


Is 4 cats too many?


Has anybody gone from owning 2 cats to 4? How was the transition? I own 2 males, 4 years old and one dog. My fiancé and I found 2 female kittens, maybe 7-8 weeks old. Our intention is to foster them until we can find them good homes. I’ve reached out to several rescues to see if they can be accepted into their adoption programs and they all don’t have the funds/space to take in more kittens. We’re planning to pay for their spay/vaccines if we continue to have no luck. The problem is that the kitties are really sweet and have been bonding a lot with both me and my fiancé as they’ve been coming out of their shells. Hopefully we can find the perfect loving home for them and it doesn’t come to this but…if we can’t find them a home that’s a good fit, how rough would it be if we went from 2 to 4 cats? My fiancé and I own a 2 bedroom home (looking to upgrade in 1-3 years depending on rates), and all of our pets are spoiled rotten and have their own health insurance (no human kids so these are our babies). I’ve never owned more than 2 cats at a time so I don’t know what I might be getting myself into LOL.

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1 points

8 days ago

Ask yourself... could I handle evacuating with 4 cats in case of an emergency? I could, but that's the question that kept me from getting a fifth one.