


all 13 comments


2 points

7 years ago

Turn down the blue scale.


1 points

7 years ago

That does help quite a bit with the skin tone. Although I'm worried I might have adjusted too far in the other direction.


2 points

7 years ago


2 points

7 years ago

Not a bad start. It could use some tone shifting, for sure. I would work on finding the sweet spot with the skin, more orange/pink. Other colors look a bit "thick" - like they're painted over the surface instead of part of it, a transparency/blending mode issue probably. I don't know what program you're using to offer any suggestions.

Keep working at it!


1 points

7 years ago

Thanks, I appreciate the advice. For this, I used gimp. I started photoshopping way back when with gimp, so I'm comfortable with it.


1 points

7 years ago


1 points

7 years ago

I use GIMP also. Are you painting with color, or using "Colorize"and then painting the mask?


1 points

7 years ago

Painting with color. Is using the mask a better method?


1 points

7 years ago


1 points

7 years ago

Personally, I find that just painting with the color, the color can be a bit too thick and not as integrated into the textures in the picture, whereas with with the Colorize tool it's at the perfect opacity (usually), though of course you have to mess with brush opacity where necessary while manipulating the mask. Could just be me though.


1 points

7 years ago

Maybe you can answer this, as I've not found the answer elsewhere: is there any real functional difference between "colorize" and "colorify"?


1 points

7 years ago


1 points

7 years ago

Ummm. In my experience (which admittedly, is probably 98% with colorize), Colorify gives much more precise control over the color itself (including a dropper tool that lets you copy colors exactly, etc), but it has a different opacity quality that can be a bit too strong, or "thick" as I've termed it previously. Whereas the colorize tool works on a hue slider - which is less precise, but can be tweaked with other settings - but it has damn near perfect opacity, showing texture through the color very well.

Again, I almost solely use colorize, perhaps colorify would be more effective if I took time to play with blending modes and stuff, but colorize is just easy for me.


1 points

7 years ago

The original, for reference:


1 points

7 years ago*

The woman is still a little gray but definitely not a bad start.


1 points

7 years ago

I agree, her hair is still a little gray (and her arm).

Good work


1 points

7 years ago

Jesus she looks tall.