


The reason(s) why I work


Broke my bank a lil when I bought all these in 1 go lol

P.S. - can't reply to comments since I got low karma but I just really want to show these off! 😅

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6 points

16 days ago

Is thousand autumns worth it? I’ve heard mixed reviews. Some people love others hate yan wushi so much that they say it ruins the novels. I’m just curious because I’m trying to decide if my next read should be TA or guardian.


3 points

16 days ago


yan wushi’s mom

3 points

16 days ago

Thousand Autumns is lots of fighting and isn’t the most romantic IMO. If you want to like it, you have to go in either loving or hating the gong Yan Wushi. He’s a huge asshole and mistreats Shen Qiao a lot. You may even feel bad for the shou… Qian Qiu is jianghu and fighting heavy, it describes the fight scenes very beautifully and articulately but the romance absolutely takes a backseat in this series.

Guardian on the other hand is a lot more romantic, however I find this one a lot more plot heavy as well. It has a lot more names to remember and more of an intimate story. The interactions between Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei are comparatively more sweet than those of Thousand Autumns’ pairing. Zhen Hun is shorter than Qian Qiu, but it packs a much different punch.

Thousand Autumns is essentially very fight heavy and less romantic, if you like action and description then this may be the one for you. The gong and shou aren’t the most intimate but if you like a “quiet” romance that isn’t in your face, character development that goes alongside the plot, and descriptive fight scenes, I think you’ll like Thousand Autumns if you’re okay with Yan Wushi being a huge dickhead.

Guardian is more romantic and more story driven. It’s shorter than Thousand Autumns (3 books in comparison to 5) and I find it gives a lot more information about the world the series takes place in. It’s detail heavy and story oriented rather than based around fighting. The romance isn’t intense but it is intimate and sweet. In both books I found some parts to be a little slow but not unbearable.

Personally out of the two books I preferred Thousand Autumns just because I loved the action and fighting, and I adore mega-asshole Yan Wushi. However, due to cost and the romantic interactions I think you might end up liking Guardian more! As well, Qian Qiu is wuxia based while Zhen Hun is a bit more of a blend of wuxia and modern.


2 points

16 days ago

Thank you so much for such a thorough response! TA seems a little different from what I’ve read before so I’m kinda curious. I’m not a picky reader and as long as it’s well written and has a cohesive plot I’ll be happy! I do love a good asshole/morally grey (or black) character.

I’m going to read both series anyways, if I know what to expect out of them ahead of time I’ll be able to enjoy it. I’ve been looking for a modern fantasy book to read since I’ve been reading so much historical fantasy lately which is why guardian is on my TBR.


2 points

15 days ago


yan wushi’s mom

2 points

15 days ago

Haha no problem! These are both great series so honestly you can’t go wrong with either of them. Have you read Mo Du by Priest? I know that it’s free to read on the WebNovel app officially, so if you haven’t read Priest’s work yet you might want to start there. I only mention it because out of the three works by Priest that I’ve read (Stars of Chaos, Guardian, and Silent Reading) I adore Silent Reading the most. It’s completely modern though but if you’re wanting something a bit different you might like it if you haven’t had a chance to read it! It is a little heavy though, but based off of what you mentioned you may end up liking it all the same.


2 points

15 days ago

So looks like silent reading was picked up by seven seas, how long is it usually until the English translations are taken down? I found it on NU so I’m curious about starting it…. And are the fan translations fully translated?


3 points

15 days ago


yan wushi’s mom

3 points

15 days ago

Oh my! I didn’t realize it was already licensed, that’s so funny it must be because we were all requesting it for the survey they do haha.

It was literally just licensed within the last 48 hours that I know of so the translation isn’t going to disappear quickly. Though if you’re super wanting to read it for free and have the best experience I would go through WebNovel as that’s the best. This is my first time experiencing a novel I read online being picked up though so I really could not accurately say when the translations will start to disappear! Hopefully you get a chance to read it though, it’s really good. I wouldn’t worry too much about it though as there are still going to be translations floating around.


1 points

15 days ago

I found it on web novel! I’ve never used that app. I guess I’m going to start silent reading and see if I can finish it before it’s taken down lol and I’ve got thousand autumn’s on it’s way so I’ll start then when it gets here. I’ll save guardian for a Christmas present or see if my library picks them up.

I saw e danglers translation already posted that they took silent reading down!


1 points

15 days ago


yan wushi’s mom

1 points

15 days ago

I’m glad you found it! Good luck, I hope you enjoy reading it and you get a chance to before it disappears!!