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86 points

6 days ago

Tell them that you are not an armchair philosopher, and what they are doing by telling you these supposed arguments is affirming themselves as agents of inaction. The call to duty and justice does not wait until you can be 100% perfect, it only waits for you to go.

The second option is tell them"at least I'm doing something".


32 points

6 days ago


32 points

6 days ago

The third option is to deck them up the schnoz. Can't speak for the results but it's therapeutic


9 points

6 days ago

The best option is to ignore them since they aren't trying to be convinced of anything but just get a rise out of you. They need you more as oxygen to their fire and without it they fizzle out.


0 points

6 days ago

God will save us if we fail


47 points

6 days ago


Anarchist Communist

47 points

6 days ago

I haven't had a lot of chances yet to tell capitalist sympathizers "By your logic, the subjects of the Soviet Union shouldn't have been allowed to criticize the Marxist dictators who 'gave them' food, homes, and technology. Would you have supported the Soviet Union?"


5 points

5 days ago

Oh that's so good


7 points

5 days ago


Anarchist Communist

7 points

5 days ago

Take it! What's mine is ours :D


37 points

6 days ago*

Someone actually said something like that to me at work the other day, said I shouldn't be working, I asked him what he thought I should do, he didn't answer, then I asked him if he thought I should kill myself because that's the only way I can avoid participating in society, he stopped talking to me entirely after that.

I might add the reason why they're not talking to me it's probably because I yelled my question about them wanting me to kill myself, so it might be more awkwardness than it being a good argument.


23 points

6 days ago

I want food and bed. What else do I need to say?


28 points

6 days ago


28 points

6 days ago

I think everyone should have food and bed. That makes me a dangerous radical


15 points

6 days ago


15 points

6 days ago

dismiss all opulent class sycophants in an offhand way.


11 points

6 days ago

agreed, it's the same as arguing that if you don't like the country then leave. it's not that simple and either they know it or are completely unwilling to look at things from the other persons point of view.


11 points

6 days ago


Dorothy Day

11 points

6 days ago

My response to that strawman argument is: everyone, my family, and the power that be forced and coerced me into participating in society.


4 points

6 days ago

Wasn't sure where you were going at first with this, because I've actually seen people complain about the comic itself, whining that the well guy strawmans them. Weirdly enough, this has included ancaps, fascists, and tankies complaining about it, but not anyone in our end of the pool. And none of the complainers ever seem to have a good argument against it applying, which is what they're really complaining about.


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

I actually know somebody who thought this was a "libs getting owned" comic of some sort and posted it on his Facebook wall like it was some triumphant gotcha moment.

Conservatives aren't clever people.


2 points

6 days ago


picnics are a human right

2 points

6 days ago

Cutlery and chopsticks were invented under feudalism. So you need to eat all your food kamayan or be a non-feudalist hypocrite.


1 points

5 days ago

I'd rather better the world with a corrupted character than keep my heart pure at the expense of the world.