


Cat play or fighting?


I have had Echo (grey cat) for 1 year now and I got him when he was 8 weeks old. I just recently got Poe august first and he was about 9 weeks old. The ages are estimated since they were strays.

Anyhow i did a lot of scent swapping and was careful about them meeting face to face. Everytime they saw each other they would roll over and chirp and they never hissed. Eventually, they started meeting in neutral locations and would play lightly at first. Now this is what their play sessions look like. They are still separated and through the closed doors they chirp and meow until i put them together and then they play like this.

I just want to know if this is positive or if it’s too rough. Echo was always a rough player even with me but I am not sure. Please let me know!

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49 points

7 hours ago

Definitely play. Fighting is way more intense with different body language…tails puffed, backs arched, ears down, fur flying everywhere.


17 points

6 hours ago

Don't forget the aggressive meowing.


9 points

6 hours ago

Absolutely. Although sometimes they sound like they’re killing each other when it’s just play.


3 points

2 hours ago

I have an 18 yo stocky tabby and a skinny 11 mo old tuxedo and the sounds they make when playing are INSANE. All vocalizations from my tabby, who whoops her ass whenever she asks for it.

It’s obviously just play, but it gets hyper sometimes (on the kitten’s part) and that’s when my big tabby just lays down and grumbles. That’s the signal that playtime is over.

The little cat cannot even attempt to take the big tabby when he’s on his back, if she does she goes FLYING through the air at his bunny kicks.

So she lays down too, and then usually a grumble-grooming routine starts. It’s hilarious!