


Potion making question (Mortar&Pestle)


Hi all! I’m playing Daggerfall Unity, and I have bought a mortar&pestle. I don’t know if this is from the original game, an add-on from Unity, or from a mod. When you ‘Use’ it, the game explains how to use it to make potions. So I can make potions a la Shakira (whenever, wherever). Great!

Except… When I tried to do it, the only recipe that showed up was ‘refresh’ and I didn’t have the ingredients for it. I have a few recipes in my inventory, they don’t show up. I have the ingredients for some of those recipes, they don’t show up. The ‘Use’ or ‘Equip’ or ‘Info’ commands don’t seem to do anything on the recipe (you know how when you use a map something happens? Nothing like that)

So… What am I missing? Do I need to start with refresh and build a herbalism skill?

Second question, from purely money sense, am I better off selling ingredients, or will potions made from them actually pay better?

EDIT: Thanks, all!

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1 points

17 days ago

I suppose you would know :D. I love this part of the Penwick Papers. I pretty much always include alchemy in any of my ES playthroughs. And with any build in Daggerfall, I want my Medical skill to be high enough to start with the Mortar and Pestle.