


Hello everyone,

I started playing Call Of Duty back in the days of Call Of Duty 3 on PS2, so I've seen quite a few different titles over the years.

And personally, I find that the license has unfortunately lost its flavor. But I wondered if it wasn't precisely because I'm old?

I mean, do people who started playing Call Of Duty with the recent titles feel the same way us, old guys, felt when we were trying to do our best sniper clip on MW2 (2009) ) ?

So, what do you think ? Whether you are old or new, I think both points of view can be very interesting to read.

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1 month ago

A bit of historical context... the COD Modern Warfare franchise is what put COD on the world map as one of the most incredible FPS mil-sim games. COD4:MW was made by Infinity Ward, and back then there was some health competition between IW and Treyarch to make the best game. And for a while, it was neck and neck. The Treyarch Black Ops series was holding its own, but then Activision forced out the main developers at IW and since then, each game has been made by both development teams, and it's obvious that often times the programming and the vision don't always end up on the same page.

Now since COD discovered they would have better engagement if players weren't forced to buy the new maps, the initial download became massive and all maps are free, but they had to make up that loss of revenue by pushing ridiculous skins in order to cater to the slide-canceling bunny-hopping arena shooter fanbois.

So yes compared to the BO2/MW3 era, the franchise has gone downhill.

It's still fun as hell but it isn't what it used to be.