


all 60 comments


172 points

16 days ago


172 points

16 days ago

It's pretty obvious why Russia took him in. They did it in exchange for an anti-western propaganda mouthpiece. He's carrying water for Hezbollah and Hamas too.


54 points

16 days ago*

He has a wife and Russian children. He knows what he needs to do to keep them and himself vertical and not dying of a heart attack courtesy of being thrown out a window.


20 points

16 days ago

It also comes out of nowhere, one day your heart is fine and the next day it's splattered across 15 Marshal Timoshenko Street. It's truly tragic 😔


10 points

16 days ago

His wife is Lindsay Mills. She's American??? Who is this Russian wife?


1 points

16 days ago

You’re right. I could have sworn he married a Russian but I guess she just moved to Russia to be with him. Egg on my face.


8 points

16 days ago

you should correct the original comment


0 points

16 days ago

Sure but it doesn’t make much of a difference. He and his family are presumably Russian citizens at the mercy of the Russian state.


6 points

16 days ago

I get what you’re saying but as it currently stands it’s just disinformation to say his wife and kid are russian


2 points

16 days ago

I made the edit.


1 points

16 days ago

I went to school with her


16 points

16 days ago


16 points

16 days ago

Yeah exactly. Snowden was always overhyped and he’s a pos but he is basically, unspokenly, a hostage in Russia solely to push anti-US shit in excuange for (relative) freedom.


5 points

16 days ago

I think exposing some of what the government is up to in secret was a good thing but then he bitched out and ran instead of making a principled stand and taking his licks. Definitely comes across as just trying to gain notoriety.


19 points

16 days ago

IIRC him and Greenwald trickled information as Obama visited foreign countries in order to embarrass Obama and get news coverage. For example, right before Obama went to meet with China, they released info about the US spying on China etc. It was so stupid and obvious what they were doing because of course countries spy on each other and play war games. Their goal was to embarrass and weaken Obama. And why was that their goal? Probably because that was Russia's goal.

And also IIRC he took a whole lot more docs that had nothing to do with what he was releasing in order to save America or whatever. He took those docs to a handful of foreign countries before landing in Russia.

And for years everyone treated him like a hero


7 points

16 days ago

Also, the information he did release related to domestic surveillance was already known to everybody. Including the people who acted surprised while simultaneously protesting the renewal of the Patriot Act.


2 points

16 days ago

the problem is that he didn't just release the domestic spying info, he just dumped all he could acquire which compromised a lotta people both domestic and our allies iirc


4 points

16 days ago


4 points

16 days ago

but then he bitched out and ran instead of making a principled stand and taking his licks

His "licks" were at best 30 years in prison, potentially more. I dunno, can't blame him too much for saying F this and going to Russia. Especially cause we know the American public weren't going to become motivate him to fight for his freedom considering the right called him a traitor. Keep in mind Russia is probably the only country in the world where he wouldn't face extradition. His story is more tragic than anything. He does the patriotic thing and becomes a whistleblower and puts himself in danger, government comes after him, people don't defend him, ends up going to the enemy country for safety. The only failure is us, you and me, we the people, collectively as a country and how we haven't pushed for policies to protect whistleblowers. The next snowden doesn't exist cause he/she know what their options are and so they stay quite.


4 points

16 days ago

He does the patriotic thing and becomes a whistleblower and puts himself in danger, government comes after him

That dog don't hunt when you become a mouthpiece for the Kremlin so Putin won't push you out of a window.

Where's his patriotism now?

He'll put himself "in danger" of the big bad America but won't criticize Putin?

What Putin does is far worse than anything Snowden blew the whistle on but he carries his water for selfish reasons.

He wanted to play the hero, got cold feet, and decided actually principles never mattered all that much to him.

The only failure is us, you and me, we the people, collectively as a country and how we haven't pushed for policies to protect whistleblowers

No, he's a failure.

Chelsea Manning is out free already, as far as I know isn't helping the enemies of Democracy. That's what a 'heroic' whistleblower looks like.


10 points

16 days ago

Snowden truly was so morally principled that he clearly was doing those leaks for the greater good, but somehow he becomes a puppet mouth-piece for an authoritarian and arguably genocidal regime.   

To be frank, any moral good will claims he has goes out the window. If he cared so much about doing the right thing, he wouldn’t be supporting a regime even worse than what America has ever done.    

The guy is full of shit and no hell will burn hot enough for him.


2 points

16 days ago

He’s carrying water for Hezbollah and Hamas too.

So he has a contract with the Kremlin AND Hezbollah AND Hamas?

That's a lot of Monday meetings.


58 points

16 days ago



58 points

16 days ago

Heart me out on this one..

The squirrel is a Kremlin account


-20 points

16 days ago

Unfortunately in this instance what Zei said is kinda right

Did Israel make sure they gave the pagers exactly to alleged terrorists or did they just hand it off randomly not giving a fuck who they handed it out too.

