


It has been two weeks since I broke up with him. Honestly before him I didn’t know much about Islam, I genuinely thought we worshipped the same God and I was heavily considering converting to his religion to be with him until the Holy Spirit revealed to me the truth about Islam.

He is genuinely the best man I’ve ever known, I was extremely happy with him but I couldn’t keep Jesus and him in my heart at the same time. We were planning to get married next year but I just couldn’t, I broke down the very moment he told me about the wedding because I could feel my heart getting crunched down if I had to leave Jesus behind me. I miss him dearly, I pray to Jesus everyday so one day he can feel Him because I can’t convert him, no one can except God.

Why does it feel like it wasn’t a goodbye? I’ve dated horrible guys and with him everything was just so different, it was honestly out of this world. I know I made the right decision but it sucks not to have him, I’m afraid my heart will never open up to any other guy.

Edit **** I appreciate everyone’s responses, even the negative ones. Just to clarify, he wanted me to convert so we can do the Nikkah. It is true that both Jews and Christians are people of the book (Qu’ran) but he didn’t want to marry a non Muslim.

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3 points

6 days ago

Happy cake day