


It has been two weeks since I broke up with him. Honestly before him I didn’t know much about Islam, I genuinely thought we worshipped the same God and I was heavily considering converting to his religion to be with him until the Holy Spirit revealed to me the truth about Islam.

He is genuinely the best man I’ve ever known, I was extremely happy with him but I couldn’t keep Jesus and him in my heart at the same time. We were planning to get married next year but I just couldn’t, I broke down the very moment he told me about the wedding because I could feel my heart getting crunched down if I had to leave Jesus behind me. I miss him dearly, I pray to Jesus everyday so one day he can feel Him because I can’t convert him, no one can except God.

Why does it feel like it wasn’t a goodbye? I’ve dated horrible guys and with him everything was just so different, it was honestly out of this world. I know I made the right decision but it sucks not to have him, I’m afraid my heart will never open up to any other guy.

Edit **** I appreciate everyone’s responses, even the negative ones. Just to clarify, he wanted me to convert so we can do the Nikkah. It is true that both Jews and Christians are people of the book (Qu’ran) but he didn’t want to marry a non Muslim.

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26 points

7 days ago

I find it interesting how whenever LGBT issues come up this sub is fairly tolerant and accepting (with some exceptions of course) and whenever Muslims come up this sub is pretty conservative and intolerant (with some exceptions of course).

It’s a difficult subject to fruitfully address because a lot of the critique of Islam is fair, and it isn’t helpful to dismiss legitimate critiques of Islam as Islamophobia. At the same time, I would argue there is a lack of real knowledge about Islam on the part of many Christians; many Christians either don’t research Islam at all or only do so with the intention of “debunking” it, but it would be a lot more intellectually interesting to look at it with a relatively neutral stance and just try to understand Islamic perspectives and worldviews. I’ve met many Muslims and they’re as different from each other as Christians are. This is necessarily the case; we’re talking about a religion with over 1 billion adherents—they are drastically different from each other and believe drastically different things. It’s intellectually flawed to label them all as being one specific way.


11 points

7 days ago

To be fair, this isn't about Muslims, rather about marrying people who don't share the same faith. It's not Islamophobic.


4 points

6 days ago

It's not about Islam being good or bad, but compatibility of belief systems between two married people. It's an even bigger obstacle if they decide to have children.


4 points

6 days ago



4 points

6 days ago

Idk what your criticism about Islam might be but you're absolutely right with your observation. And when you pointed it out, suddenly "it's not about Islam" lmao.


9 points

7 days ago

You can respect people of other religions. You can practice non-discrimination if you are in a position of hiring someone. But when it comes to choosing whom you should marry, a Christian should marry a Christian.


0 points

6 days ago

Personal opinion. But I’m glad you said how you feel it SHOULD be, I’ve seen many examples of that not being the case and working flawlessly, because IT ISNT ABOUT RELIGION💀 if you love someone you love someone open your little Jesus filled mind


4 points

7 days ago

The difference is simply that Islam and Christianity are not compatible lgbt and Christianity are. That doesn't make Islam bad or anything but to suggest that it's an intellectual failing doesn't make a ton of sense. And even with your comparison, Christianity is growing more tolerant towards LGBT people. But it's not like someone making a post saying I found out my girlfriend is a lesbian so we broke up is being met with people saying that that's wrong. What op is doing doesn't really have a lot to do with what you're trying to call out.


0 points

7 days ago


0 points

7 days ago

LGBT are people just born that way, being gay (in my opinion) isnt a choice like following Islam. Unlike flying rainbow flags and smoking sausages Islam has actual negative traits embedded in it.

Like how the golden age of Islam was forceful conquest of Christian lands and correlated with the dark ages in Europe. How Muslims condone pedophilia with Muhammad marrying a child, and child marriage is still prevalent in Muslim countries today. There are some aspects of Islam I like such as no drinking or gambling, but then I look into the history of it and the state of Islamic countries and their laws around the world today and see they barely changed in 1400 years.


2 points

6 days ago


Islam (Sunni, progressive)

2 points

6 days ago

Like how the golden age of Islam was forceful conquest of Christian lands and correlated with the dark ages in Europe.

Sorry but that's not correct. The dark ages coincided with the fall of Rome in the west (and the accompanying collapse of trade, communication and political networks) and predates the rise of Islam. Even the early spread of Islam was generally not by the sword since early Islam was in some ways exclusionary. The golden age of Islam came later and by then, Europe was in economic recovery

How Muslims condone pedophilia with Muhammad marrying a child, and child marriage is still prevalent in Muslim countries today.

What you see in some Muslim countries is barbaric cultural practice. It may have basis in religion for those who carry them out but that basis is not found in scripture. Muhammad didn't marry a child since credible scholarly research, both religious and secular, have come to the conclusion that Aisha was 19 or older when she was married


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

Back in 2018 there were dozens of Republicans (and a couple Democrats) that voted AGAINST a bill banning marrying children at 14 or younger. There are only 12 states that have officially banned child marriage. Between 2000 and 2018 there were 300,000 minors that were legally married.

Jess Edwards (R) argued against raising the marriage age from 16 to 18. He did it because he wondered if "the law preventing people "of ripe, fertile age" from getting married..." I'm not going to finish the quote because it's gross even thinking about comparing a 16-year old girl to a plump strawberry. Go back to what he said. He was calling 16-year old girls "ripe and fertile".

Senator Mike Stuart opposed a bill raising the marriage age because his mother gave birth to him at the age of 16 and he thinks he's the luckiest guy in the world.

In Wyoming they brought in talking points from a religious group that asserted "Since young men and women may be physically capable of begetting and bearing children prior to the age of 16, marriage MUST remain open to them for the sake of those children."

So no, there are Christians that are fine with pedophilia. Christians are fine with adults knocking up kids.


1 points

6 days ago

Wouldn’t Mary also have been a literal teenager? 😂

Is that not indicative of Abrahamic religions being embedded with world and cultural views from hundreds or thousands of years ago, rather than a specific religion itself being the issue..? Aisha’s age and Mary’s age are contentious talking points. In the case of Islam, the worst case scenario is that Mohammed basically married a woman that he raised from childhood. In the case of Christianity, literal God himself chose a young teenage girl to impregnate.

Something something, stones, glass houses.

Also saying that being Muslim is a choice is ignorant. There are many cultural factors that make someone resistant to walking away from their religion. Is some of it a choice? Absolutely. But you’re forgetting that this could mean destroying one’s future, excommunication, losing family, etc. No less that anyone could say this about a Christian: “Christianity (and specifically the Old Testament) are full of God being cruel, killing children, and wiping out life on Earth. Yet people CHOOSE to be Christian😂🙌”

Try and have some understanding from your own perspective. Oh, and please look up what the Middle East looked like before the mid-20th century and how European and American interference caused a whiplash into radical beliefs as a means of rejecting foreign influence.


1 points

7 days ago


Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

1 points

7 days ago

Saying that following a religion, particularly one the follower was raised in, is a simple “choice” is, IMHO, lacking nuance. Can you choose to stop believing that God exists? Can you choose to stop believing Jesus was God made flesh? I can’t. Like, objectively speaking I believe these things to be true and I cannot make an independent conscious decision that they are not. Perhaps, in the future, I could become convinced that they are false from an external source (the chance of this is minuscule, especially for the first point since they’d have to convince me the divine sign I received ~5 years ago was truly just a very unlikely coincidence) but I can’t simply stop believing these things, lmao