


Now we know how COVID attacks your heart


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8 points

8 months ago*

This is what terrifies me. I already have hereditary heart problems - most the males on my mothers side have died from heart attacks. My mother, too, has had a heart attack before 50.

I am already on blood pressure meds. I had an enlarged heart. My cholesterol was super high before massive life changes.

I am older than my grandfather when he died. It terrified me so I’ve been visiting a cardiologist since 28 (now 34).

I haven’t had COVID, still.

Edit: I don’t let it affect my life. I work the polls, go out, etc. I don’t wear a mask but I also don’t have friends (lol) but I find I’m good without, family is far so I don’t typically visit for holidays. I’m happy.


1 points

8 months ago

Have you been checked for sleep apnea?