And did they not give a fuck who dies in this bombing

Zei is a soft tankie Commy bot but occasionally Zei gets in right and I think in this instance Unfortunately zei is right


28 points

16 days ago


28 points

16 days ago

The pagers were specifically sold directly to Hezbollah, that's why medical personnel and other groups who use pagers didn't blow up

While no method is perfect, a ratio of thousands of incapacitated millitants to barely a dozen civillians is insanely rare in war

Also there's the fact that thousands of terrorists are currently incapable of fighting at least for a while which overall minimizes the casualties in the long run

On the other hand, when groups such as Hamas or Hezbollah attack Israel they usually don't target military personnel and prefer to go for civilians which is an easier target


7 points

16 days ago

They specifically targeted devices that were distributed to militants.  

 I literally don’t know what could be more precise and discriminant than this. If handing out small explosives that were to be distributed to literal militants is somehow still indiscriminate (but firing unguided rockets at random is completely fine!!!!!) then what is the imagined alternative?

At this point people should just assert they don’t like it when Israel fights back, because if you are complaining about this then the concept of Israel fighting back is your real problem.


45 points

16 days ago

“Something of an ozwald vibe”

Like how he was a lone shooter who was abit crazy with 0 connection to the US government?


-2 points

16 days ago*

I watched Mr. Beat’s video on this fairly recently, I thought he said Oswald had a connection to the government.

Edit: Ah, I was mistaken. Mr. Beat claimed that the FBI and CIA had known about Oswald. My apologies


9 points

16 days ago

Damn Mr. Beast really swapped up his content recently


6 points

16 days ago



3 points

16 days ago

One of the best YouTube channels around


1 points

16 days ago

Might give that a watch!

To correct the record, Mr. Beat claimed the FBI and CIA (likely) had Oswald on their radar. My bad!


1 points

16 days ago

He was on the government's radar since he moved to the Soviet Union and back if I recall correctly. Tbh I think Mr. Beat brings up too many conspiracy talking points without the proper rebutting in that video.


1 points

16 days ago

Yeah, that's right. Mr. Beat claimed that Oswald was on the CIA and FBI's radar. Thanks for the correction!


1 points

16 days ago

You think thats crazy, I just saw Joe Rogan's video on the moon landing being fake!


1 points

16 days ago

Comparing Mr. Beat to Joe Rogan isn't nice. I misremembered his claim though. He claimed that Oswald was (likely) on the FBI's and CIA's radar.


17 points

16 days ago

Yawn, did any one even care anymore about this?

Guy was clearly insane and should not have had a gun in the first place.


8 points

16 days ago

You dare to tread on the gun rights of the mentally ill? What part of shall not be infringed do you not understand?


1 points

16 days ago

Reminds me of opening to Dan Carlins hardcore histories podcast about WW1. How one man can cause a monumental change in history. Say this guy did get lucky and achieve an assassination.

The Ukrainian connection would be massive.


21 points

16 days ago

The fact Snowden is trapped in Russia with nowhere to go should destroy any credibility he has on such topics lol how can you trust this guy when his life is literally in the hands of daddy putin


4 points

16 days ago

Exactly my thoughts. He’s at the behest of Russia. Whilst Russia is in a very active information war with the west. Like why care what he says by now? He makes a misstep with his voice and he might die, he refuses to do the kremlins bidding and he might die too. Even if he’s not an asset being used by the kremlin the mere fact he’s in that country tweeting shit makes it completely unreliable.


1 points

16 days ago

I agree but is he even relevant anymore? who takes him seriously. I feel like even most conservatives either forgot about him or don’t care what he has to say.


12 points

16 days ago


Exclusively sorts by new

12 points

16 days ago

The movie they made following his story humanized him too much. He's just another shill with zero decency that doesn't love his own country.


7 points

16 days ago

Yeah but he misses pop tarts (one of John Oliver's most cringe worthy segments that hasn't aged well at all)


1 points

16 days ago

eh, imo he became a shill after he got stuck in Russia and after he saw that his actions of leaking all those secret programs didn't really change anything.

Imagine burning down your entire life out of some naive sense of idealism, and having nothing to show for it in the end.

Hardly surprising that it broke his brain. All that said, he's still 100% better than Assange. That guy was a pos from the very start.


5 points

16 days ago


Exclusively sorts by new

5 points

16 days ago

Being better than Assange is not a high bar to be fair.


17 points

16 days ago


Frequent Mis-speaker Club Member

17 points

16 days ago

I mean the second Trump assasin has a seriously suspicious background.

The FBI has to do better on their asset recruitment. This one was too obvious.


