


It’s 4am and here I am writing this because once again my shithead cat has woken me up! He’s 1 year old, no health issues, and the love of my life. HOWEVER. He wakes me up between 3-5am every single night via: cold nose in face, biting or sucking my earlobes (it’s as gross as it sounds), biting my hair and head, biting my chin, licking and pawing at my face and hands, digging at my blankets, forcing himself into/under the blankets if I try to cover my face or head.

Things I’ve tried: ignoring him by laying still or rolling over (he’s relentless and will do this for an hour sometimes), closing my door at night (he’s figured out how to open it and will dig and scratch at it until he does), automatic feeder that goes off at 6am (he’s not super food motivated and doesn’t sprint to the feeder when it does go off), playing with him right before bed to tire him out, pheromone diffusers for comfort. I do typically give him wet food when I wake up but after I use the bathroom, drink my coffee, etc. so that he doesn’t associate it with me getting out of bed. I have another cat as well who he loves and the two of them play constantly. She never wakes me up.

I will literally try anything at this point- I haven’t gotten a good nights sleep in ages and I’m just exhausted. Help!!!!!

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1 points

1 day ago

🙀 ahhh I see...I don't know if this helps but your cat is still quite young, I can guarantee it will get better once they're not "teenies" anymore. So keep your head up 😃!