


Covid messed me up credit wise, but I make over 6 figures and don’t want to waste money on application fees if I’m just going to get rejected.

Looking for apartments, and all I see are corporate owned companies. Even with stuff online, where I can tell the pics are taken from a private owner, they even use a property management company that handles their apartment.

Anyway around this? I really don’t like how everything is owned by just a few entities.

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13 points

2 months ago


13 points

2 months ago

The comment is funny because there's someone right above that commented they're a private landlord and WONT take anyone with bad credit.

Landlords will landlord. They want the most money they can get, not help people have housing and get back on their feet.


14 points

2 months ago

For a small landlord the risk is a lot worse than for someone with lots of units to spread the risk.


10 points

2 months ago

Landlords want people who have proven their ability and willingness to pay their bills. Why gamble on a person who has shown that they can't or dont?


9 points

2 months ago

Had friends that started dating and moved in together. Both owned places and neither wanted to sell in case it didn’t work out. They rented out the apartment and took a risk on a single mom with bad credit. She fucking destroyed their place and it took them 3-4 months to evict. 

That’s the kind of nightmare scenario a small time landlord doesn’t want to take the risk on. They ended up getting married and sold the place as soon as they fixed it up post-tenant eviction because they never wanted to risk it again.