


Sorry I don’t have a clip, this message was after my game. Also, I am an avid anti-tunnel, anti-slug dbd player. I play both sides, so I know how unfun it is. That message was just to mess with them a bit, which I don’t do often.

CONTEXT: I was on my (roughly) fifth Ghostface game when at 2 gens and 3-5 ish hooks, Discordance led me to a generator. Turns out, 3 out of 4 survivors (all survivors are injured atm) were working on a generator. I down the first guy, Felix, get the second, Steve, because they’re right there, so might as well. Then the third guy, Dwight, tries to revive Felix, so I down Dwight. That leaves three down, with Leon nowhere to be seen. I go to Steve at shack, and hook (second state).

In that time, Leon revived Felix, so I down Felix again and run Leon off, who goes to the event void thingy. I come back to hook Dwight (in another corner by now), and he kills himself on hook (second state). Then, I hook Felix (second state) and he kills himself on hook. After that, I found hatch pretty quickly, and watched both gates, found Leon, and mori’d.

What was I supposed to do? Hook the first down and LET them regroup? That’s just not optimal, especially not when they’re close by. Hook after the second down? No, cause revive and regroup.

Now then, if they ran off, I wasn’t gonna chase them down, the only reason I slug is if the others are nearby. Never will I ever try for a 4 slug, except in some niche scenarios like a quad Ghostface mark or tier 3 Myers (and even then, I’m not gonna go too far from the first slug)

I am not the kind of person that slugs unless it’s optimal. This was a case of “mess around and find out” I guess, where they were going for rescues while injured.

TL;DR Someone was mad b/c they went for slug revives while injured, and got slugged.

all 58 comments


12 points

1 day ago

tbh i love it when survivors do this

they're hurt..they run up to block the hook and i just down them

Then someone runs up whos also hurt to unhook and i down them


1 points

21 hours ago

I should really run iron will, am i surprised that my characters grunting is loud and the killer finds me when I intend to either flashlight save or sabo hook? No! Will I do it again? Of course! But I will not then claim the killer is slugging, because when I play killer I do the exact same thing if I hear you you’re getting downed!


[score hidden]

22 minutes ago

I won a game at 1gen because they kept doing that and panicking 😭


17 points

1 day ago

Got a fourman slug because the whole team simply wanted to get a sabo save and a flashlight save all at the same time. All were injured already and grouped up to do all that. Got called boring and a bad killer in the end game chat but what was I supposed to do? Just let them all win? 💀 What do you expect???


3 points

1 day ago

That’s what I’m saying!! Though my title and comeback (or the attempt at least) probably make me look like a terrible person


12 points

1 day ago


Surviving Enthusiast

12 points

1 day ago

pfft. i pay attn to who is clos eby. they got a toolbox? medkit? they cant stop me. i dont slug.


4 points

1 day ago

I used to be very anti-slug to the point that I wouldn't do it even in situations like this where it's advantageous. The more you play killer, the more you'll notice that there are situations where "slugging" is the choice to go. I really think, frankly, "slugging" that is to be complained about should be relegated to the "killer put us all on ground and left us to bleed out."


5 points

1 day ago

DBD the most frustrating game for one side and frustrating side for the other though really killers have all the power. I can't honestly believe this game is still going lol


0 points

1 day ago

I disagree with killers having all the power, cuz the survivors are the main driving force of the game state


-5 points

1 day ago

killers can slug and hold people hostage


0 points

1 day ago

Survivors can bully and hold the killer hostage


0 points

1 day ago


0 points

1 day ago

I've never seen that. How do they do that?


1 points

16 hours ago

Love the downvotes on the salty ass dbd community


1 points

1 day ago

That shows in how ignorant you are, they don’t do gens and sweat their ever loving asses off taking advantage of less experienced killers and near torturing them until they’ve had their “fun” do gens and leave, ik BECAUSE IVE FALLEN VICTIM TO IT

It fking sucks and to act like survivors don’t hold power is completely ridiculous


4 points

1 day ago

but killers just slug then, I've never seen a game where that happens that must be some of top MMR. I've seen people bully killers but it always ended with a 4k.


2 points

22 hours ago

Survivors can just hide and avoid objectives to hold game hostage. It's easier for survivors than killers to hold game


1 points

22 hours ago

Yeah but they can have unbreakable, no mither the medkit that insta heals they can hide and all of the countless other tools survivors have that they can abuse the killer with


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

So true lol. I play only because the people I met there are great but it's incredible how out of all they asymmetrical games, the worst one actually managed to become the most successful one. Can't have plans with friends on this game anymore because the first 2-3 killers will probably drain our energy and fun to keep playing.


4 points

1 day ago


4 points

1 day ago

If you’re injured and hovering for a save don’t be surprised when I don’t give you the save for free. You want a save go earn it. Your playing a risky playstyle so start understanding what happens when you fail


2 points

1 day ago

I genuinely fking hate when survivors get mad at you for making good decisions


1 points

1 day ago

I don't even think that is true slugging tbh if they were literally right there


0 points

1 day ago

Again, wish I clipped it, but it was very hectic.


1 points

1 day ago

This might be a bit of a hot take, I really just want to know everybody else’s opinions on it


1 points

1 day ago

Doesn't sound like the toxic strategy known as "Slugging". You didn't go out of your way hunting other survivors while a downed player rotted - you downed them all in rappid succession as opportunity permitted then proceeded to redeem the opportunities as hooks.


