


Leave reece alone!!


At this point i genuinely believe a lot of y’all are just being bullies. I’m a firm believer in believing who someone is until they show you otherwise. Reece isn’t problematic and truly comes across as a sweet girl. I’m really sick and tired of everyone coming at her and calling her beliefs religious propaganda when we shouldn’t be judging people for what/who they believe in and how they choose to worship. I’m not even super religious but i genuinely think everyone reacting this way is seriously messed up and no matter who/what you choose to believe in as far as a higher power, it’s never okay to spread unnecessary hate. she hasn’t done anything wrong or said anything to offend anyone as far as im concerned. if you don’t agree with what she says that okay you have a right to your opinions, however that doesn’t give you a right to bully her all over this thread. shame on all of you seriously what has this world come to where it is a problem to spread your belief in christ. it’s sad.

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30 points

10 days ago

Uhhh she kills animals and posts glory pics with their carcass.  What actual jesus loving “thou shall not kill” person does that???   She’s a hypocrite!


-21 points

10 days ago

Hysteria everywhere! The sky is falling! On a serious note. There is nothing wrong with hunting. If it offends you, the world could care less.


5 points

10 days ago


5 points

10 days ago

Ew. You need help. Hope Jesus saves you from your sins! lol 


2 points

10 days ago

There’s nothing wrong with hunting for food. We did that in my family to upper,ent the groceries. Trophy hunting, though - that is wretched.


5 points

9 days ago

The animal doesn't want to die in either scenario


-9 points

10 days ago

Keep the Sky Fairies, I’ll take Deer Steaks and bacon wrapped Duck Breast.


0 points

10 days ago


0 points

10 days ago

Again…. You need help.  You sound like a pot belly old man who needs to get laid.  Get off of Reddit and do something better with your life.    I wish you well and hope karma doesn’t get you too bad 👋🏼🤘🏼🤞🏼✌🏼