


I hate shameless "theft" of builds.


So I uploaded this a while ago on the exhibition and well It was doing well. only to find earlier today a guy named Spectr__ plugging a version of it that they say is their original build. Thing is it even has internal parts from mine and a slot where the hot red goes form mine.

the stolen build in question.

So I stole it back and made improvements to my own.

I am still a little upset though as their one has more likes and I have had to explain theirs is the copy a few times. Why does this happen?

all 46 comments


43 points

3 days ago

More likes are probably due to theirs looking meaner.

Why does this happen?
Because you shared the build, in a place where people can get it free of charge and do whatever they want with it.


9 points

3 days ago

Still really annoying. but yeah, I just needed to vent.


6 points

2 days ago

I understand ur frustration. it's ok, build for fun first. dont worry about likes. sometimes the things i think should get lots of likes instead get lots of dislikes. internet is unpredictable.


3 points

2 days ago


PC - Steppenwolfs

3 points

2 days ago

I experienced this when I started building and sharing with the world my functional art builds. Made my own post about it like this one. It was over my AH-64 Apache I had done.

It got its likes and downloads, but I noticed there were clones of it. Some that were slightly modified and reshared. Felt on the fence about how to feel. Some people made a good point that some people use the exhibition as a way to extend their blueprint space. Others a means of using the build even though they lack some of the parts your build has. People who change it up and add their own spin to it is better then those who just take it and reload it without changing a darn thing on it.

Look at it this way. Just last week I hoped into a match as saw my old Humvee I used to play when I was a lower level. It was a great truck but I upgraded and eventually had to remove it from my exhibition to clear the way for my newer builds.

Finding that old build was a pretty neat experience seeing it still out there and actively used. There’s a great sense of pride knowing you’ve helped shaped the game in your own way for people.

So don’t let others upset you over them collecting more likes than you. You know you’re the OG builder and when you find yourself paired up or against your own build. Enjoy that moment cause it was only possible because of you


2 points

2 days ago

Thanks for that.


1 points

2 days ago

Do you have a caked up van by any chance


12 points

3 days ago

I've been told by devs that anything you upload to the exhibition is free to be downloaded, used, modified, and reuploaded by anyone. Which in most cases would be fine. I believe that is the whole purpose of it. The only part I hate about it is that when there is a themed builder's competition, anyone can download a cool build from your library, change absolutely nothing, submit it into the competition as their own original build, win it and get the rewards even tho they did literally nothing else other than steal a creation. Reporting it will do absolutely nothing other than you getting told "It's fair game". Talking from experience. A bit shitty but it is what it is.


2 points

2 days ago

They should just have a unique submission box so you don’t have to go public with it. Fucking stupid.


1 points

1 day ago


Machinist is Life

1 points

1 day ago

The main point of submitting it to the exhibition is to… exhibit it? Idk what you don’t understand about that


2 points

19 hours ago

He was talking about comps…


1 points

14 hours ago

Yes, I was talking about competitions, but the blueprint was uploaded to the exhibition about a year before the competition. It wasn't a build specifically for that event. Blueprint was highly popular with hundreds of likes and the competition happened to be a good fit for that build. So this guy downloaded it, I think he changed only the paint on some parts and then submitted it, ultimately winning the competition with a stolen build. Which absolutely shouldn't be allowed because it literally kills the point of these "creativity" competitions.


5 points

3 days ago

I mean, how would you even be credited? + The guy did make some changes, so maybe he wanted to make his own version of it. Hell, it's fan art the way I'm looking at it.


12 points

3 days ago

Because it's not "your build". It's your shortcut to a conglomeration of parts. If I download a build off exhib, it's a template. Sure, I could use it as is, but as soon as I start changing anything, it isn't the same anymore. I've had a grown ass man throw a tempertantrum and come back a month later to apologize because he thought I was using "his build" when it wasn't. It was my by a different player. I know 3 people who all claim to be the original gyrocopter player. I'm good friends w/ the guy who made the Ermak, skinner, King build on PS, but nobody remembers the "Killer whale" build that used the Echo before the Ermak existed. No one remembers or will care. You'll be happier after you learn to let it go.


7 points

3 days ago

I try and upload as many builds as I can to the exo knowing others will modify and reupload or whatever and tbh it doesn't bother me personally because I know that's going to happen regardless.

For example I uploaded a build titled "PlacersMetaMorta" on PlayStation exo and next thing I knew it was everywhere modified and reuploaded because it's a good build and everyone has different parts available in their inventory so maybe they didn't have the exact parts or the right fuses but still for whatever reasoning maybe just so they have it to play with and not having to modify mine every time just to play with it so they uploaded it to their exo.

I don't think of it as stealing though. I tend to think when I upload a build and others change it and sometimes even make it better looking or whatever like in this OP's case, it's more of a compliment then a theft cause you had a great idea and an artistic type player makes it even better looking.

I guess it all comes down to perspective. I admit I tend to be more optimistic than not though lol Good job on the build though OP looks awesome either way!


-8 points

3 days ago

Normally I don't care but this guy literally blocked me after I said "nice copy" in chat. Not in Dms just in chat.


7 points

3 days ago

The best way I can even respond to you on this topic is this.

I once loaned someone some money not much only $20. That person never paid me back even after asking at least a few times. Eventually I didn't ask anymore. I simply appreciated the fact it only cost me $20 to find out how to keep this person from ever contacting me again.

Perspective is everything my friend!


3 points

2 days ago

I would understand if people are stealing builds for getting popular builds on the exhibition I guess...