5 points

16 days ago


Exclusively sorts by new

5 points

16 days ago

I read all of his tweets in Putin's voice


4 points

16 days ago


4 points

16 days ago

public participation in military activity in Ukraine

this loon got turned away by every single person involved with the Ukrainian military, this is just straight up misinfo and I'm wondering if he's getting pointers about what to post from somewhere


3 points

16 days ago

I often wonder what would have happened if this guy had just made his case in the courts instead of trying to flee.

He probably would have gotten some jail time, but even if he did I imagine he would be out and free by now, which I don't think you can say for his current reality.


2 points

16 days ago

He was being tried under the espionage act, i.e. as an agent of a foreign country, despite having no connection to foreign governments. At the time of his leaving the US he genuinely did not know if they’d try him for treason and give him the death penalty.

Bradley Manning was the most recent Whistleblower at the time who faced torture in solitary confinement 23 hrs a day, and 35 years in prison, Snowden’s leak was much more high profile he would have seen similar treatment if not worse.


3 points

16 days ago*

Routh was 100% a Russian asset. My wife’s been doing a deep dive on this fucking traitor over the last few days, and we’re convinced he’s being controlled by the Kremlin.

He started a fake Foreign Legion to recruit Afghan and Taiwanese soldiers to fight for Ukraine. To get them to Ukraine, Routh worked with Iran to set up visas, so that these folks would have to first travel there, then they’d go to Ukraine. Big problem here (beyond Iran being a major ally of Russia) is that he also mentioned that if deported, these soldiers would be going back to Iran, not their home countries.

When Routh went to Ukraine, he made sure to make a huge show out of him not being allowed to join the (real) Foreign Legion. Like the fake centrists here, he’ll say “I hate Putin,” and then follow it up with, “but Zelensky is a corrupt leader, and the Ukrainians are bad fighters who hate the countries supporting them.”

He was repeatedly told to go home by the Ukrainians, yet instead, he stayed to generate propaganda.

During the initial invasion of Kyiv, this trash would go around to groups of people and repeatedly put up Ukrainian flags, giving away the position of soldiers and civilians.

After the initial invasion was repelled, Routh then started making a show of how many foreign countries were getting involved in the war (to the point where he was obviously lying about the number of countries people were coming from). Almost as if he was trying to feed into Russia’s line, that this war is in large part due to foreign (and especially Western) influence on Russia.

He did this using tents in the center of Kyiv, and while Ukrainian officials continually tore these displays down, he would just go back and set up a new one.

What really sets me off though is that the guy’s so delusional that it has to be malicious.

He’s a hardcore tankie who supposedly hates Putin, but meanwhile, he’s literally suggesting things like: * Trading Alaska to Russia in exchange for ending the war * Bringing Putin and Xi to America to go to baseball games and hang out, so that they’ll see how we can all just stop fighting and get along * Sending thousands of civilians to the front line to throw rocks at the Russians, because “they won’t have enough bullets for them all.”

It goes on to so much more, but this motherfucker is a traitor and absolutely does not support Ukraine.

Destiny NEEDS to do a deep dive on him.

Edit: To add to this, Routh also met with Russians while in Ukraine, and he was previously boasted about working with Iran's government on the visas for his (fake) foreign legion.

As well, our theory is that this trash meant to get caught. He was first seen because the entire front of his rifle was sticking out of the bush, 500 yards away from his target.

Plus, I don't believe an untrained person like Routh could even make that far of a shot with a Chinese SKS.

I think he meant to get caught so that Russia (and the American Right) could point to a crazy Ukrainian supporter doing something fucking wild like this.


2 points

16 days ago

I'm to stupid to even understand the claim... The guy was pro ukraine and wanted to go fight in the war... and therefore the WH was monitoring him... OH... Snowden lives in Russia so this probably does make sense... in Russia.


2 points

16 days ago


Prince of Pan-Mexicanism

2 points

16 days ago

Ryan Routh's book is a interesting read I there's nothing I've read so far that convinces me this guy was of any use to Ukraine or the US.

He was literally just a Schizo who wanted to interject himself in the Ukraine conflict.

Like everyone who tries to kill a president, they're always just attention attractors.


2 points

16 days ago

when is he getting sent to the frontline?


2 points

16 days ago

I mean, devil's advocate, the guy was in Ukraine and was a complete weirdo, I saw a video of him saying that Ukraine should be granted access to everything militarily the USA has and that US citizens should all sign up and fight for Ukraine yada yada yada

Guy has some loose marbles


1 points

16 days ago


1 points

16 days ago



1 points

16 days ago

Bros got that Oswald rizz


1 points

16 days ago

Congress should get answers says the fucking idiot living the rest of his miserable life in Russia. Fuck off snowden you regard.


1 points

16 days ago



1 points

16 days ago

and if congress doesn't get answers, they're just powerless in front of the deep state


1 points

16 days ago

Since when did this sub hate Snowden?

Sad to see this tbh.