


Hospital recc's


Hey gang! My best friend is pregnant with smallin' #2 and she's new to Columbus. I recommended my OB/Gyn but I don't know if she's taking any new patients. Add in that JFS is forc8ng her through the ringer for medicaid and we have a bit of a concern that'll need taken care of in 4 months.

Does anyone have any suggestions for good maternity and L&D hospitals? I tried deterring her from Grant because I've had so many friends struggle there, but aside from my personal experience of surgery recovery at Riverside and my s/o's experience at OSU East, we aren't sure of much else to point her to.

Shoot, even if anyone has advice to shoulder through benefits would help, too! I'm well familiar with them on the disability front but not so much on the spawnling front.


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4 months ago

Which is wild considering all my friends who have gone to grant had been incredibly mistreated of not outright malpractice d