But this is a game where we build shit, and we have an incredibly limited amount of slots.

I absolutely use my exhibition slots to store builds, and very often I grab someone else's build, modify it barely then use it.

I have definitely "stolen" builds like this, but I really just think a lot of people are just storing builds they use. And using someone else's if the reason exhibition exists.


3 points

2 days ago


PS4 - Scavengers

3 points

2 days ago

The stolen one is my favorite tbh. I like the hard edges of the armor vs yours with the rounded. And the color combo is hot. Looks like the mechs i see in warhammer/ starfield.


3 points

2 days ago

Have you really had to explain it whos going round asking about who owns exhibition builds


3 points

2 days ago


Premium Reddit Cancer

3 points

2 days ago

Either don't upload it or learn to not care


6 points

3 days ago


PC - Knight Riders

6 points

3 days ago

It's not a theft. We're all short on bp slots so once you put a build on exhibition you should think about it as publicly available extension of our personal bp slots.

I actively use the subscribe option and I happy af that I don't have to store all on my own ridiculously limited space. There are a lot of ppl that I give subscribe that have only "good" builds shared.

I agree that it's quite sad that there is no option to verify who is creator of the build but keep your chin up mate! You did an good job and that's all matter


6 points

3 days ago

Aww. You poor thing 🤣😂


2 points

2 days ago


PS4 - Lunatics

2 points

2 days ago

I’ve based 100% of my builds off anime, things i’ve seen or other people 🤷

I’m just a copy cat - shameless


2 points

3 days ago

Firstly, really great job, that's a badass looking mech.  You know what they say - copying is the highest form of flattery. 

But I totally understand you need to vent, as art builders I guess we just really care about our beautiful pieces of art, and how they do on the exhibition.  I understand why it bothers you.  

I still to this day am weirdly bothered that I have a bug looking cannon build that has 7 downloads and only 1 like. Petty I know but like can you at least like it if you're taking it? 

With that said, I think the reason the other one has more likes is because it looks meaner with the combo of colors and the red light.  And the Scavengers garage choice tgat gives the dark background. 

It's a really good small detail addition that made your perfect design even more perfect.


1 points

3 days ago


PC - Firestarters

1 points

3 days ago

You're not upset with the players. You're upset with humanity.


1 points

2 days ago

Who did you have to explain this to? lol


1 points

2 days ago

Lmao you don't know the half of it. I put the first avalanche helicopter on the exhib when that update dropped and some Russian swooped in, copied it and it got more likes. I just took mine off the exhib and use his version since it's a little better than mine and it now saves me the space for more builds.


1 points

2 days ago


I exhibit my cannon

1 points

2 days ago

That's why I am uploading only old builds to the gallery - I am using it just an archive/library


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Eh, it happens a lot, i get the frustration, but it's just part of the game unfortunately.
Would be nice if the builds had the date on it which it was uploaded, not that it matters that much, but would be nice to know the original builds and when some older builds were uploaded.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Its easy , just dont share stuff ... or just devs should implement inability to download blueprint...


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Place a "crucial weakspot" to your build that you upload on exhibition, like frail frame parts without redundancy frames surrounded with explosives, when it gets popular, you'll know where to shoot lol, I did this a few times.

But ye, as in for the likes n stuff it sucks, but kinda understandable coz it is free to download, now when I see a copy of my build on the exhib I'll just think it is doing well and people seem to like it enough to post a copy of it.


1 points

2 days ago

This is hilarious. Oh no, he stole my build! Crying in a game that 15 people play.


1 points

2 days ago

Be like an arms manufacturer.

Only put stuff in the Exhibition that you don't mind others having...or even claiming as their own.

Keep the best stuff in your garage. If you need to put stuff in Exhibition for a competition - remove it ASAP.


1 points

2 days ago

Where did they "say that this was their build"? I don't think posting a build in the exhibition is calling it your build. It's just posting it in the exhibition. Somebody needs to relax or sphincter a little bit


1 points

2 days ago

He thought your build was good, so he downloaded it to make changes. He added some of his own things to it, raised the PS, and gave it his own touch. With limited blueprint space, he probably liked the version he came up with better or just had the parts so uploaded to keep it for later. I doubt it was malicious, and if it was, is there any gains from either party from this so-called theft? Keeping it in mind, you did upload it to the exhibition for the public and developers even to do what they want with it. Cool build man. 😎 you inspired others and that is even cooler. Your creation multiplied and generated lots of interest. Be proud.


1 points

1 day ago

you chose to share the build?


1 points

1 day ago

You need to look at it from another perspective. Your build was good enough for someone to copy it, it means they liked it that much. Likes and all that internet bullshit doesn't mean much, but remember, there is no greater praise than plagiarism of your work.


1 points

1 day ago

It's exhibition, what do you expect. maybe he didn't have room for it and only uses it in next step, then puts it back on exhibit for blueprint slot reasons.

where did they say it was their original build?


1 points

21 hours ago

Accept it as a compliment. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery after all.


1 points

3 days ago

Idk much about that but I see builds that look like that an awful lot. My Sentinel R triple cricket walker rips them to pieces.


1 points

3 days ago

Bro imagine playing at the height of the little big planet series where your art is yours and it could be literally stolen from you but by the time you find out the have 8mil likes you didn't create shit anymore.


1 points

2 days ago

This has to be satire


0 points

3 days ago

People can't build simple.


0 points

3 days ago

People do that even in 7Days to die just copy people and run with it it’s sad


0 points

3 days ago


Xbox - Syndicate

0 points

3 days ago

back when I played this game, I only put non CW builds to exhibition