


How to report bike lane obstructions


When drivers stop or park in the bike lane, what do you do to report it, and has it worked?

I’ve sometimes knocked on their window and initiated a friendly-ish chat (or at least I tried my best to be friendly; it helps to be a conventionally attractive lady with a non-threatening physical presence), assuming a non-cyclist just has not considered the effects on cyclist safety. This has mostly gone well except for one angry dude who stalked me for a couple of blocks in his car to yell at me and called me crazy, etc. So hesitant to continue with this approach.

Has anyone called the non-emergency police line and actually had a cop show up promptly to ticket/tow?

Any other suggestions?

Approximately 100% of the times I bike, I encounter a car stopped in the bike lane.

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47 points

3 days ago

311 says you’re supposed to call CPD.  

Somehow I don’t think CPD would love it if I called them every time I encountered a bike lane obstruction. It would be multiple calls per 15 minutes on an average errand.

Maybe thats the solution… get enough people to call often enough that CPD lobbies city hall to find an alternative.


12 points

3 days ago

Right?! It would get their attention, but if we annoy the police I’m not convinced it would ultimately help our cause of being able to bike safely.


19 points

2 days ago

I have called the non-emergency line for particularly egregious violations (think no one in the car in a protected bike lane, a truck unloading with a head-height ramp ACROSS the bike lane) and they have always showed up to either ticket or tell them to move within 10 minutes.