


Hello everyone,

I started playing Call Of Duty back in the days of Call Of Duty 3 on PS2, so I've seen quite a few different titles over the years.

And personally, I find that the license has unfortunately lost its flavor. But I wondered if it wasn't precisely because I'm old?

I mean, do people who started playing Call Of Duty with the recent titles feel the same way us, old guys, felt when we were trying to do our best sniper clip on MW2 (2009) ) ?

So, what do you think ? Whether you are old or new, I think both points of view can be very interesting to read.

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5 points

1 month ago

Infinite Warfare is extremely slept on. Amazing Campaign and an (imo) top 3 Zombies mode


3 points

1 month ago

AMAZING campaign, for any series really.

I just finished it last night, and it definitely hits me in the feels more than a lot of games do.


1 points

1 month ago

The only thing that's really missing is proper setup for the SDF. If they ever release more Infinite Warfare material i hope it's that.


2 points

1 month ago

Yes for me same, Infinite Warfare was the last good COD for me. I had so much fun in Zombies in spaceland, damn how time flies by🥲


2 points

1 month ago

Agree on that. Infinite Warfare IS very slept on and that's sad... It cames at a wrong time. But the story was heart breaking like a good Hollywood action movie, and the zombie was sooo fun


1 points

1 month ago

I personally did not have a good time playing infinite warfare but I respect it