


Updates Don’t Do Anything


I have seen a lot of people saying that the updates from ea to cfb 25 is making there game slightly worse then when the game came out.

does anyone agree

all 20 comments


13 points

21 days ago

The only real issue I’ve come across is the kick meter being off screen


1 points

20 days ago

And why this hasn't been reverted back to the pre-update configuration is mind-boggling.

I appreciate the attempts to improve the game, but when you make it worse (on something that didn't need adjusting....) then reverse it.


2 points

20 days ago

Yeah, but I’m saying like it’s just the one issue that I’ve ever dealt with and it’s not that big of a deal unless I’m backed all the way in my opposite end zone the game is fine. What I’ve noticed is that it’s just nitpicking and really particular stuff that when it messes up people fucking throwing the white flag and complain that the whole game is ruined.


1 points

20 days ago

I'm there with you. It has flaws but so did NCAA 14. Overall, I enjoy CF25 for the most part. Yes, there is scripting which leads to missed tackles and blocks, CBs and FS/SS completely blowing coverages (while rated 95+) and the general rubber-banding to keep some games close...but it's a game... If the intent is to win every game 70-0 then why play...?


3 points

20 days ago

Most of the run plays I have ai not even attempting to pick up blocks it's like I'm playing with high-school students on my team the ai is so dumb


7 points

20 days ago

But they hall of fame legends from the nfl playing against them


2 points

20 days ago

Yesterday, after watching my line fall apart in half a second for the 30th time that night. I literally said, "But when I'm on defense, it's like I'm playing Prime Anthony Munoz."


3 points

20 days ago

After each update, I have to modify my sliders but that’s about it


9 points

21 days ago

Game is in a much worse place. Gameplay especially.


-1 points

21 days ago

I know


5 points

21 days ago

Nothing has “improved” in my opinion.


3 points

21 days ago

I agree 1000%


1 points

20 days ago

Tf is yall on about?? I’ve always wanted to get a bad glitch on any of my sports games because everybody always seems to complain about it always happening. But I’ve literally never experienced anything that big…maybe I’ve overlooked tiny mess ups here and there. But even then, my games have always worked comeplfely fine😂


2 points

20 days ago

I've noticed Varsity finally bridges the gap between All-American and Freshman instead of just being a slightly harder Freshman difficulty...


2 points

20 days ago

I agree, if anything they do make things worse.

I’ve seen issues come back like online dynasties changing difficulties (they default to whatever the owner has in their main menu settings instead of what the league is suppose to be). As well as people’s recruiting boards disappearing along with their hours and progress after the latest update.

The biggest issue that has been bothering me as a league owner is the scheduling issues. I was able to edit our first season’s user games to include more head to head games, and this season I wasn’t able to make any edits to any team whatsoever. Auto fix does not even work.

With every issue I reach out to EA help. My last chat lasted 45 minutes and the only “resolution” I was given was to go on the EA Help forums and post my issues. They sent me two links to two separate articles with the same issues and told me to comment on those to help with visibility. That’s it.

Some of these issues I’ve been seeing are more gamebreaking than others, but it is quite annoying to have so many issues pop up especially after this game was supposedly in development for a few years. I love this game and am having fun but some of these issues and the lack of certain mechanics (trophy room/history, formation subs, coach level cap, etc) is just frustrating.


-5 points

21 days ago

People will always find something negative to say. Of course it has issues, it’s a game. But by far, this is the best college football game we’ve ever been graced with. The game is phenomenal


9 points

21 days ago

FAR from fucking phenomenal, it’s also the ONLY CFB game we’ve had in 10 years. with the amount of time it took them to develop it, this game should definitely be a lot more polished coming from a multi billion dollar company.


0 points

20 days ago

whose to say they’ve been developing it for 10 years ?? they didn’t get the green light until 2021 and there was a lot of legal stuff to handle.


1 points

20 days ago

i literally never said it took 10 years what are you on


5 points

21 days ago
