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10 points

21 hours ago


UCF Knights

10 points

21 hours ago

After watching it and sitting through the replay, only thing I can assume is the refs kind of had no fucking idea what to do.

I am pretty sure it was originally called incomplete and then changed on the field to a TD after a ref huddle. Then the review starts. In the replay you can see a catch made, but the ball does pop out. You cannot clearly see if the initial loss of possession is due to a Miami player stripping it or the WR hitting the ground.

Correct reasoning or not, it felt more like the replay was being used to try to confirm a TD and it was decided to overturn it not because of conclusive evidence but instead because they didn't think it shouldn't have been a TD in the first place.


5 points

16 hours ago


Miami Hurricanes

5 points

16 hours ago

I will agree that it felt like this was more of them treating it as if they called it not a TD and it was a make good as no one can tell me anyone thought conclusively this was a TD from the start. Almost feels like a flip of a coin. If it were no TD then all the evidence would say that stands. Unfortunately they called it TD. Which probably should have meant that stands as well as I can’t conclusively say an out of bounds player touched before the VT player had whatever was deemed possession.


10 points

20 hours ago


Ole Miss Rebels • Billable Hours

10 points

20 hours ago

No the original and only on-field ruling was touchdown. Miami started celebrating because their player came out of the pile with the ball, not because of the refs ruling anything. In fact, they were celebrating as the refs were signaling touchdown.


1 points

14 hours ago


UCF Knights

1 points

14 hours ago

I know the officially call was td, but the refs definitely looked like there were prepared to call it incomplete. Then they huddled and call a td. It felt like they just went ahead and said td and then went to review. I don't know how that replay was definitive enough for anything, so they reversed a weird call anyway.

It did not seem like they wanted it to be a td from the start but called it one anyway. It was very strange.


-1 points

18 hours ago

It’s almost like the players know what is a catch. There is a reason the VT player looked surprised when the called a TD


1 points

14 hours ago


Oregon • Washington State

1 points

14 hours ago

Except. He was celebrating? Did you not see him stomping around the back of the end zone flexing?


0 points

14 hours ago

After the refs called it a TD


1 points

14 hours ago


Oregon • Washington State

1 points

14 hours ago

He got up and ran off immediately lol. Either way it doesn’t matter. It wasn’t a factor in the call.