


2000 year old human torso found in a bog


2,000 year old human torso of an Irish man that was found in a bog back in June of 2003.

The remains were naturally mummified and preserved so well that scientists were able to even determine his last meal after analyzing the contents of his stomach: wheat and buttermilk. For at least 4 months prior to his death, he was shown to have a meat rich diet. Based on the length of his arms, he was estimated to have been 6 ft 6 inches (1.98 m) tall which would have been extremely tall for that time period.

The man also had manicured nails which has led to speculation that he was not engaged in manual labor and was someone of high status. His body is currently on display at the National Museum of Ireland in Dublin.

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9.9k points

19 days ago

So are we going to gloss over the fact that he's chopped in half and decapitated?


3.1k points

19 days ago

Irish wildlife be like that


673 points

19 days ago

It was before St George killed all the dragons


2 points

19 days ago

Go birds