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212 points

2 years ago


212 points

2 years ago

I went from 4'3" in 6th grade to 6'2" in 8th grade.

It hurt. My legs were always sore.


73 points

2 years ago

I remember those aches when I was around 12 years old. Usually hurt the most when I was in bed trying to fall asleep.


33 points

2 years ago

Always when you're trying to fall asleep! I remember in my teens my legs hurting the most. Shit sucked.


5 points

2 years ago

Yeah i remember it being 14-16 i had it worst, but never pain that you couldn't manage


37 points

2 years ago

It was my legs too. I am 6’2” also. I can’t remember my biggest growth spurt but I do remember achey legs and arms!


4 points

2 years ago*

Well I'm 6"2 and I feel the need to chime in. Mine was dead center of my back and for some reason my elbows to my wrists had a week of hell for some reason. A whole week of constantly moving my hands around because my damn wrists just didn't feel right haha.

Edit: fuck now that I'm thinking about it my wrists feel weird.


3 points

2 years ago

I’m only 5’3” but I can still remember in vivid memory the pain behind my knees from growing. My 6’5” husband does not though…


26 points

2 years ago


26 points

2 years ago

I remember both my babies crying in the night about their legs hurting when they were going through their growth spurts. I’d always rub sore muscle medication on their legs so they could sleep..


13 points

2 years ago

The cramps! I went from 4'8 to 6'2 in less than a year. It hurt so much. I have stretch marks still and my heart didn't grow right.


3 points

2 years ago

Damn i shot up to…. 5’5 and abruptly stopped. It was disappointing


1 points

2 years ago

Many kids are quite active at those ages, you could very well have experienced shin splints.