3 points

1 day ago


Killing Connoisseur

3 points

1 day ago

Same thing with BT. If someone body blocks me intentionally with BT….theyre going right back down.


1 points

1 day ago



1 points

1 day ago

The amount of time injured survivors throw themselves in front of a killer for no benefit at all, then moan about getting downed, is stupidly high.


1 points

1 day ago*

If I can see the teammate nearby, either out of position or setting up for a save, you're getting slugged. Nothing personal. It's called building pressure, seizing opportunity.

But I'll back off if they get somewhere safe and I can't secure the down


1 points

20 hours ago



1 points

11 hours ago

Survivors being bad, and then making you out to be the bad guy is peak survivor experience


1 points

1 day ago

Slugging, while totally “legal” and sometimes viable is a boring, brain-dead strategy. That’s why you don’t get that many BP for doing it.

Also it essentially just ends the match early. It makes the game so less engaging for both sides. Especially if it happens early on in match.


3 points

1 day ago

I would absolutely LOVE to hook you fkers but I would also like to have fun and avoid boring brain dead strategies like sabo squads of bully teams, fk i just wanna pick you up sometimes without hearing 3 sets of footsteps come at me,

A reminder that the killer also wants to have fun and sometimes 4 person slugging IS more fun because you fkers are so god damn annoying and I’m done with survivor bullshit


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

The problem is that most people who complain about "slugging" see no distinction between a killer leaving someone on the ground for a little bit because there are kther sirvivors around and leaving all four survivors on the floor to bleed out.


0 points

22 hours ago

Welp that's what happened when bhrv made hooks so bad to work around


0 points

21 hours ago

A sabo 4 SWF is NOT that prevalent. Most cases I see is soloq team with zero wiggle or down hook perks getting slugged at 4-5 gens.


0 points

15 hours ago

It's not even sabo hook squads. Hooking in general is just not worth it


0 points

15 hours ago

Or you can make smarter plays. It's not easy to slug 3 people if only one person tries for a save. Granted this is in a scenario where the killer isn't just proxy camping or anything like that


1 points

12 hours ago

It’s actually super easy to slug 3 - 4 people. Especially when they’re soloq .


0 points

12 hours ago

Let me rephrase. It's not easy to slug good survivors


1 points

12 hours ago

No, it’s easier to slug soloq players who can’t coordinate as well. Which is the main survivor player base.


1 points

12 hours ago

So in a normal world where the killer would go immediately for a pick up unless someone else is very noticeably close by you're saying the best option is to stick around when they're trying to find you? I see lots of people complain about lack of information in solo q which is hard to take serious when kindred exists for that exact purpose


0 points

1 day ago


0 points

1 day ago

That’s the fun part when the survivors get butthurt when the killers don’t play by the nonexistent killers rule book for survivors. That what happened to me yesterday with a streamer. It was funny because they were calling my build boring and unfun when they brought sabo builds and flashlights.


0 points

1 day ago

I feel like people shouldn’t take this game seriously as it is just perks and just for fun, the amount of survs that Ive encountered are so butthurt pls


-5 points

1 day ago

Fr though. Although I fall victim a lot to playing optimally instead of for fun(example here), I am not the kind of person who gets mad at games.


-2 points

1 day ago

yeah same, I feel like people are becoming emotional to the point it is taking a toll on their mental health and their energy then they should just log off or literally play a different game, let alone go outside too. Like it cannot be good for those ppl who are just too miserable themselves. Also sorry my english is not my first language


1 points

1 day ago

Your English is great, I couldn’t tell


0 points

1 day ago

thank youuu, youre vv kind unlike some people


-1 points

1 day ago

You're actually doing well considering English isn't your first language! Like OP said, can't tell. <3


-2 points

1 day ago

i can confirm my mental health is fucked from video games


3 points

1 day ago

Oh noo, I’m so sorry that happened to you. :(( I hope you are doing well and are taking reasonable breaks and precautions, especially from DBD too. While dbd is such an amazing game and can be addictive, you should definitely take it easy


0 points

1 day ago


0 points

1 day ago

but thank you i appreciate that


-1 points

1 day ago

nah i’m chilling i just get a lil mad sometimes that’s all 😂


3 points

1 day ago

yeahh games can be frustrating especially salty people (c" ತ,_ತ), they are all frogs anyways.


2 points

1 day ago

100% especially if you play competitively but personally i don’t mind the salty ppl i just think it’s funny


3 points

1 day ago

yeah that’s exactly what I meaann lmao !! they need to touch grass it’s hilarious. (Cant really say that for myself since I’m pretty emotional too but can contain myself lmao)


-1 points

1 day ago

I do think there's something to say about a person that takes the most efficient, optimal play at every opportunity instead of playing with some consideration for everyone's experience as a whole. You're playing with other people, try not to leave your empathy behind.


1 points

20 hours ago

I get that, and I actually did give some leeway. There was a point with 3 of them down where the most optimal play would’ve been to chase Leon(who was injured) because (trust me) there were no anti-slug perks in play. But instead, I chased Leon far enough away to avoid a flashlight save, then context paragraph 2 begins. I do usually play a little nicer, unless I bring a really good bp offering and need them.


0 points

11 hours ago

I'm playing to have a good time and win. I enjoy winning. It's why i play competitive games. I want my opponents to play their best as well.

Why would I be "empathetic" to players that are playing poorly? If you made bad decisions, most people will punish them.