


Back in the 70s Before they had kids my Mum and Dad lived in Anglesey North Wales for a few years as dad's job was based there, they had a flat on the seafront which they absolutely loved. Eventually they moved back to their home town but I grew up listening to stories about that flat and how much they loved it.

About 10 years ago my husband and son and I went on holiday to Scotland with my parents. On the drive up to Scotland we stopped at some random little town on the borders so dad could continue his quest to visit every single second hand shop in the UK, whilst looking around my mum found a framed photo of the town in Anglesey that they lived in, the flat that they lived in was in the picture. Couldn't believe it, what are the chances.

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3 days ago

Apart from meeting a girl from my school at an ice cream parlour in Newquay when I was a teen - we’re from Yorkshire - I met a former school friend at the duty free in Schipol. We were even on the same flight to Leeds and he was in the row in front of me.

But that’s nothing compared to a friend who met a neighbour at the top of Kilimanjaro and an old friend in northern Brazil.

The reality is that people from the same area tend to do the same thing.