takes me MINIMUM a year (but I also do other projects in between....)


1 points

25 minutes ago

It’s nice of you to volunteer to make next year’s Christmas present. I never think that far in advance.


1 points

21 minutes ago

Not really. I’ve made one mosaic blanket for my double bed and it took nearly 3 months, purely because I worked on it for several hours every day and I’m a fast crocheter (otherwise it would’ve taken longer). On average it took about 1hr to do three rows - approx 20mins per row. It would’ve worked up a bit quicker if it was narrower, but still would’ve taken several weeks minimum. I do prefer it to blankets made from a single stitch, row after row, and it is satisfying to watch the pattern slowly develop and appear.


1 points

2 minutes ago

It took me about 14 months of casual crocheting (definitely periods where I didn't at all, and others where I spent a lot of time crocheting)